von BK-Bob | 20.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Postapokalypse

Modiphius: Neuheiten für Fallout: Wasteland Warfare

Von Modiphius Entertainment gibt es für das Fallout Tabletop ein paar neue Miniaturen.

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Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Survivors: Unusual Allies – 23,87€

Travelling the scarred remains of the old earth, survivors come across a vast array of allies and enemies in all shapes and sizes. Self-aware detective synths. Murderous colonial mayors. Super mutants in search of dubious milk. All these and more are allies to befriend in the wasteland.

Got a problem? Need a clue? Need to check out suspects and investigate? Nick Valentine is your man. Or rather, your synth. An incredibly rare prototype synth designed to be the bridge between generations, Nick finally ended up programmed with the memories of a Pre-War detective. Most people see only his folksy charm and old-style speech on the streets of Diamond City. But out in the wasteland he’s quick on the draw and dogged in his determination to get the job done.

Someone broken the law or hurting ghouls? Need someone punished for it? John Hancock’s your man. Or rather, your ghoul. While the Mayor of Goodneighbour might have a harsh streak, there’s method to his madness. Seeking to keep the peace in a lawless wasteland is always a hard job, and Hancock’s happy to oblige. Knife in one hand, gun in the other he makes sure that everyone he comes across agrees to sign on the dotted line. That, or they aren’t around to disagree for long.

Someone needs to be beaten into pulp? Need a huge, mean, green companion to sort out your enemies? Strong is your man. Or rather, your Super Mutant. Shakespeare can be interpreted many different ways, but it’s fair to say no one, ever, in the history of the wasteland, has understood it quite like Strong. After a misunderstanding of epic proportions, this confused but deadly mutant is after the Milk of Human Kindness, which he is convinced will give him the strength that makes humans so successful. His thoughts may be misguided, but his aim isn’t. The super mutant lives up to his name, grinding enemies to dust and being a stable platform for heavy weapons. A mutant by any other name would smell as bad, but wouldn’t hit as hard.

This boxed set contains three 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Survivors miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. 

Players will need the Institute Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box.

Modiphius Fallout Wasteland Warfare Vault Personnel 1 Modiphius Fallout Wasteland Warfare Vault Personnel 2 Modiphius Fallout Wasteland Warfare Vault Personnel 3 Modiphius Fallout Wasteland Warfare Vault Personnel 4 Modiphius Fallout Wasteland Warfare Vault Personnel 5

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Survivors: Vault Personnel – 27,05€

Life in the Vaults has continued (in most cases) unabated for years since the start of the great war, but now the Vaults are opening. Be it mechanical fault, pre-programmed emergence or outside influence, Vault Dwellers are more and more common in the wasteland. Sometimes such denizens strike out on their own. Other times they join up with fellow survivors or stay in the relative safety of their homes. Either way they have been preparing for emergence for years, and come out swinging.

The first line of defence in any vault are the vault security guards. Ostensibly they protect and serve, ensuring any threats from the wasteland are kept and bay and keeping law and order in the vaults themselves. In many vaults they also serve a darker purpose – that of keeping the vault dwellers in line and enforcing the iron will of the overseer, and by extension Vault-Tec itself.

The Vault dwellers themselves are often tougher than they first appear. Years and even generations in the vaults have not dulled their abilities, and exercise regimes and stockpiles of food have staved off malnutrition and the rigors of radioactive fallout. Added to this, many Vault dwellers have had to adapt to the conditions in Vaults (which may not always be designed with their best interests at heart). Some of the most notable heroes (and villains) of the wasteland had their start in the Vaults, including the Sole Survivor and the Lone Wanderer.

This boxed set contains four 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Survivors miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need the Institute Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box.

Modiphius Fallout Wasteland Warfare T 51 Power Armour 1 Modiphius Fallout Wasteland Warfare T 51 Power Armour 2 Modiphius Fallout Wasteland Warfare T 51 Power Armour 3 Modiphius Fallout Wasteland Warfare T 51 Power Armour 4

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Unaligned: T-51 Power Armour – 31,82€

T-51 power armor was the peak of armor technology before the Great war, and remains one of the most iconic sets of personal-protective exo-suit plating in the wasteland. The next generation after the prototype T-45, this durable exo-suit was deployed first to take back Anchorage and then into the heart of China in America’s counter attack. The armor platforms were so effective in close support and heavy weapon deployment that they are credited with turning the tide in Alaska for the American forces.

More rare that T-45 suits, the T-51 is hardier and more mobile in every way. A stable platform for heavy weapons, and a bulwark against all but the most concentrated fire, suits of T-51 armor are sought after prizes in the post nuclear world. Few can hold the line against the relentless assault of a warrior clad in this armored shell, with even bulky Super Mutants and chem crazed Raiders thinking twice before standing in its way.

This boxed set contains three 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need the Institute Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box.

Quelle: Modiphius Entertainment


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Modiphius sind solche elenden Lügner! Seit dreieinhalb Jahren bringen die ständig irgendwelche Ausreden warum der „Siege of the Citadel“ KS nicht ausgeliefert werden kann … zuletzt war es praktischerweise der Corona Virus.

    Schon komisch das andere Produkte der Firma davon verschont bleiben und ständig Neuheiten präsentiert werden!
    Aber das Geld der Backer hat man ja schon … (Und vermutlich schon verprasst)

    • Sie bringen auch ständig Rollenspielkram raus, obwohl das für Infinity nur rumdümpelt und sie den Backern noch etliche Bücher schuldig sind.
      Und wenn mal irgendwo was langsam, sehr langsam fertig wird, sollen die Backer ein paar Schleifen lang kostenfrei Proof Reader spielen.
      Das ist erbärmlich.

    • Gibt es eigentlich keine rechtliche Handhabe bei solchen Situationen? Manchmal habe ich das Gefühl die KS-Starter haben Narrenfreiheit und keinerlei Konsequenzen zu befürchten, wenn mit dem Geld nicht vernünftig umgegangen wird.

      Vielleicht sollte man für eine Firma einen neuen KS nur zulassen, wenn der vorherige „vollends“ abgewickelt wurde. Das würde glaube bei einigen die Prioritäten ein wenig verändern.

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