von BK-Marcel | 04.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Kings of War

League of Infamy: Previews

Es gibt neues von League of Infamy.

Mantic LoI6 Mantic LoI5 Mantic LoI4 Mantic LoI3 Mantic LoI2 Mantic LoI1

Salutations scoundrels,

Sorry that we’ve been a bit quiet over the past few weeks. But, rest assured, in the background we’ve been busy working away on delivering League of Infamy to backers. We’ve got quite a few things to update you on today, including some very nice miniatures to gaze at.


First up, Sophie and James from Needy Cat have completed the design elements of the game and delivered their manuscript. It’s now being edited and proofed before being laid out by our in-house design team – that’s due to take place next month, so we’ll share more updates about that as we complete the various elements.


This always takes longer than we expect to get sorted! However, the good news is that it’s almost finished and will be ready in early February. We’ll send out an update to let backers know once it’s live.


Some other exciting news is that we’ve recently received the production masters from our manufacturing partner. These are the models that are used to create the moulds, which will be used to make all the other miniatures.

The production masters are a chance for us to feedback on the miniatures early in the process and give feedback/guidance before production begins. We’ve received a number of minis on the wrong base, for example, so we can go back and make sure these are amended before production. Also, if we’re not happy with the detail on something, we can ask for that to be improved too.

Rather than showing you everything, here’s a small selection of the models we’ve received. Remember, these are NOT FINAL, and we’ll be going back with feedback before production. So don’t worry if you spot something that’s not quite right – chances are we’ve spotted it too 🙂

 (Anmerkung: Die Fotos sind die oben. – BK Marcel)

Although we didn’t reach the Halfling Iron Beast stretch goal during the Kickstarter, we will be counting any funds raised in the pledge manager towards unlocking this mighty machine. Fingers crossed!

So, as you can hopefully see, there’s been plenty going on since our last update. We’ll be back in early February once the pledge manager is ready and waiting.

Link: League of Infamy auf Kickstarter


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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