von BK-Christian | 12.05.2020 | eingestellt unter: Infinity, Terrain / Gelände

Micro Art Studio: Prepainted Gelände

Von Micro Art kommen vorbemalte Gebäude für Infinity.

MAS Kokkyo 3 Market PREPAINTED 1 MAS Kokkyo 3 Market PREPAINTED 2 MAS Kokkyo 3 Market PREPAINTED 3 MAS Kokkyo 3 Market PREPAINTED 4 MAS Kokkyo 3 Market PREPAINTED 5 MAS Kokkyo 3 Market PREPAINTED 6 MAS Kokkyo 3 Market PREPAINTED 7 MAS Kokkyo 3 Market PREPAINTED 8 MAS Kokkyo 3 Market PREPAINTED 9 MAS Kokkyo 3 Market PREPAINTED 10 MAS Kokkyo 3 Market PREPAINTED 11

Kokkyo 3 – Market PREPAINTED (verschiedene Varianten) – €34,44


The Kokkyo-3 Market PREPAINTED set consists of 2 buildings, which can be combined in various positions. What’s more, multiple Kokkyo-3 Market and Quarters buildings can be stacked together! The set is dedicated for Infinity the Game by Corvus Belli.

This model is delivered as a pack, unassembled and PREPAINTED.
The parts of the model are designed to slot together in a way that enables a quick and easy assembly. It may be necessary to glue some parts of the model – use PVA (white) glue. Every model is cut from one or more panels of HDF (high-density fiberboard) of 3mm and/or 1,5mm thickness.

Attention: Before taking the elements out make sure they are fully cut. There are minor connections that prevent them from falling out.

MAS Kokkyo 3 Quarters PREPAINTED 1 MAS Kokkyo 3 Quarters PREPAINTED 2 MAS Kokkyo 3 Quarters PREPAINTED 3 MAS Kokkyo 3 Quarters PREPAINTED 4 MAS Kokkyo 3 Quarters PREPAINTED 5 MAS Kokkyo 3 Quarters PREPAINTED 6 MAS Kokkyo 3 Quarters PREPAINTED 7

Kokkyo 3 – Quarters PREPAINTED (verschiedene Farben) – €22,14


The Kokkyo-3 Quarters PREPAINTED set consists of 2 buildings, which can be combined in various positions. What’s more, multiple Kokkyo-3 Quarters and Market buildings can be stacked together! The set is dedicated for Infinity the Game by Corvus Belli.

Main colour: YELLOW

This model is delivered as a pack, unassembled and PREPAINTED.
The parts of the model are designed to slot together in a way that enables a quick and easy assembly. It may be necessary to glue some parts of the model – use PVA (white) glue. Every model is cut from one or more panels of HDF (high-density fiberboard) of 3mm and/or 1,5mm thickness.

Attention: Before taking the elements out make sure they are fully cut. There are minor connections that prevent them from falling out.

MAS Kokkyo 3 Subway Entrance PREPAINTED 1 MAS Kokkyo 3 Subway Entrance PREPAINTED 2 MAS Kokkyo 3 Subway Entrance PREPAINTED 3

Kokkyo 3 – Subway Entrance PREPAINTED (beige) – €18,45


The Kokkyo-3 Subway Entrance PREPAINTED set consists of 2 buildings, dedicated for Infinity the Game by Corvus Belli.

Main colour: BEIGE

Length: 12cm / 4,72 inches
Width: 8,5cm / 3,35 inches
Height: 7cm/ 2,76 inches

This model is delivered as a pack, unassembled and PREPAINTED.
The parts of the model are designed to slot together in a way that enables a quick and easy assembly. It may be necessary to glue some parts of the model – use PVA (white) glue. Every model is cut from one or more panels of HDF (high-density fiberboard) of 3mm and/or 1,5mm thickness.

Attention: Before taking the elements out make sure they are fully cut. There are minor connections that prevent them from falling out.

Quelle: Micro Art Studio


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Sieht sehr interessant aus. Hier würde mich eine Review interessieren bei denen man die Elemente auf unabhängigen Bildern und im nicht gebauten Zustand sieht

    • Nicht gebaut kann man auf der MAS-Webseite sehen, wenn ich mich recht erinnere.

      Die sehen schon ganz nett aus und mehere Farbschema anzubieten ist ganz pfiffig, einfach Variation aufbauen zu können.

  • Die Gebäude gefallen mir. Und dass sie bemalt sind finde ich super.
    Gelände bemale ich nicht gern. Da ist das hier perfekt.

  • Prepainted gibt es die Gebäude schon länger bei uns in der infinity Gruppe hat einer die .
    Waren von der Qualität ziemlich gut.

    Neu sind die verschiedenen Optionen.

    Das finde ich gut.

  • Sehr schön, darauf habe ich bei MAS gewartet. Jetzt noch ne RedVeil mat und ich bin glücklich 😀

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