Norba Miniatures: Neue Previews
Norba Miniatures präsentieren neue Fantasy Preview Bilder auf Facebook.
Und der Kickstarter wird sich um ein paar Wochen verschieben.
Here you have the Battle Zeppelin.Includes more elements than the basic one.Its price will be 75 Euros.Remember 5 of september ickstarter
Regiment of the Polish Winged Hussars for our kickstarter.Remember that its price and any of the cavalry will be 25 euros.
Today I have very important news for you.We are delaying the start of the new kikstarter campaign for a few weeks.The reasons are simple. We are making heroes on horses, we are improving the miniatures, including today’s ones, at the same time modifying our website for the launch day, we are going to paint a hero and we want you to be able to enter the campaign in advance.We believe that by waiting a few more weeks, the campaign could be much better.
Quelle: Norba Miniatures auf Facebook
Daran merkt man dann das man alt wird.
Schaute erst auf die Bilder und dachte „Huch die Ritter haben komische Gesichter“.
Bei näherer Betrachtung sind es Skelette und damit ihre gesichter völlig ok…