von BK-Herr Kemper | 16.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Terrain / Gelände

Monster Fight Club: Cyberpunk & Gelände

Monster Fight Club (darf man über die schreiben ohne die erste Regel zu brechen?) zeigt Previews: u.a. zu einem Geländekickstarter.

Cyberpunk RED Miniatures Cybergeneration Set

Cyberpunk RED Miniatures – Cybergeneration Set – 30,00 USD

It’s one thing to live through the time of the RED – it’s another to be born into it… In parts of the city where the adults have fled, the youth run the streets. And skate the streets. And protect the streets.

Welcome to the Dark Future, the time of the RED, Here, Megacorps have ravaged civilization and you do what you must to survive. Are you ready to plug in and fight?

This set contains five different figures: A Cybergeneration Youth with a Hockey Stick, a Youth with a Quad-Launcher, a Youth with Sword & Skates, a Youth with Headphones and dual-SMGs, and a Cybergeneration Youth on a Bike.

Cyberpunk RED Miniatures Cybergeneration Set2

Cyberpunk RED – Cybergeneration Street Artist – 5,00 USD

It’s one thing to live through the time of the RED – it’s another to be born into it… In parts of the city where the adults have fled, the youth run the streets.  And the streets are thier canvas.

This set contains one : A Cybergeneration Youth Street Artist

Monster Scenery Metropolis! Monster Scenery Metropolis!2 Monster Scenery Metropolis!3

Monster Scenery – Metropolis

First we reimagined wargaming trees, now we’re reinventing buildings!

Monster Scenery: Metropolis is full range of modular, stacking, city buildings — plus all the details your city needs: fire escapes, ladders, cargo, bus stops, fences, and more! From historical battles to super-powered adventures, these new buildings are a fast and easy way to take your games to new heights!

Epic City Tables

Have you wanted to play on the amazing city tables you’ve seen in conventions and magazines? Now you can fight epic, urban battles among skyscrapers, apartment blocks, and industrial warehouses. Each building combines sculpted, 3D details with full color, UV-printed, hardboard walls.

Endless Combinations

There’s no paper or cardboard here – the buildings are durable and sturdy enough to create towering skyscrapers! This unique system allows you to mix and match components in endless combinations. When your game’s over, you can quickly and easily pack your city away.

Launching June 18th

Monster Scenery: Metropolis is going to be our next Kickstarter, launching June 18th.

Link: Monster Fight Club

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Huch? Das kommt unerwartet. Sehr schöne Miniaturen aber ich erinnere mich noch daran als bei Raging Heroes die Lulus gezeigt wurden und das Internet auf die Barrikaden ging da es ja ein Trupp aus Kindersoldaten sei (ja es waren wohl Halblinge aber das sah man denen nicht an).

    Spannende Entscheidung auch hier Kinder mit Waffen auszustatten.

  • Tolle Ergänzung zu der Orphans Gang von ZC Invader. Gibt ne tolle Truppe für Realitys Edge 🙂

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