von BK-Nils | 18.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Mythos: Februar Vorbestellungen

Die ersten Produkte für Mythos sind von Warcradle Studios vorbestellbar.

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Mythos Rules & Gubbins Box – 20,00 GBP

Shaken by the echoes of the millions dead in the Great War, doors that were once sealed are now opening and horrors that have been slumbering for millennia are awakening… Mythos is an exciting narrative skirmish game with brand new superbly detailed 35mm miniatures. Engage in twisted…

Mythos Rules & Gubbins Box Information

Shaken by the echoes of the millions dead in the Great War, doors that were once sealed are now opening and horrors that have been slumbering for millennia are awakening…

Mythos is an exciting narrative skirmish game with brand new superbly detailed 35mm miniatures. Engage in twisted head-to-head confrontations in casual play or create epic campaigns using the narrative guide, as the competing factions wage a shadowy war against each other and the wider world.

As the world rebuilds after the Great War, the carnage has caused long-forgotten dark gods of ancient power to begin to awaken. Those touched by these Old Ones have formed rival cults and now move amongst an unsuspecting world preparing for their Master’s return…

Down the centuries, humanity has given different names to the notion of drawing upon the power of Mythos. Names such as magic, arcana, shamanism and down through the ages such forbidden knowledge has been learnt, lost and is now rediscovered. But can monsters and myths really stand up to flamethrowers and machine guns? The hubris and industry of mankind collide with occult mysticism in this thrilling and atmospheric miniatures game.

The Mythos Rules and Gubbins Box contains all the tools you need to play. Just grab this box and your favourite Faction Starter Set (or two) and you are ready to start exploring the dark, mysterious world of Mythos.

The Mythos Rules & Gubbins set contains;

  • 1x Rule Book
  • 1x Torrent Template
  • 4x Dice
  • 8x Objective Tokens
  • 12x Condition Tokens
  • 26x Wound Tokens
  • 26x Madness Tokens

Please note:

  • Printed materials are supplied in English.
  • Character Cards are not included and can be found on the Mythos website.

Warcradle Studios The Priory Faction Starter Set 1 Warcradle Studios The Priory Faction Starter Set 2 Warcradle Studios The Priory Faction Starter Set 3 Warcradle Studios The Priory Faction Starter Set 4

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The Priory Faction Starter Set – 35,00 GBP

Knowledge is power, so the adage goes. To the adepts of the Priory, this is a literal truth as they have been curating their knowledge of Mythos for generations. It is the power by which humanity will be saved from the predations of the Old Ones. Over the millennia, shamans, soothsayers,…

The Priory Faction Starter Set Information

Knowledge is power, so the adage goes. To the adepts of the Priory, this is a literal truth as they have been curating their knowledge of Mythos for generations. It is the power by which humanity will be saved from the predations of the Old Ones.

Over the millennia, shamans, soothsayers, skalds and scholars held the keys to the power of Mythos but were unaware of its greater purpose. Those fortunate few used it sparingly and merely glimpsed behind the curtain to barely retain their sanity. As humanity became increasingly arrogant in their own manifest destiny, this precious lore of Mythos was discarded in favour of technology, and the illusion of safety created by our increasingly modern world. So the Priory have been charged by their mysterious coordinator Madame Adrestia to remember the old dangers that still lurk in the shadows and to fight it at every turn.

The Priory is an ancient institution with its members operating around the globe in roaming self-contained groups known as Cells. Contact between Cells is almost unheard of and membership and recruitment to each Cell is the responsibility of each Cell Leader. Professor Zachary Lazarus has led his Cell for over a decade. An expert in the arcane and occult, it is Lazarus who receives the telephone calls from the enigmatic Madame Adrestia, to plan the Lazarus Cell’s next mission. Lazarus has a formidable will and distinctly Bohemian tastes, often found talking in earnest to his cat Zeus. More curious is that the creature seems to understand the detail of the Professor’s discussion and obliges with various acts of infiltration and observation for the Priory.

The anarchist-archaeologist Abigail Halsey is an invaluable member of the Lazarus Cell and her discoveries and research are often instrumental in overcoming many of the challenges they face. It was Abigail who discovered the journal of Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel and the Mythos secrets for creating the Golem Maharal. This fifteen-foot tall animated clay monstrosity provides the muscle for the Lazarus Cell on their missions. What Maharal lacks in subtlety it more than made up for with brute force!

Bertie Smythe was a decorated pilot over the Western Front when a dawn encounter in the clouds left him a changed man. He will not speak of what he saw that early morning, nor of the fate of his squadron. Wielding a flamethrower, it is hard liquor and endless cigarettes that fuels his determination to right this unspoken injustice. Weapons such as Bertie’s require constant maintenance, as does much of the Cell’s equipment. Fortunately, they can rely on the mechanically minded Kitty Page, the most recent recruit to the Cell. Kitty joined the Cell after their mission in Providence against the Path of Chronozon. Though still learning much of their war against the fell powers, Kitty is comforted that their mortal adversaries seem to be as susceptible to bullets and burning as everyone else in the Cell is, except Maharal of course.

The Priory Faction Starter Set builds six multi-part resin miniatures;

  • 1x Kitty Page
  • 1x Zachary Lazarus
  • 1x Maharal
  • 1x Zeus
  • 1x Bertie Smythe
  • 1x Abigail Halsy
  • 6x Base

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Character Cards are not included and can be found on the Mythos website.

Warcradle Studios The Hidden Ones Faction Starter Set 1 Warcradle Studios The Hidden Ones Faction Starter Set 2 Warcradle Studios The Hidden Ones Faction Starter Set 3 Warcradle Studios The Hidden Ones Faction Starter Set 4

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The Hidden Ones Faction Starter Set – 35,00 GBP

Servants of the Sunken Pantheon, the Hidden Ones make their home in coastal towns and villages around the world. Through corruption and interbreeding, the Hidden Ones irrevocably link their community to the sea and to Dread Father Dagon, Deep Mother Hydra, and the other ancient deities that they…

The Hidden Ones Faction Starter Set Information

Servants of the Sunken Pantheon, the Hidden Ones make their home in coastal towns and villages around the world. Through corruption and interbreeding, the Hidden Ones irrevocably link their community to the sea and to Dread Father Dagon, Deep Mother Hydra, and the other ancient deities that they worship. The rise of sterile cities has forced the Hidden Ones further into the shadows and has pushed them towards the isolated communities where it is easier to go unnoticed. The families can prey on their neighbours, considering them little more than talkative sheep ready for slaughter. Food is not an issue for these ancient bloodlines that hide amongst the rest of us, and their numbers are growing with each cycle.

Typical of such tainted communities are the fair (but fishy) folk of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island. The authority on almost anything in town is a putrid hag known as The Dunsmouth Witch. Steeped in ancient wisdom, none know of her true origin, but the Witch has certainly lived in Dunsmouth for over a century. Popular gossip has that a century earlier, a much younger and fairer looking woman, mourning her stillborn son, walked into the sea in the hope of swift oblivion. She returned carrying a crying baby boy, a gift from the Sunken Pantheon. That son grew up tall and strong, the blessings of the deep apparent beneath his rain-soaked sou’wester. Any threat to the Hidden Ones is sure to find The Dunsmouth Witch or her son, The Fisherman, close at hand. The Fisherman is a gruff and violent man. Never seen in town except when the tide is high and death is at hand. All too often the spectre of The Fisherman is the last thing a victim sees before a gore-encrusted boat hook sweeps down to usher in oblivion.

Those who are steadfast in their devotion to the Sunken Pantheon are often blessed with offspring touched by the abyss below. These hybrids pass for humans except when confronted with fire or certain words of power. There are some children of the Hidden Ones who are not of such mixed heritage. The Angler is one such creature, born to a human mother but with no trace of mankind in its flesh. The Angler is both a child of Dunsmouth and progenitor from the deep. A true Deep One.

Loyal to the Mother and Father, Molly Malone, is desperate to find such favour. The Malone family have served the Sunken Pantheon for generations. Youngest of twelve siblings, Molly feared that there would not be a way in which she herself could bring further honour to her lineage. She thanked the stars for that night that the Witch sought her out and gave her this important duty. The titanic crab, Click-Clack, must be lured out from the harbour when needed. The pails of human offal that Molly must acquire for such a purpose is her privilege to collect from the sleeping homeless and itinerant visitors to their fair town. An immense crustacean from the dark caverns of the deep, Click-Clack is often found clinging to the underside of the town’s trawlers. There the creature lurks, journeying out to the fishing grounds and feasting on its tithe of the catch before returning to the town each night to answer the call of the Dread and the Deep.

The Hidden Ones Faction Starter Set builds five multi-part resin miniatures;

  • 1x The Fisherman
  • 1x The Dunsmouth Witch
  • 1x Click-Clack
  • 1x Molly Malone
  • 1x The Angler
  • 5x Base

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Character Cards are not included and can be found on the Mythos website.

Quelle: Warcradle Blog



Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Der Riese der Prior sieht echt Unratmäßig aus.

    Die Hidden Ones hingegen gefallen mir sehr gut.

    Bin gespannt wieviel vom ursprünglichen „Mythos“ Spiel übernommen wird.

  • Hab mir die komplette erste Wave vorbestellt, bin sehr gespannt wie es sich spielt!

    Aber vor allem hab ich richtig Bock eine Innsmouth Platte zu bauen…

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