von BK-Christian | 05.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Pirates of the Dread Sea: Kickstarter

Ein bald endender Kickstarter sucht Finanzierer.

This is a campaign to add Orcs, Goblins, Skrier (the squid headed ones), Fairies and Narwhals to Pirates of the Dread Sea. Pirates of the Dread Sea is a fast paced and fun tabletop skirmish wargame featuring crews of fantasy pirates.

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The Skrier Crew

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(Most of) The Orc and Goblin Crew

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This guy will finish off he Orc and Goblin crew, he just needed a little bit more work to finish

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Fairies can transmogrify into smaller versions of themselves – making them the perfect assassins. 2 Fairies of each size come in the pledge.

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With our usual 3d printers furloughed, these were done on a home printer and as sch do not represent finished quality

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Fairies can transmogrify into tiny versions!

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Narwhal and spikey headed anger fish (aka also a narwhal)

What’s this game all about then?

New around here? Here’s a gameplay vid with Rich! There’s other stuff on the YouTUbe channel that might help too and do feel free to ask any questions

Rules Supplement: Hunted

The first rules supplement for Pirates of the Dread Sea, Hunted, can also be pledged for on it’s own for £6 or by adding £6 to any other pledge level. It is included in the sweet spot.

The supplement contains all new, full colour art, plus all the rules for fairies, narwhals, Ghost and Vampire pirates as well as NPC’s like Gorgons and Harpies.

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Ghost Pirate

You can add the rulebook, tokens and other crews (Undead, Human and Dwarf) – everything you need to play Pirates of the Dread Sea to your Kickstarter reward – just check out the add-ons section.


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Cabin Boy Mike has never and never will be for sale. He is given to people who help us out. We’ll add him to your pledge if you share that you have pledged on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc), on a forum or by any other means so long as you can screenshot it or take a picture!


Shipping is not being charged at this stage, and will be charged when we launch a backer survey when the project funds. As such, please bear this in mind, especially if ordering from the United States, as the costs for us to ship from the UK to the US increased on July 1st.


Hurrah! We are funded, and in under 72 hours too! That’s awesome. We’re now adding some stretch goals for extra miniatures which will be designed and made available to you all.

£4500 – Zola, the Gorgon. A NPC who can turn your characters to stone!

£5500 – Pair of Harpies. Yet more NPC’s to bother you!

£6500 – Ghosts! The beginnings of a crew of their own, also able to ally with the Undead (obvs) and Skrier!


New to Pirates of the Dread Seas? Add the rulebook by adding £24 to your pledge, the Human or Undead Crew by adding £24 to you pledge or the dwarf crew by adding £20 to your pledge. Other accessories such as dice and tokens can be found at www.deadearth.co.uk

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Pirates of the Dread Sea Rulebook, had cover, full colour, 100pg. Add £24 to any pledge level.

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The Human Crew, Five single piece metal miniatures, add £24 to any pledge level

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The Undead Crew, five metal, multi-part and single part miniatures. Add £24 to any pledge level (chest sold seperately)

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The Dwarf Crew, 5 Metal Miniatues, add £24 to any pledge level

Previous Kickstarter Exclusives

These three have been available only to backers of our previous Kickstarter campaigns. You can get them now by adding £14 to any pledge level. This will be the last opportunity to get the skeleton and human exclusives for some time and they are not for sale anywhere else.

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Add these 3 miniatures to any pledge for £14

Unpainted miniatures

All miniatures are made of white metal and are supplied unpainted. Skrier miniatures require a small amount of assembly. Our miniatures are high quality and cast by experts in Birmingham.

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  • Skrier harpoonists
  • Goblin with muskey
  • Goblin Captain

Die Kampagne endet in 6 Tagen.

Quelle: Pirates of the Dread Sea: Orc, Goblin and Skrier Pirates


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Also die Zinnminis in den letzen Bildern sehen ja mal furchtbar aus. Da sieht man sämtliche Druckstufen. Sowas muss man einfach ordentlich drucken. Schade um das Geld für die Zinngussform.

  • Was ich viel störender finde als die sichtbaren Drucklayer ist die fehlende Vielfalt. Die Orks und die Skrier unterscheiden sich nur bei den Köpfen merkbar von den Menschen, ist etwas wie bei Star Trek wo ein Knubbel auf der Stirn ausreicht um ein Alien zu sein (Nein, ich will Star Trek nicht schlecht reden 😋). Und dann die Posen, die Mitglieder sämtlicher Crews stehen einfach nur da und halten eine oder zwei Waffen in den Händen, kein Laufen, kein Fechten, stehen nur da wie auf einer langweiligen Party. Dadurch wirkt das alles irgendwie flach und lieblos, finde ich. Vielleicht bin ich auch einfach nicht die Zielgruppe, macht aber nichts, denn dafür bin ich ja schon in der von Freebooters Fate 😁

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