von BK-Herr Kemper | 21.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Fantasy

Lost Kingdom: Neuer Kickstarter

Bei Lost Kingdom plant einen neuen Kickstarter – erste Previews dazu gibt es bei auf ihrer Facebookseite.

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Lost Kingdom – Neuer Kickstarter

Hello everyone!
Many of you know that we have been forging a new project in the shadows of Patreon for some time, so today we come to shed light on the matter.
Four years ago, our friends Damian and Javier commissioned us to produce some incredibly detailed and background knights for a KS campaign. Between one thing and another, in the end they couldn’t launch them and were left in limbo. But after our last campaign, we got in touch and decided to join forces and remaster those models to get them out in digital format. After many months of effort we have managed to give them the dose of epicity we were looking for and et voilà! Here we bring you the first sample
The kickstarter campaign will be of 3D FILES, with and without supports, and compatible with square and round bases. It will consist of about 25 base models (mainly cavalry and siege) and the usual stretch goals, with the level of detail and dynamism that characterizes us. In addition, following the trademark of the brand, we have given a twist to the classic designs of the mounts. We hope that you have the saddlebags well taken because there is a great variety of creatures that will be compatible with the different riders.
The party will start on the 20th of December and will end on the 8th of January, so if you haven’t done the letter to Santa (or the Three Wise Men) yet and you have been good this year, you are already assured of a gift.
Get ready for what is yet to come because this is only the beginning!

Quelle: Lost Kingdom Miniatures auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Hallo Brückenkopf Team,
    dieser youtuber macht immer eine Zusammenfassung von allen Patreons zum thema 3d druck fuer minis.
    vieleicht könnt ihr den ja mal in die news bei den vidcastern aufnehmen, damit er mehr klicks bekommt, da er es bei all seiner arbeit verdienen würde.
    schauts euch einfach mal an

  • Sehr cool. Jetzt wo ich endlich einen anständigen 3D-Drucker habe, wäre ich hier sofort dabei. Das sind richtig geile Pegasusritter und die würde ich mit Freuden sofort ausdrucken, wenn ich könnte.

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