von BK-Bob | 23.01.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Mortal Gods Mythic: Weitere Previews [NSFW]

Trish Carden zeigt auf Facebook einige Monster für den bevorstehenden Mortal Gods: Mythic Kickstarter von Footsore Miniatures.

Mortal Gods Mythic Hydra 1 Mortal Gods Mythic Hydra 2 Mortal Gods Mythic Hydra 3 Mortal Gods Mythic Hydra 4 Mortal Gods Mythic Hydra 5 Mortal Gods Mythic Hydra 6 Mortal Gods Mythic Hydra 7 Mortal Gods Mythic Hydra 8

In a couple of weeks time Footsore Miniatures & Games will be launching their Mortal Gods : Mythic Kickstarter. Alongside Stavros Zouliatis I’ve been busy sculpting lots of new figures from the realms of Greek mythology.
I’ve been a huge fan of Ray Harryhausen since I was a kid and it’s been a real treat for me to bring to life some of my own versions of iconic Greek monsters…with an affectionate nod to his creations that have had such an influence on me over the years.
The nice thing is that these will all be figures that can be easily incorporated into any Fantasy game as well as Mortal Gods. I’ve made sure that the multi-piece figures are all clearly marked so that they’ll be easy to put together and can’t wait to see which battlefields they turn up on and how people paint them!
Every few days I’m going to give you a sneak peek of what I’ve sculpted so far. I’ve shown a couple of the biggest creatures here already but there will also be some new sculpts, some of which just left my desk last week!
I’ll start with the Hydra, the first figure I made and the biggest at 110 mm tall at it’s highest point. It’s already been beautifully painted by Giuseppe Chiafele of Axia Painting Studios.
This was a fun beast to make, but also challenging…making nine separate heads and necks fit the body caused my language to be most unladylike at times! I’m really happy with how it ended up though, it’s nicely three dimensional so there’s something to see from every angle. It was sculpted in BeesPutty, my clay of choice these days.
So here are a few photos, from sketches to the finished painted Hydra to start things rolling. It will be an exciting couple of weeks for me…can’t wait for the launch! If you can share these posts around it would be much appreciated by myself and everyone at Footsore!

Mortal Gods Mythic Cyclops 1 Mortal Gods Mythic Cyclops 2 Mortal Gods Mythic Cyclops 3 Mortal Gods Mythic Cyclops 4 Mortal Gods Mythic Cyclops 5 Mortal Gods Mythic Cyclops 6 Mortal Gods Mythic Cyclops 7 Mortal Gods Mythic Cyclops 8

Time for the second post about the upcoming Mortal Gods:Mythic Kickstarter by Footsore Miniatures & Games, due to be launched on the 26th of this month.
This is the 2nd biggest figure I sculpted for the Kickstarter….the Cyclops…..and it’s beautifully painted here by Giuseppe Chiafele of Axia Painting Studios.
This creature was designed to be an intimidating opponent, looming over the battlefield ready to sweep aside enemies with the tree trunk he’s holding or perhaps slice off a few heads with his sharp blade! He’s multi piece, and labelled clearly for easy assembly and like all the figures I’ve made he’ll also fit in well with any fantasy army.
I wanted him to be fairly lightly armoured to show off his strength and bestial qualities. Giuseppe has painted the armour here to look like thick, weathered leather and beaten metal which fits really well with the tribal look I was aiming for. It’s important that all the figures I’ve made be consistent in style so as I show more you’ll see elements repeated in the armour and weaponry. They all definitely live in the same “world”.
The Cyclops is sculpted in BeesPutty. I like being able to sculpt the whole figure without the putty setting, it allows me to adjust and change things easily as I go along if I feel it needs it. I bake it in one piece and then cut it up for moulding and make the fittings.
Here are some work in progress photos and sketches and please do share these posts around, the guys at Footsore and I would much appreciate it!

Mortal Gods Mythic Harpies 1 Mortal Gods Mythic Harpies 2 Mortal Gods Mythic Harpies 3 Mortal Gods Mythic Harpies 4 Mortal Gods Mythic Harpies 5 Mortal Gods Mythic Harpies 6 Mortal Gods Mythic Harpies 7 Mortal Gods Mythic Harpies 8 Mortal Gods Mythic Harpies 9 Mortal Gods Mythic Harpies 10

Some figures I haven’t shown yet today. These are also for the Mortal Gods : Mythic Kickstarter coming from Footsore Miniatures & Games on the 26th of January.
These are the Harpies and they’re nasty ladies indeed! Ugly, tattered feathers, straggly hair and I imagine less than savoury table manners….
They are made to be sitting at different heights, one crouching, one standing upright and the third is raised up higher on a tree which isn’t shown here. The shots here are all work in progress before they’re smoothed off and baked and they’re sculpted in BeesPutty.
You can see in a couple of photos the wire armature that I make first and the wings are shaped in thin brass sheet which is then detailed with BeesPutty. I enjoyed sculpting these hideous ladies, hopefully they’ll cause a suitable amount of havoc and bloodshed on the battlefield!
As ever, shares of all these posts about the Kickstarter would be much appreciated!

Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 1 Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 2 Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 3 Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 4 Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 5 Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 6 Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 7 Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 8 Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 9 Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 10 Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 11 Mortal Gods Mythic Gorgons 12

Welcome to the 4th post about figures I’ve sculpted for Footsore Miniatures & Games Mortal Gods : Mythic Kickstarter. Just a few days to go now till it launches and there’s a lot of work going on behind the scenes to make sure it’s a great one!
These “ladies” are the Gorgons, Medusa and her sisters Stheno and Euryale. Medusa is the most imposing of the three, especially as we decided to portray her with wings. All three of them are on small scenic bases which adds to the atmosphere of a game and allows for interesting poses as their tails wrap around columns and stones. They’re well armed and rise imposingly above the human sized figures, ready to strike.
You can see some work in progress shots here that show how the wings were made by shaping thin brass sheet and applying putty over the top. The photos were taken before smoothing and baking the clay. They’re multipart kits so that there’s something to see from every angle. I use silicone clay shapers for sculpting most of the forms and also metal dental tools, needles and anything that will give me the marks that I want. They’re all sculpted in BeesPutty with copper wire, brass sheet and polyurethane modelling board for the weapons.
I hope I’ve captured the serpentine monstrosity of these ladies. I preferred a more horrific aspect to them rather than having them look very beautiful as they’re sometimes portrayed. Just don’t look them in the eye………….
Almost forgot to say, please share this around, we’ll be most appreciative!

Quelle: Trish Carden Miniatures and Design


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Wundervolle Ergänzungen zu meiner Sammlung griechischer Mythologie Minis 😊
    Auf der letzten Salute angekündigt und nun umgesetzt.
    Auf den KS freue ich mich!

  • Das könnte mal ein Kickstarter sein, bei dem ich dabei bin. Das Setting interessiert mich und ich mag den Style der Miniaturen.

  • Ich verfolg die Posts der Dame schon seit einiger Zeit auf Insta und bin immer wieder überrascht, wenn sie eine weitere Miniatur, die bei mir in der Vitrine steht, als ihren Sculpt deklariert. Sie hat zu ihren GW Zeiten einige der charaktervollsten Miniaturen in die Range eingebracht und jetzt wo der Kickstarter ansteht, finde ich unter den Modellen auch viel mehr für meine sammlung als in der aktuellen 3D-Programm modellierten Dunkelelfenrange bei GW. Daher bin ich auf den Preis gespannt.

    • Witzig. Ich persönlich mag ja die Skulpts von Trish sehr gerne… aber in einigen Foren, denen ich folge, wird/wurde sie für ihren Modellierungsstil hart angegangen. So unterschiedlich fallen die Bewertungen aus…

    • Nicht persönlich gemeint, aber das erinnert mich daran, wie bizarr diese ganze NSFW-Sache eigentlich ist. Welcher Arbeitgeber findet es okay, wenn seine Leute während der Arbeitszeit im Netz munter mehr oder weniger blutrünstige Krieger-Püppchen anschauen, flippt aber aus, wenn besagte Püppchen zu viel nackte Haut zeigen?! :S

      • Na toll, jett haben wir den Salat, und ich kann den Thread nicht mehr auf der Arbeit öffnen! 🙂

      • Ich musste auch laut lachen aber ich denke der Kommentator war sich der Ironie bewusst. Auch die Art der Formulierung… kann kaum ernst gemeint sein.

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