von BK-Nils | 21.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele

Super Dungeon Explore: Neue Ninjas

Es gibt neue Ninjas als Masterclass Models von Ninja Division für den Chibi-Dungeoncrawler Super Dungeon Explore.

Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Formless Hanzo 1 Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Formless Hanzo 2 Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Formless Hanzo 3

Formless Hanzo – 24,99 USD

Formless Hanzo Limited Edition Masterclass Miniature

Hanzo has been called many things over his long and storied life: master, teacher, monster. His team won the Moonlight Tournament twenty-two years ago through legendary speed and infamous cunning. He displayed all these qualities in the Sun Empire, but added another—treachery—for the first and only time, a Kagejima shinobi decided to stay with the Sun Court.


  • 1x Formless Hanzo Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Formless Hanzo Hero Card
  • 1x 25mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up, and assembly may be required.

Do not put in mouth. Do not put in eyes. Do not put in other people’s mouths or eyes, even if you think it’s a great idea. It really isn’t. Point away from face.

Ages 14+

Not a toy. Choking hazard due to small parts. Product contents may vary from those pictured.

Designed and made in the USA.

Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Goemon 1 Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Goemon 2 Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Goemon 3

Goemon – 19,99 USD

Goemon Masterclass Miniature

Available for the first time and in high detail resin!

Few people have actually met Ishikawa Goemon, but almost everyone knows his name, either from fireside tales or wanted posters. Though a hunted man, Goeman has fought in the last three Moonlight Tournaments, daring authorities to arrest him. None have tried, and this has only emboldened him.


  • 1x Goemon Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Goemon Hero Card
  • 1x 25mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up, and assembly may be required.

Do not put in mouth. Do not put in eyes. Do not put in other people’s mouths or eyes, even if you think it’s a great idea. It really isn’t. Point away from face.

Ages 14+

Not a toy. Choking hazard due to small parts. Product contents may vary from those pictured.

Designed and made in the USA.

Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Blind Swordsman 1 Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Blind Swordsman 2 Ninja Division Super Dungeon Explore Blind Swordsman 3

Blind Swordsman – 19,99 USD

Blind Swordsman Masterclass Miniature

Available for the first time and in high detail resin!

For years, people from every walk of life have employed or assisted this pleasant, helpful man. He has worked as a chef, a healer, a tutor, a masseur, and more. Few people know that the exploitative landlords, corrupt magistrates, bandit leaders, and gangsters left maimed, ruined, or slain in his wake owe their demise to this humble man.


  • 1x Blind Swordsman Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Blind Swordsman Hero Card
  • 1x 25mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up, and assembly may be required.

Do not put in mouth. Do not put in eyes. Do not put in other people’s mouths or eyes, even if you think it’s a great idea. It really isn’t. Point away from face.

Ages 14+

Not a toy. Choking hazard due to small parts. Product contents may vary from those pictured.

Designed and made in the USA.

Quelle: Ninja Division


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Das ist im Moment die einzige Strategie die sie noch haben um die fehlende Kohle zu erhalten um den KS fertig zu bekommen.
      Sie brauchen das Geld. Ein bisschen hat sich auch schon getan aber es geht sehr langsam voran. Und bevor die Finanzen in die fertigstellung des Super Dungeon Explore KS fliessen werden der Way of the Fighter KS und der Relic Knights KS fertig gestellt, da diese Näher am Ziel der Fertigstellung sind. Es kann also noch Jahre dauern und ich bin froh um jede Mini die sie verkaufen können damit ich irgendwann vielleicht doch noch meine KS Sachen bekomme.

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  • Das das Geld für shipping weg ist stört mich am meisten. Da hätte man sich viel früher besinnen müssen.

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