von BK-Nils | 16.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda

Necromunda: Neue Preview

In einer neuen Vorschau geht es in die lichtlosen Tiefen der Unterwelt von Necromunda.

Underhive Informant: Docs, Lookouts and Weapons Galore

Welcome back to your regular monthly briefing about the latest goings-on in the underhive. I’m Precinct Captain G-122, and I’ve got new intel for you about what the gangs have been up to. My informants put themselves in real danger for this information – so pay attention.

On Call

Medical care is patchy at best down here. We’re seeing a rise in the number of Rogue Docs offering their services.

Games Workshop Underhive Informant Docs, Lookouts And Weapons Galore 1

Whispers say lots of them are former Eschers who couldn’t make it as Clan Chymists and now scrape together what creds they can by patching up gunshot wounds. You’d have to be desperate to use them, but there’s plenty of desperation in the lower levels…

Games Workshop Underhive Informant Docs, Lookouts And Weapons Galore 2

Eyes Everywhere

It’s not just us who like to make sure we have eyes on everything that’s happening out there. Gang Leaders – especially the paranoid ones – are using Gang Lookouts to watch the borders of their territory for rivals closing in. Some of them are even using their Lookouts to lead enemies into an ambush. Could lead to some problems – we should be ready to jump in and bust heads if we need to.

Games Workshop Underhive Informant Docs, Lookouts And Weapons Galore 3

Claws Out

Last time, we told you to keep an eye out for some of the new weapons those Escher Matriarchs have gotten their hands on. Turns out some of ‘em have picked up surplus servo claws as well. With that kind of strength, there are gonna be more than a few Escher gangs expanding their territory real soon.

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That’s not the only weapon the Eschers have coming their way. We’ve heard about arms shipments stamped with the sigil of the House of Blades that’ll be hitting downhive soon. When they get their hands on these, we’ll have some major problems…

Games Workshop Underhive Informant Docs, Lookouts And Weapons Galore 5

Briefing’s over. Let’s get out there and keep an eye out for these weapons – we’ll schedule some additional drills so you know what you’re dealing with. Stay safe, Enforcers, and remember to discuss this intel and show us your recon photos of Escher gangs on Facebook.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Schöner versteckter Informant und super Untergrundarzt …abgesehen davon, dass in einem solchen Aufzug echt angebracht wäre, selbst der stilbetontesten 40Klerin funktionalere Fußbekleidung zu gönnen, sind diese Stiefeletten doch arg riesig! o_O

    Wieso sich ihre Tätowierungen wohl überschneiden? Stelle mir vor, dass das ihren Fall zum Straßendoc verrät. Die Schlangen verweisen wohl auf Äskulap statt auf Delaque.

    ( Mit der Maske und dem Schutzanzug wirkt sie auch wie eine Hommage an aktuelle Helfer. )

    • Na toll. Bis gerade eben gefiel mir der Sculpt, warum hat die denn Combat High-Heels.
      Naja, hinten wegfeilen und vorne heißbiegen, kriegt man sicher angepasst.

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