von BK-Bob | 28.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Ouroboros Miniatures: CP Tribes Kickstarter

Ouroboros Miniatures hat zurzeit ein Kickstarter für zwei Cyperpunk Büsten.


Ouroboros Miniatures CP Tribes 1

“Akachi gazed through the lenses of his cybernetic mask, studying the movements of his tribesmen. He saw them moving swiftly and with graceful stealth through the rubble of this concrete jungle. Once this city burned bright, brimming with life but now war and famine had caused its once strong light to turn into a flickering flame. Achachi had led his tribe gloriously into a new era, adapting and evolving while still upholding the old ways of his ancestors. He was sure they were watching him and guiding him on his path. One last great battle against the invaders and they would take this territory as their own and build it from the ground up again…“

Hello everyone,

We are back with CP Tribes, cyberpunk styled busts with influences from the African continent. We took a variety of elements and combined them to create these exotic looking busts. We think they are pretty original (for as far as that can be these days of course!) and we hope that you like them too! This campaign has three new busts to offer. One of them being a stretch goal, which when reached will be entirely free for certain pledge levels…

We hope that with your help we can get this year rolling strongly. Creating busts and miniatures is an expensive business (some would say it’s more my hobby though. to be honest, they are kinda correct! 😛) and we need to work hard to make them happen. So please support us if you can and make this campaign a success!

Ouroboros Miniatures CP Tribes 2

As mentioned this campaign is for two brand new CP Tribes busts. Actually three, but one is a surprise…! 😉

The busts are in 1/10th scale and roughly measure 80/85mm to the top of their heads.


Ouroboros Miniatures CP Tribes 3

Akachi is a shaman and counselllor to the great chieftain Adofo. Under his guidance the tribe has adapted to a new age where technology is a big part of life. Yet he has kept alive the traditions of old and the spirits of his ancestors guide him and the tribe on their path.

We tried to mix classic African elements into a modern setting, such as the mask he wears. It helps him channel his magical energies and allows him to communicate with the spirits that guide him.

This sculpt was wonderously brought to life by Daniel Ciorba.

Ouroboros Miniatures CP Tribes 4

Qinile is a fierce warrior who fights with two plasma knives that will cut through you like butter! Stealthy and ruthless, she stalks her prey and strikes without mercy once she spots an opportunity!

She was beautifully sculpted by Edgar Marocsek.


Aurélian Diot of Deep Space Factory did a tremendous job with the printing of the CP Tribes bust.

Ouroboros Miniatures CP Tribes 5

Akachi print

Ouroboros Miniatures CP Tribes 6

Qinile print


The legendary Sir Castalot has delivered once again! The first test casts I got are simply amazing!!

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Die Pledges:

We have a number of options for pledging in this campaign. Each CP Tribes bust has its own option plus we have made a combo deal for taking both! Adofo and Zahabu (previously released) will be making their appearance as soon as the campaign has funded. We need to fund these first before we can add more spice to the mix…

If you are in from the start of the campaign then you can grab an early bird to get an even better deal!

Edit: some people asked us about Adofo and Zahabu so we decided to add them now rather than wait and have added extra pledge options to get all of them!

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Das Stretch Goal:

Ouroboros Miniatures CP Tribes 36


Shipping will be charged for during the Kickstarter. For all pledges it is €10,- which includes tracking & and insurance.

We have set the delivery date for May 2020. Casting will begin once the campaign is over and only if we have funded. We believe that this is a realistic date after speaking things through with our caster.

The company who handles our shipping proved eleven times already that they do a good job. We have every faith we can deliver on time as we have become quite good at organising and packing. We don’t think there will be a delay in packages going out to backers but would just like to add that delays can happen. Once the shipping company has your parcels, it is out of our control. However we will do everything possible again to fulfill this Kickstarter on time.

Packages can take anywhere from 4-28 (or sometimes even longer!) days to arrive. So please give it some time when we have announced that the packages have been shipped.

Please note that we are not responsible for any customs or other fees that might occur. We do not ship to P.O. boxes!

Miniatures come unpainted and need assembly and some cleaning. They are not toys and might take some expertise to put together.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 7 Tage.

Quelle: CP Tribes Kickstarter


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Was genau, ist eigentlich der Grund, nach der halben Arbeit einfach aufzuhören? Diese Büsten habe ich noch nie verstanden.

    • Ich vermute sehr stark, das die Gründe für eine Büste immer noch genau dieselben sind wie zu Zeiten von Römern und Griechen: der Preis 😉.
      Eine Ganzkörper-Figur in einem gewünschten Maßstab muss sich halt auch wirtschaftlich lohnen und sich verkaufen. Und dieser Ansatz gilt sowohl bei Steinmetzen wie auch bei einem Sculptor wie hier. Bei ersterem treibt das Material und die Arbeitszeit die Kosten in die Höhe, bei den Büsten hier der Aufwand für mehrteilige komplexe Formen und die Arbeitszeiten fürs Sculpten und Gießen. Und dann hat man eine Figur für einen dreistelligen Betrag im Angebot und keiner ist bereit den Preis zu bezahlen.

      • Das liest sich überzeugend. Möglicherweise bin ich damit auch alleine, aber ich will mir kaum amputierte Restkörper aufstellen. Daher geht dieser Markt völlig in mir vorbei. Aber ddanke, für deine Antwort.

    • Aus künstlerischer Sicht kann man auch argumentieren, dass vielleicht die Knie und Füße einfach nicht spannend genug sind um abgebildet zu werden.
      Viele Portraitfotos und -malereien sind ja auch „hüfte aufwärts“. So kriegt man mehr von den spannenden Elementen (Gesicht, Hände v.a.) in erkennbarer Größe in’s Format.

      • Das habe ich mir auch gedacht. Im Gesicht und der Armhaltung findet halt das spannendeste statt. Eine vollständige Figur würde ich mir nicht auf den Schreibtisch stellen. Eine Büste hat dann schon wieder was künstlerisches, die würde ich mir shcon neben den Monitor stellen.

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