von BK-Bob | 25.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Pulp, Warmachine

Privateer Press: April Neuheiten

Privateer Press haben neues für ihre Systeme im Store.

PiP Negation Angels

Negation Angels – 27,99$

Meticulously designed and engineered to adhere to Aurora’s divinely inspired vision, the negation angels comprise the archnumen’s personal host. Peerless in their perfection, each angel is inhabited by a fearless and noble soul handpicked by Aurora herself.

Negation Angels are an excellent addition to the Convergence arsenal and a perfect complement to armies that utilize Clockwork Angels (PIP 36003). Unlike their Clockwork sisters, the Negation Angels are more melee-oriented, capable of dealing respectable damage when swarming an enemy. Most important of the Negation Angels’ abilities is their Paralysis-causing melee attacks, which can either help set up a kill stroke or prevent the enemy from effectively counterattacking.

PiP Archnumen Aurora

Archnumen Aurora – 84,99$

Second only to the Iron Mother in her command of the Convergence of Cyriss, Aurora has been elevated to the rank of archnumen, and with that rise, her battle armor has been reformed to match the archnumen’s increasingly formidable nature. Aurora is joined by her most trusted and beloved lieutenant, Prefect Hypatia, to lead a host of negation angels into battle at the archnumen’s side.

This box set not only includes the new warcaster Archnumen Aurora but a powerful character solo in Prefect Hypatia and a unit of deadly Negation Angels. This box is unique in that it acts as a sort of “mini-starter” for a player looking to begin building an army led by the new Aurora.

Aurora herself is a Mercenary Warcaster with Partisan Convergence, meaning she can be used as the primary warcaster in either a Mercenary or Convergence army. While Prefect Hypatia and the Negation Angels are Convergence models, a new dual faction theme force is forthcoming that will allow them to work alongside Archnumen Aurora in certain Mercenary armies.


Archnumen Aurora

Prefect Hypatia

Negation Angels (3)

PiP Leviathron

Triton Monster: Leviathron – 26,99$

Crashing onto the shore like a nightmare from ancient mythology, Leviathron boggles the modern mind. Primitive bony fish have long been established as part of the fossil record, and massive sharks are known to have hunted in ancient oceans, but nothing could have prepared the civilized world for this creature’s arrival. Tides swell in the monster’s presence, perhaps indicating that nature itself fights alongside this brute. Ponderous on land like its fellow sea creatures, this monster bites huge chunks out of its enemies while the armored body of Leviathron seems able to absorb amounts of damage that would fell most of the other giants taking part in the Monsterpocalypse.

Leviathron is a defensive monster that can be added to any Protectors force. Where other defensive monsters have ways of shutting off the damage potential of enemy attacks, this monster simply absorbs damage, shrugging off hits that would send other monsters straight into hyper form. His King Tide ability increases the speed of Triton units in his force and allows them to hide in any available water. Leviathron’s huge claw fins are capable of taking out any grouped units in destructive Chain Reactions, and his formidable teeth are capable of Crunching through the bodies of monstrous foes.

PiP The Wastelander

The Wastelander – 12,99$

From beyond the Stormlands comes the Wastelander. He is a ronin efaarit who has traveled to the ruins of western Immoren from the void-cursed nightmare that is the fallen Skorne Empire. The Wastelander cares not about childish ideals such as “good” or “evil”; he will work for anyone and for any reason…if the pay is good. Charging into battle with his massive mekitana, the Wastelander deflects bullets, blades, and bombs back at his assailants before slicing into them and carrying on to the next enemy in his sights.

The Wastelander is a Rogue Class Hero with excellent melee offense and some powerful utility. Thanks to his Deflect ability, there is a chance that any Enemy targeting the Wastelander or one of his nearby allies ends up shooting themselves in the foot instead. Literally.

This model is fully compatible in WARMACHINE & HORDES in which it is a Minion Efaarit Solo that will work for Circle, Grymkin, Legion, Skorne, and Trollbloods.

Quelle: Privateer Press


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ach, Privateer Press…

    Mal wieder eine Elite-Einheit aus 3 Modellen mit einer Dopplung drin. Die Firma entwickelt sich designtechnisch einfach nicht weiter.

    • Denke das wird in Zukunft besser werden. Bei dem Sci-Fi Spiel hat man das ja mit entsprechenden Einheitengrößen gelöst. Sieht in dem Fall hier aber mal wieder besonders traurig aus…

      • Sind das nicht auch in dem Sci Fiction Spiel 3er Einheiten genau wie bei dieser Einheit hier?

  • 3er Einheiten mit 3 verschiedenen Modellen halt 😀 wenn ich das richtig verstehe ist 3 auch die maximale Größe für Einheiten bei Neo-Mechanika.

    • Hoffen wir es mal.

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