von BK-Christian | 04.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Privateer Press: Previews

Privateer Press zeigen weitere Bilder zu Warcaster Neo Mechanika.

As promised, here is the first look at the complete Aeternus Continuum Command Group, painted by Privateer studio painter, Jordan Lamb!

PiP Warcaster Preview Modelle 4

If you haven’t had a chance to watch Jordan demonstrate his fantastic painting techniques, check him out on our Get Your Paint On! series of tutorial videos on the Privateer Press YouTube channel.

Also, if you didn’t catch sculptor Doug Hamilton’s Insider and the first look at the Vassal Witch Hunters today, you can find that at PrivateerPress.com News.

Early next week, we will have detailed information on the Pledge Manager and how you will go about choosing your rewards. In order to provide maximum flexibility in making choices, it’s become a mighty project, but we believe you’ll be pleased with the control you have over your selections. We’ll have a series of updates for you ahead of the launch that will walk you through each of the steps, so whether you’re brand new to Kickstarter or a veteran backer of many projects, you’ll have everything you need to know to lock in your rewards.

Until then, be safe and well wherever you are!

Matt Wilson

Chief Creative Officer

Zum Scourge Warjack gibt es außerdem noch weitere Bilder:

PiP Warcaster Preview Modelle 5 PiP Warcaster Preview Modelle 6

Genau wie zu den Witch Hunters:

PiP Warcaster Preview Modelle 1 PiP Warcaster Preview Modelle 2 PiP Warcaster Preview Modelle 3

Maybe we’re deep enough into 2020 for a full year-in-review, but dammit, this is my Insider, so I can do what I want.…

I started out the year by completing the sculpts of Archnumen Aurora, the Negation Angels, and Prefect Hypatia for Convergence of Cyriss. I was especially happy to have worked on these projects, as it allowed me to revisit the first WARMACHINE model I ever sculpted: Aurora. But I’d also been seeing all of the new art for Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika, and my mind was distracted—I really wanted to work on that project.

As the company was ramping up the efforts on the new game and my current projects were winding down, it was finally time to discuss Warcaster sculpts. One of the things I enjoy most about working for and with Matt Wilson is that we’re both artists and are close enough in age that we have similar influences, which makes it easier for us to have shorthand discussions about upcoming projects. So, when I asked Warcaster Factions, Matt described Aeternus Continuum, finishing his description with, “You know—your kind of people.”

Warcaster was already at full speed when I started in on Aeternus Continuum, so I was behind before I even started (now you know why they release in wave 2!). The next two months were all about high-pressure deadlines to get the models done, but I knew I was not alone—everyone working on Warcaster, from sculptors to developers to 2d artists, were putting in the extra time to bring the game together.

One of the units available through Kickstarter, the Vassal Witch Hunters squad, wasn’t done quite in time to show the renders during the Kickstarter campaign itself. They’re very similar in style to the first Vassal Reavers squad, so this seems like a good place to share a sneak peek of how they’ll likely look when finished.

Von der Produktion gibt es auch News:

Greeting Warcasters!

Like everyone around the world, we are battling the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis. But we wanted to take a moment to show you that Warcaster is well underway. Here are a few bins of the first Marcher Worlds Dusk Wolf warjack parts produced in the foundry!

PiP Warcaster Preview Modelle 7

And here is a shot of what they look like coming out of the mold, still hot!

PiP Warcaster Preview Modelle 8

We’ll share more progress shots and information in the coming weeks as various aspects of the rewards develop, so stay tuned!

Meanwhile, like many of you, we were crushed that we could not attend Adepticon this year, especially as we had big plans to be showing off our very first Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika miniature: a variant Marcher Worlds Coalition Weaver. But we’re not keeping it under wraps — she’s available now on the Privateer Press Online Store. We’ve seen some questions about whether or not she’ll be available in the pledge manager as an Add-On and are happy to say that’s no problem! For those wanting to consolidate their shipments, she’ll ship with Wave 1. But for those who can’t wait to get a jump on building their Marcher Worlds battle force, this Weaver is ready to get in the fight!

PiP Warcaster Preview Modelle 9

We hope that you and all your loved ones are safe and well and look forward to sharing more good news about Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika in the very near future!

All the best,

Matt Wilson

Und dann sind da noch News zum MiniCrate:

Pip Privateer Press Mini Crate Preview 1

While my work on Warcaster wasn’t entirely finished (I was working on another type of infantry—but the specifics of that are for another time), I needed to get started on a set of new projects. It is always and exciting time for me to get new projects, and I had my eye on a few I knew were coming up! Note that these projects are still very early on in thee process, but in true Hamilton style, I’ll still drop some hints.

At my very first Lock & Load, I was able to share the work I was doing on a WARMACHINE warcaster, and the public’s reaction left me floating happily through the halls of the Red Lion Inn where the con was being held. Now MiniCrate is a great platform to do an updated version of this ’caster!

And finally, one of my absolute favorite sculpts to do is our Annual Gen Con model, which is usually a great twist on or a unique version of one of our iconic models. I’ve been fortunate enough to work on the Gen Con model nearly every year since joining Privateer Press in 2013, and this year, I get the honor again by sculpting this year’s release. My sole hint here: it’s a Faction I’ve done a high percentage of the models for!

Finally, I’m working on Riot Quest model that’s part of my all-time favorite Faction. If you know my preferences, I’m sure you can guess where she fits in…

Well, that brings you up to date on my projects! I will certainly share more behind-the-scenes notes when I am allowed to (and sometimes even when I’m not)…

Quelle: Warcaster Neo-Mechanika Kickstarter

Quelle: Privateer Press


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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