von BK-Christian | 12.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Robot Fight Club: Kickstarter läuft

Needy Cat Games haben einen Brettspiel-Kickstarter gestartet.

Und darum geht es:

NCG Need Cat Games Robot Fight Club 1

Fight for THRILLS, fight for GLORY but most of all, fight for FUN because robot fighting is AWESOME!

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Robot Fight Club is a two-player arena combat game, with each player controlling a pair of customised robots. Gameplay is fast and tactical – grid movement and directional damage make positioning vital, while simultaneous action selection invites you to second-guess your opponent. You can only activate one of your robots each round, so weigh your options carefully! There are plenty of juicy decisions and loads of opportunities to take big risks.

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At the start of each game, you’ll assemble your team of robots from six chassis units and a randomised assortment of upgrade systems. You can build a team that’s optimised towards one thing – collecting scrap, attacking at range, avoiding damage – or a pair of all-rounders that cover each other’s weaknesses. The selection of parts that is available to you changes each time you play, requiring new strategies and approaches. For players who want to get straight into the action, the rulebook also includes Quickstart teams – these are ideal for your first game, or if you’re after a quick bout.

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Das ist drin:

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The Extra Credit expansion will come with 2 new characters and new Innovation cards. It’ll also come with team-up cards that players can shuffle into their control decks to get some awesome tag-team moves going between their two robots. There will also be new challenge cards that you can complete to earn extra scrap during bouts.

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Ein Preview-Video gibt es auch:


The arena is scattered with obstacles, which block movement and attacks, and activation pads, which let you activate your robots’ Upgrade Systems (they’re all offline at the start of the bout).


Each player controls a team of two robots, each one built from one of six possible chassis units. The units all have their own unique abilities and control cards, so building your team presents you with plenty of choices. You might pair up Sprinter with Juggernaut,  for a mix of supreme mobility and brute strength. On the other hand, you could use Surplus’ onboard cannon to take pot shots from afar while Beagle dashes around gathering the scrap you shoot off your opponents!


Each chassis unit has its own deck of six unique Control Cards. At the start of each bout you’ll shuffle these together to make your Control Deck.

Each round, both players choose a Control Card from their hand, and reveal them simultaneously. The player whose card has the highest activation speed takes their turn first. On your turn, you’ll make a combination of Manoeuvre and Attack actions, determined by the Control Card you chose. Below, you can see an example of Beagle taking a turn.


Each chassis unit has its own onboard weapon, and can be upgraded to have additional weapon systems. Making an attack is as easy as choosing a weapon, looking at its attack grid to see which squares it targets and inflicting the amount of damage shown to those squares.

Die vollständigen Previewregeln könnt ihr HIER herunterladen.

Die Kampagne läuift noch 19 Tage.

Quelle: Robot Fight Club


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Optik und das Spielfeld sehen schon arg nach dem alten Robowars aus… aber mit komplexerem Kampfsystem. Hm, wenn ich mir was in der Richtung kaufen würde, dann wohl das „Original“.

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