Raygun Raptors: STL Kickstarter läuft
Galactic Laser Raptors from Outer Space!
Klingt wie das neue Album von Gloryhammer, ist aber ein Kickstarter!
The Raygun Raptors are an original new race that you can introduce to your tabletop games. A force of ruthless shock troopers combining the predatory animal with high technology. Armed with sickle claws and razor sharp teeth, they are a threat to any opponent. And that’s before you add the guns – exotic energy weapons, laser blasters, or more conventional weapons like machine guns and grenade launchers. Clever girls indeed.
The scientific name for the species is Dromaeosaurid Astroraptor. But are they alien raiders? Genetically engineered super soldiers? Invaders from an alternate timeline, where the dinosaurs never became extinct? Or perhaps escapees from a bio-lab, where doomed scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should. It’s your army – it’s up to you!
The aim of this project is to create a large collection of 3D printable miniatures ready for you to print at home on a 3D printer. Backers will receive the model files in STL format. Printed at their default scale, the miniatures stand between 27-33mm high, to the top of the head. Please note: no physical miniatures are available as rewards in this campaign.
The models have been designed to print well on both FDM and SLA/DLP machines. They have been tested on an Ultimaker 3, a Prusa Mini as well as the low price Monoprice Mini Delta. Details and features have been scaled keeping in mind the limitation of FDM printers and the typical 0.4mm nozzles. Supports will be required, but only the „over the build-plate“ kind, not on top of printed parts. This makes them easy to remove and ensures the best surface quality. Where necessary, models have been split up. Models that aren’t split-up are also provided, for use with SLA/DLP printers, or those hobbyists that want simpler assembly. Pre-supported versions will also be provided, with supports generated in Chitubox.
The heads are separate from the bodies and poseable, meaning no two raptors ever have to be the same. Weapons are separate too, allowing you to choose each raptor’s load-out.
So fire up your Photons and engage the Enders. Whatever you’re priniting on, the Raygun Raptors will soon be ready to conquer the galaxy.
Und darum geht es im Detail:
The rank and file of Raygun Raptor armies is made up of Troopers – light infantry who go into battle armed the versatile laser carbine. Some prefer the classics however, and may carry a shotgun instead.
Ranger units are the fast moving vanguard of Raygun Raptor armies. They are armed with a variety of pistols and gauntlet mounted blades, making them deadly in close range combat.
Specialist Gunners can be equipped with a wide range of weapons, ready to meet any challenge. Meanwhile Heavy Weapon Teams provide devastating fire from emplaced positions. There are two Specialist Gunner poses, and each can be armed with one of three different weapons, for a total of six. These can be magnetised. The Heavy Weapon Teams have a choice of five weapons. Three of these share the same tripod mount and so can also be magnetised.
The miniatures below are planned as stretch goals.
Leading a Raygun Raptor strike force is a commander, often accompanied by a supporting unit, consisting of a radio operator, standard bearer and a medic.
Not all Raygun Raptors embrace technology – some live much like their prehistoric ancestors. Not that this makes them any less dangerous. Many enemies realised too late that a sharp talon can be just as deadly as a laser cannon.
The elite soldiers of the Raygun Raptors. Clad in heavy armour and carrying supercharged laser weapons, these dinos are both tougher and more deadly. The Stormtroopers unlock three new weapons, and can use other pistols and specialist weapons too, where applicable.
The Stormtroopers get their own up-armoured and up-gunned version of the command squad.
The set comes with a large number of weapons, with even more waiting to be unlocked via stretch goals. Some of the weapons can even be magnetised, allowing you to swap between them (3x1mm magnets required, not included).
Die Stretch Goal Einheiten wurden schon freigeschaltet:
There are a lot of extras planned as stretch goals, expanding the army in exciting ways. With all of them unlocked you will receive more than double the number of miniatures, compared to the core set! Here’s a summary:
All the stretch goals are now unlocked in just three days! But stay tuned – there are plans to add more.
Furthermore I will soon be making this trio of raptor mech pilots free to download, allowing you to model Raygun Raptors commanding SCAMP mechs.
Gedruckte Beispiele:
Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 25 Tage.
Quelle: Raygun Raptors: Army of 3D Printable Sci-Fi Miniatures
Lustig aber nein .
Oh wie süüüüß *quietsch*
Gut dass ich mir den Drucker bisher verkniffen habe 😀
Die Idee ist nett. Aber da ich weiterhin keinen 3D-Drucker habe, sind Kickstarter mit 3D Drucker Dateien für mich weiterhin nicht interessant.
Auch wenn die Möglichkeit besteht die ausgedruckten Sachen zu kaufen? Ich selbst arbeite grad an einem Kickstarter.
Ich fände das eine interessante Option! Wäre vielleicht nicht hier, aber bestimmt bei anderen STLs zum Drucken dabei
Schade….verdammter m*St.. Jetzt einen 3d Drucker..
Das waren die perfekten hilfstruppen für meine Tau
Die Saurier gefallen mir richtig gut! Schade, dass ich keinen Platz für einen 3D Drucker habe. Ich wünsche allen einen schönen Sonntag.
Filty Xeno-Scum.
Mir gefallen die richtig gut und der Preis geht auch absolut in Ordnung.
Das sind doch die, die in unserer Erde leben und Merkel fernsteuern. Hmm.
Perfekt für the Viking Age würde ich sagen.
Ja, dann ist wieder Hammer Time.
Fehlt nur noch der Triceracop.
Im Bekanntenkreis bleiben 90% der gekauften Minis unbemalt. Vermutlich ist die Quote beim Druck nicht besser^^
Ungedruckte STLs lassen sich aber besser lagern als unbemalte Figuren. 😉