von BK-Marcel | 09.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

OPR: Patreon und Update

Das Team hinter One Page Rules hat auf ihrer Webseite ein Update zu Patreon und ihren Regelsystemen gepostet.

Champion Render 1

Hi everyone,
The day has finally come!
In today’s news we’re going to talk about our new adventure into 3D printing, new campaign rules for our games, plus some army updates.
Battle Sisters Champion Released
Today we’re really proud to present to you our first 3D print model available via our Patreon, the mighty Battle Sisters Champion!Lead your Battle Sisters into the slaughter with this epic hero model, ready to crush the foes of the god-queen across the Sirius sector. The model comes with 2 different head designs, a pistol & sword, as well as an optional backpack.

Download the model here

Note that you must be a Tier 3 patron to access to the link above.
This model is going to be available exclusively on Patreon until the end of the month, after which it will go up for sale on our CGTrader store at a higher price.
OPR is just getting started with 3D print models, and the more support we get the more artists we’ll be able to hire to provide you with even more awesome models! 😀

3D Print Store + Free Battle Brother Models

Have a 3D printer but would like to give our models a try before supporting on Patreon?
No problem!
We have just re-released all of our Battle Brothers models with new head designs and more weapon options, and they’re all completely free on out CGTrader store.
Check them out here: https://www.cgtrader.com/onepagerules
These models are extremely versatile, and if you download all 3 packs you’re going to have access to 4 heads, 6 bodies, 10 weapons and 3 bases. This should be more than enough to get you started on your 3D printing journey with OPR!To access our CGTrader store you can also click on the new 3D Print link in the top menu of our website, which will take you straight to it.

3D Print Models for Fantasy
As we mentioned before we’re collaborating with Kyoushuneko Miniatures to release 3D print fantasy miniatures for Age of Fantasy, and today we’ve got some previews of the new Dwarf Lord hero that they’re making for us.
Check out the Patreon here
As per our agreement with them these models will be made available on our Patreon as exclusives as soon as they’re ready, and after one month time they’ll be made available for free on CGTrader.

BerserkerZwerg BerserkerZwerg2

Campaign Rules Updates

On top of all of this awesome new stuff we’re also releasing a new version of the Campaign Rules, which have been adapted to work with Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy, as well as releasing an update for the skirmish versions.

Now you’ll be able to wage epic campaigns of war where your armies evolve, your heroes get injured, and random events can turn the tide of battle!

Here the changelog:

  • Added rules for 4 different campaign length types
  • Added rules for parallel play and late joiners
  • Removed the campaign objectives section
  • Special objectives now always give 10pts
  • Re-worked some special objectives to make them fairer
  • If you roll a special objective that can’t be completed you must re-roll
  • Winning players now get 2VP + 10pts, whilst losing players get 30pts
  • Underdog bonus allows you to modify friendly and enemy rolls now
  • Smashed leg now gives -1.5″/-3″ movement
  • Agile now gives +1.5″/+3″ movement
  • Re-worked the balance of some random events
  • Warband sheets were re-worked to have an xp tracker

Game Updates

Finally we’ve got some army updates as well as a one-off update for you.

The most exciting thing here is that we’re releasing a couple of new units for the Feudal Guard by TMC (patreon.com/themakerscult), which are all pretty damn awesome!

Grimdark Future

Knight Brothers

  • Only one model per unit can be upgraded with Psychic now
  • Purgation Brothers can now take Incinerators

Wolf Brothers

  • Re-worked upgrade lists for Wolf Rookies and Wolf Brothers
  • Wolf Brothers can now take Battle Standards

Feudal Guard

  • Added new units: Feudal Engineers, Heavy Support Vehicle, Heavy Battle Tank
  • Heroes can now be mounted on Feudal Steeds and take Energy Lances

Human Defense Force

  • Executioners, Drill Sergeants and Psychics now all have Assault Rifles (so they can access more upgrades)

Machine Cult

  • Re-worked loadout and upgrades for Destroyer Cyborgs

One-Off Games

War Fleets

  • Re-worked strength when ramming
  • EMP now only affects shooting rolls

2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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