von BK-Christian | 11.01.2020 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Neo-Morphosis Infestation: Kickstarter läuft

Ein neues Brettspiel sucht auf Kickstarter Finanzierer.

Und so sieht das aus:

NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 1

It is 2159 and you are living on a snowball Earth. You are a member of the 4 man resupply crew arriving for your first day on the job at the World Exit Research Station. You’ll be joining one of the many research projects taking humanity to the stars.

You are going to save the world, but not the way you expected to!

Neo-Morphosis: Infestation is a fast paced co-operative game for 1-4 players. Build some bizarre weapons, keep the station running and squish some bugs while you try to learn how this first contact situation went off the rails.

NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 2 NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 3

Das sind die Pledge Levels:

NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 4 NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 5 NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 6 NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 7

Stretch Goals:

NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 8 NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 9 NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 10 NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 11 NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 12 NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 13 NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 14

Ein paar Infos zu den Modellen dürfen natürlich nicht fehlen:

NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 15

By using the same sculptors as our previous hit game, Dark Rituals: Malleus Maleficarum, we are off to a running start. We have already completed sculpting for Neo-Morphosis: Infestation and Neo-Morphosis: The Third Instar is well under way. And there’s more! We even have resin prototypes that show how the renders look in real life.

Here’s an example of how our digital sculpts translate into physical prototypes:

NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 16

The miniatures for the board game will be manufactured from hard PVC that holds details well, but still has a little flexibility to avoid breakage. If required, weapons may be cast in ABS, a stiffer plastic, to minimize bending. All miniatures will be supplied fully assembled, ready for use when the game arrives.

With so many bizarre hybrids and alien monsters, the miniatures come in a variety of sizes, but the Crew are 32 mm foot to eye. The Hive Mother is pretty chunky!

NM Neo Morphosis Infestation Kickstarter 17

We have good experience converting our sculpts into the plastic production miniatures that will be in your game box. We have not started production for Neo-Morphosis yet, but we can show our previous work. We plan to use the same manufacturer, so the experience we gained from Dark Rituals will only make your Neo-Morphosis minis better.

Noch ein genauerer Blick auf die Materialien:

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Und mehr Infos zum Spiel:

Das Spiel wird auch auf Deutsch erscheinen!

As an international company, we are pleased to announce that Neo-Morphosis will be available in 4 languages!

All games will be produced in English, French, German and Spanish. All products in retail-style packaging will be translated in full, including all game components and the product box. For the remaining items (for example, some of the stretch goals) we will translate all the game components. All four languages will ship together in April 2021.

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 23 Tage.

Quelle: Neo-Morphosis: Infestation


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Puuh.
    Da könnte ich echt schwach werden.
    Aber die Vernunft sagt mir:“junge…5 Kampagnen hast du noch offen und du willst bei der nächsten Einsteigen?
    Wie blöd bist du eigentlich?“

    Mal sehen welcher Wolf gewinnt XD

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