von BK-Marcel | 02.09.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck

OPR: September Preview

One Page Rules haben ihre Patreon Goodies für diesen Monat vorgestellt.

Patreon Banner New Sept 1 Empire Render 1 P Bases Render 1 P Horsemen Render 2 P Horsemen Render 3 P Warriors Render 4 P King Render 1 P Assault Render 3 P Assault Render 4 P


Disclaimer: This month’s exclusive files will only be available until the 29th of September, so please make sure to download them before they are removed!

Welcome to the OPR Patreon for September 2020!

This month we’re starting with the release of 2 brand new 3D print armies, as well as the first fleet releases for FTL, both for 2D and 3D printing. There’s a total of 17 models being released, plus a ton of other stuff as well.

The Alien Hives and Mummified Undead are being released in 3 parts, and each month you can expect 1 hero and 2 units for each (so 6-7 models each). This means that if you stick around for the next 3 months, then you’ll have 2 complete new armies. We’re also planning to do something big for the 3rd and final release, so keep your eyes peeled!

The FTL Fleets are being released in 6 parts, and each month you can expect 1 faction with 4 models each. This means that if you stick around for the next 6 months, then you’ll have the full range of models available for all factions.

For those that prefer 2D Printing we’ve got a brand new Grimdark Future army coming with the Infected Colonies. Additionally we’ve also got the first FTL Fleet coming at you, and this is going to work just like for the 3D print fleets, with a new fleet being released each month (giving you the full set in 6 months).

This month you’ll also find a lot of stuff in Early Access, with the Warfleets: FTL rules that will hopefully be completed by the end of September, and Season 1 of our new hex-arena games Grimdark Future: Arena and Age of Fantasy: Arena.

For the narratively inclined, Chapers 1-3 of Jakob’s Path are being released this month, bringing this epic story to its mid-point, as things are getting critical on Zeloria-M5.

Then there’s a lot more stuff too, like all of the Full Rulebooks, Point Calculators, PSD Files, Play Tokens & Ruler, and 20% Discount Code, so it’s going to be yet another content packed month for everyone!

Here’s a full list of everything you get this month:

3D Print: Alien Hives (7 Models)

  • 1 Prime Warrior Hero
  • 3 Assault Grunts
  • 3 Shooter Grunts

3D Print: Mummified Undead (6 Models)

  • 1 Mummy King Hero
  • 3 Skeleton Warriors
  • 2 Skeleton Horsemen

3D Print: Empire Fleet (4 Models)

  • 1 Heavy Ship
  • 1 Medium Ship
  • 1 Light Ship
  • 1 Squadron
  • 5 Bases (Round & Square)

General 3D Print Rewards:

  • OPR Play Tokens & Ruler
  • 20% Discount Code for CGTrader

2D Printing Rewards:

  • Infected Colonies (2 Colors + PSD)
  • Empire Fleet (2 Colors + PSD)
  • Arena Games Templates (PSD)

Early Access Rewards:

  • Warfleets: FTL
  • GF: Arena – Season 1 (beta)
  • AoF: Arena – Season 1 (beta)
  • Jakob’s Path: Chapters 1-3

Full Rulebook Rewards:

  • Grimdark Future
  • Grimdark Future: Firefight
  • Age of Fantasy
  • Age of Fantasy: Skirmish
  • Age of Fantasy: Regiments
  • Point Calculators Rewards:
  • GF + GFF Point Calculator
  • AoF + AoFS + AoFR Point Calculator
  • Army Creation Templates
  • Online Point Calculator (beta)

General Rewards:

  • Patrons-Only Channels on Discord
  • Weekly Development Updates


– Gaetano

Ein Monat bei OPR kostet zwischen 3,48 USD und 11,60 USD.

Link: OPR auf Patreon


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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  • Ihre Regelsysteme gefallen mir echt gut und die kostenlosen Versionen reichen mir völlig.

    Fand bisher deren 3D Modelle nicht so besonders. Die Gruftkönige finde ich jetzt aber mal richtig schick.
    Muss ich mir fann echt mal überlegen, ob ich dir damit unterstützen soll.

  • Ich bin schon sehr gespannt wie sich die Arena Regelwerke entwickeln. Aktuell lesen sich die Beta Regeln wie eine Misschung aus Warhammer Underworlds nur das man statt Decks eine Art Taktikbrett wie in baut und zusätzlich noch die Warbands im Vorfeld in der Komposition und den Upgrades anpasst.
    Lass sich auf jeden Fall spannend. Nächste Woche kann Ich es endlich ausprobieren.

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