von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Make the Wasteland Great Again: STL Kickstarter

Make the Wasteland Great Again! ist ein Kickstarter für 3D Druckdateien rund um das Thema Post-Apokalypse.

Make The Wasteland Great Again

Make the Wasteland Great Again! Kickstarter für STL Dateien

A collection of 3d printable (stl) PostApocalyptic miniatures and terrain!

The Wastelands needs you now more than ever! Though it is up to you which side you want to take.. Whether you want to join the resistance and take the fate of the wastelands in your own hands, or simply rule the wasteland with an iron fist LOOTgames has you covered.

Make The Wasteland Great Again2 Make The Wasteland Great Again3 Make The Wasteland Great Again4

Stackable/modular ruined buildings, scatter items, roads and roadblocks + a set of 5 minis (Wasteland Prez and his 4 cloned bodyguards) included in the base pledge can make for a truly stunning and immersive gaming experience. Build your city as you want and with the addition of Stretch Goals give your city the landmarks it needs. Stretch goals will also include more scatter, more roads,, more buildings and all sorts of unique models to make your personalized setup and make it stand out! Needless to say this project is a scifi/post apocalyptic series of terrain/buildings/scatter/minis born out of our imagination and has no intention of being political whatsoever.

Base Pledge:

Make The Wasteland Great Again5 Make The Wasteland Great Again6 Make The Wasteland Great Again7 Make The Wasteland Great Again8 Make The Wasteland Great Again9a Make The Wasteland Great Again9b Make The Wasteland Great Again10 Make The Wasteland Great Again11 Make The Wasteland Great Again12 Make The Wasteland Great Again13a Make The Wasteland Great Again13b Make The Wasteland Great Again14a Make The Wasteland Great Again14b Make The Wasteland Great Again14c Make The Wasteland Great Again14d Make The Wasteland Great Again15 Make The Wasteland Great Again16 Make The Wasteland Great Again17 Make The Wasteland Great Again18 Make The Wasteland Great Again9a Make The Wasteland Great Again9b Make The Wasteland Great Again13a Make The Wasteland Great Again13b Make The Wasteland Great Again14a Make The Wasteland Great Again14b Make The Wasteland Great Again14c Make The Wasteland Great Again14d

Stretch Goals:

Make The Wasteland Great Again20 Make The Wasteland Great Again23 Make The Wasteland Great Again24 Make The Wasteland Great Again25 Make The Wasteland Great Again21a Make The Wasteland Great Again21b Make The Wasteland Great Again22a Make The Wasteland Great Again22b Make The Wasteland Great Again22c Make The Wasteland Great Again22f Make The Wasteland Great Again22g Make The Wasteland Great Again22h

Pledge Level:

  • Base Pledge 25,00 EUR
  • Base Pledge & Stretch Goals 47,00 EUR
  • zusätzlich Optionen für sofortigen Download und ältere Projekte des Anbieters


Der Kickstarter hat sein Ziel von 500 EUR mit 7.000+ EUR und 100+ Backern erreicht und endet am 10. August 2020 um 13:03 CEST.

Link: Make the Wasteland Great Again! KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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