von BK-Herr Kemper | 07.10.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Fantasy

RN Estudio: Oktober Patreon

RN Estudio zeigt Previews der Miniaturen ihres Oktober Patreons.

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RN Estudio – Oktober Patreon

„Sailing the Seas“

  • Captain Quidd (Squid Pirate):
Old seatales tell of a cursed ship that has to sail the seven seas until the oceans run dry. The ghostly ‚Kraken‘ is said to be commanded by a creepy captain, half undead human and half cuttlefish. Noone remembers the crime for which he and his ship were punished with his terrible curse, but the harbor pubs are full of the stories of the recent pirate adventures of him and his crew. Only those brave or desperate enough crew his ship for the thwarts every deal he makes in the most cruel way possible.
  •   Billy the Bone (Undead Pirate):
Billy was once a human pirate that sailed the great green for plunder. He was cursed by a seawitch he crossed when taking her hostage to unliving death. Thus he experienced the sinking of his ship when it was sunk by a naval squadron of frigates. For decades Billy was bound to the deck until Captain Quidd hired him for his crew. Now again he sails the sea for plunder…
  •   Neredia (Mermaid):
Some say a real Mermaid is accompanying the crew of the ‚Kraken‘. What magic or curse is binding Neredia to the ship or her grisly captain is a story untold. Some say she is the very figurehead of the ‚Kraken‘ coming to life. Others mention an unholy pact the mermaid may have agreed to serve for a century and a day, in order to free her human lover, who is said to be imprisoned in the bunk of the ship.
  •   Shelly (Female Canonier):
Shelly is a hot tempered, cheerful, hot pirate girl, who likes the cannonblast and the roaring of the broadsides as much as she likes good drink and company in the taverns. This lady takes her share of treasure to live her life to the fullest without caring for tomorrow. At that she is one of the best canoneers around, cripling enemy ships by blowing down their masts with the uproll and sending them to the bottom of the sea by aiming below the waterline. At what exactly Shelly is aiming in her life stays a mystery.
  • Stella Marissa (Shotgun Pirategirl):
Stella Marissa was named after the stellar constellation which is seen in the sky of the southern seas. In her youth it was clear to her she would sail the seas and thus she learned to steer a boat almost as soon as she could walk. Within the pirate brotherhood she is known for her elegant style of clothing and her deck-sweeping shotgun, which she prefers over the cutlass at her side. How she became a member of Captain Quidd’s crew is a tale unknown.
  • Irvid (Human Gunfighter):
A slender, pale, young man, who seldom speaks, in a worn uniform of the naval forces. Always accompanied by his pair of guns, which he draws with a lightning fast quickness. Irvid is known to let his guns speak for him whenever he is crossed in a wrong way. There are tales his pistols are the devil’s work and always hit what he is aiming at, but they came for the price of shooting his best friend or his girl at who he aimed accidentally.
  • Hooks (Female Ogre Pirate):
In former days Hooks used to run a harbour tavern. After this life became too boring for her, she hired to a whaling ship as a harpooneer. It was then she lost her right hand to the bite of an angry dreadwhale, she slew afterwards with the anchor of the sloop. Her hand was replaced with a wicked hook and the anchor she kept for melee. In the years to come she enhanced her handycap so today she can swap her hook for a handcannon if the need arises.
  • Badolff ‚Peg Leg‘ (Dwarven Ship’s Cook):
When his twin brother Madolff decided to sail the sea, there was no question if Badolff would sail with him. Although Badolff doesn’t care about nautical calculations or ship to ship tactics he fills out one of the most important posts upon the ‚Kraken‘ in order to preserve the strength and morale of the crew: the post as the ship’s cook. A grizzled veteran of many a boarding action he chops enemy sailors as easy with his cleaver as octopuss or shark for the next stew.
  • Madolff ‚One Eye‘ (Dwarven First Mate):
Many dwarves shun the water. Even more so oceans of it. But the dwarven twins Madolff and Badolff nevertheless sail the seas as pirates for decades now. How they became seamen is a story untold and even more mysterious how they came to join the crew of the ‚Kraken‘. Still Madolff or ‚One Eye‘, as he is called by his subordinate shipmen and – women, rose to the position of First Mate on the accursed ship of Captain Quidd.
  • Maridy (Female Pirate Officer): 
Maridy is an infamous pirate well known to command her own ship together with her best friend, Boni. This pirate dreamteam seized several merchant ships and their cargo. Unfortunately they were seperated when their ship got lost in a tropical hurricane which broke the ship in half. When Maridy awoke on a deserted island she swore by the sea to find and retrieve her best friend even at the cost of her very soul. Rumor has it at exactly that moment she spied the sails of the ‚Kraken‘ at the horizon…

Link: RN Studio auf Patreon

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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