von BK-Nils | 15.01.2020 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele

Ninja Division: Neue Masterclass Miniaturen

Ninja Divison haben neue Masterclass Miniaturen im Programm, mit einem Ausflug in eine weit, weit entfernte Galaxie, ein populäres Videospiel und mehr.

Ninja Divison Chuy And Apprentice 1

Ninja Divison Chuy And Apprentice 2 Ninja Divison Chuy And Apprentice 3  Ninja Divison Chuy And Apprentice 4 Ninja Divison Chuy And Apprentice 5

Chuy and Apprentice – 29,99 USD

Chuy and Apprentice Limited Edition Masterclass Miniatures!

Blasting their way south from Arcadia alongside Steelhorse Candy, Chuy and his misfit sidekick, known only as The Apprentice, have an uncommon knack for stirring up trouble. The minions of the Dark Consul have become obsessed with The Apprentice’s capture. No doubt they are drawn to the young Apprentice Mage’s unique connection to the magicks of Crystalia.

Chuy and Apprentice are Limited Edition miniatures that can be used in your games of Super Dungeon and Rail Raiders Infinite!


  • 1x Chuy Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Apprentice Mage Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Chuy Hero Card
  • 1x Chuy Rail Raiders Infinite Card
  • 1x Apprentice Mage Hero Card
  • 1x The Apprentice Rail Raiders Infinite Card.
  • 2x 25mm Black Bases

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up and assembly may be required. Do not put in mouth. Do not put in eyes. Do not put in other people’s mouths or eyes, even if you think it’s a great idea. It really isn’t. Point away from face.

Ages 14+

Not a toy. Choking hazard due to small parts. Product contents may vary from those pictured.

Designed and made in the USA.

Ninja Divison Princess Citrine 1 Ninja Divison Princess Citrine 2

Princess Citrine – 19,99 USD

Princess Citrine Masterclass Miniature!

With her commanding presence, Citrine found her calling as a warrior and general. She possesses a keen insight for battlefield maneuvers, and her boisterous and bawdy personality ingratiated her immediately with the soldiery. Joining her father on many campaigns, her mere presence serves as a rallying cry to the soldiers of Crystalia and her strength at arms turns many a battle in the King’s favor.


  • 1x Princess Citrine Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Princess Citrine Hero Card
  • 1x 25mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up, and assembly may be required. Do not put in mouth. Do not put in eyes. Do not put in other people’s mouths or eyes, even if you think it’s a great idea. It really isn’t. Point away from face.

Ages 14+

Not a toy. Choking hazard due to small parts. Product contents may vary from those pictured.

Designed and made in the USA.

Ninja Divison Witch Exterminator 1 Ninja Divison Witch Exterminator 2

Witch Exterminator – 19,99 USD

Witch Exterminator Masterclass Miniature!

The sprawling metropolis of Areals at the heart of Clockwork Cove is a twisting labyrinthine city of technological wonder and ceaseless change. As new structures are built upon the old, less savory denizens begin to fill the abandoned districts and subterranean depths of the city. When infestations of chimeric rats, undercove goblins, and malfunctioning clockworks grow too large Witch Exterminators are called in cull their numbers and maintain the safety of the city.


  • 1x Witch Exterminator Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Witch Exterminator Hero Card
  • 1x 25mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up, and assembly may be required. Do not put in mouth. Do not put in eyes. Do not put in other people’s mouths or eyes, even if you think it’s a great idea. It really isn’t. Point away from face.

Ages 14+

Not a toy. Choking hazard due to small parts. Product contents may vary from those pictured.

Designed and made in the USA.

Ninja Divison Faris 1 Ninja Divison Faris 2 Ninja Divison Faris 3

Faris – 19,99 USD

Faris Super Dungeon Masterclass Miniature!

Dedicated to bringing the killer of his uncle to justice, Faris has developed the skills of a hunter. Always patient, a master of tracking, and unerring once the prey is in his sights—all traits shared by the renowned Princess Emerald


  • 1x Faris Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Faris Hero Card
  • 1x 25mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up, and assembly may be required. Do not put in mouth. Do not put in eyes. Do not put in other people’s mouths or eyes, even if you think it’s a great idea. It really isn’t. Point away from face.

Ages 14+

Not a toy. Choking hazard due to small parts. Product contents may vary from those pictured.

Designed and made in the USA.

Ninja Divison Jun 1 Ninja Divison Jun 2 Ninja Divison Jun 3

Jun – 19,99 USD

Jun Super Dungeon Masterclass Miniature!

A major otaku and video game enthusiast, Jun is no stranger to cosplay and loves attending conventions dressed as her favorite characters. She is always drawn to adorable witches, such as the Sanctioned Witch, and their lovely, pointy hats.


  • 1x Jun Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Jun Hero Card
  • 1x 25mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up, and assembly may be required. Do not put in mouth. Do not put in eyes. Do not put in other people’s mouths or eyes, even if you think it’s a great idea. It really isn’t. Point away from face.

Ages 14+

Not a toy. Choking hazard due to small parts. Product contents may vary from those pictured.

Designed and made in the USA.

Quelle: Ninja Division


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ich erkenne nur Star Wars, und das auch nur weil dieser Baby Yoda son Internet Hype erlebt. Ich werde alt. 🙂

    Mal ganz nebenbei, warum müssen die Kommentare den jetzt genemigt werden? Gab es mal wieder zu viele Entgleisungen der Community, oder n neues Gesetzt das ich verpasst hab? (gern auch einfach n Link, falls das schon besprochen wurde.)

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    • Um ehrlich zu sein, ist mir das egal. Disney soll, falls sie hier einen Verstoß sehen, sich drum kümmern. Als Kunde ist das nicht mein Problem!

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      • Nice. Also setzen wir unterschiedliche Maßstäbe für das Gesetz an wie es uns beliebt?

      • Ne, aber das Gesetz durchzusetzen und seine ip zu schützen ist nicht Auftrag des Endverbraucher. Dazu gibt es die Judikative bzw. den Inhaber der Rechte.
        Und Bedarf der Koloss wirklich Hilfe? Ulli Höness, falls man diesen verurteitelten Straftäter
        so schreibt, war doch auch nur 3.5 Jahre oder so im Knast und hat dem Volk einen Schaden verpasst, wie es sonst nur die organisierte Kriminalität schafft. Die großen und Reichen erstreiten sich schon ihr Recht, auf Grund ihre Struktur und Stärke. Der kleine Kneter hat nie die Mittel um sich bei sowas durchzusetzen und findet sich daher auch schnell mal mit einen Vergleich ab, falls er diesen überhaupt bekommt.
        Aber das ist wohl nur Meinung und muss von keinem geteilt werden;)

  • Glaube kaum das man das ikonische Design der Spartaner Helme schützen kann.
    Aber bei Geschmacksmustern weiss man das ja nicht so genau seit GSW.
    Bei Rail Raiders Infinite gab es den ja auch schon mit anderer Knarre. Und dann kleine grüne goblinähnliche Dinger gibt es auch schon seit annodazumal. Also zu generisch.
    Und dann kann man hier noch Satire untersteller aufgrund des Chibi-Designs. Da passiert vermutlich nichts.
    Aber wäre ich Disney Anwalt und hätte mein Geld bei ND im Kickstarter versenkt, wäre ich auf Rache aus.

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