von BK-Bob | 26.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Labyrinth & The Dark Crystal Models: Kickstarter läuft

Der Kickstarter von Broken Toad und Black Sun Miniatures für Figuren aus Jim Henson’s Die Reise ins Labyrinth und Der dunkle Kristall ist live.

Jim Henson’s Labyrinth & The Dark Crystal Collectible Models

Highly detailed 1/10 scale busts and 1/24 scale full figure resin miniatures based on Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal & Labyrinth films

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The amazing worlds of Jim Henson brought to life as officially licensed miniature models for collectors and fans.

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Many factors that have lead us to our love of model sculpture, one of the most influential of these has been the great Jim Henson. We spent much of our youth immersed in the worlds Jim created and are so excited to have been given the opportunity to work with The Jim Henson Company and to create miniature models of our favourite characters.

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Jim was a master visionary and the worlds he created feature rich storylines and complex characters. Our goal is to delight existing fans and introduce these amazing creations to a new generation.

Die Figuren aus Die Reise ins Labyrinth:

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The Wiseman is an eccentric denizen of the Labyrinth, Sarah encounters The Wiseman mid-way through her journey.


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Ludo is a gigantic beast who Sarah rescues from a group of cruel goblins in the Labyrinth.

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The Worm is extremely hospitable and offers Sarah guidance on her quest to save her brother, Toby.

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Hoggle finds that he has to overcome his cowardice and choose between friendship and his fear-induced loyalty to the Goblin King.

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Dozens of soldiers were deployed to prevent Sarah and her companions reaching Jareth’s castle, yet they were unable to keep her from her objective.

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Sir Didymus is an, often illogically, heroic knight who Sarah encounters when she attempts to leave The Bog Of Eternal Stench.

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Jareth treats his goblins with great disrespect, exploiting their stupidity and need for a master.

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Operated by a single goblin and stationed at the gate to the Goblin City, The Humongous has a deep, reverberating voice and only seems to say „Who goes?“ Interestingly, no one tries to answer.

Die Figuren aus Der dunkle Kristall:

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SkekSil was despised by the other Skeksis for his wheedling voice and underhanded nature.

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SkekOk is the least honest of all the Skeksis. He habitually changes allegiance and re-writes historical accounts. These attempts to gratify his shifting allies mean that the truth is soon lost.

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Aughra was given life by the Crystal during the Age of Innocence to give a voice to the stones and eyes to the forests.

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Kira took Jen, spread her wings, and descended to the castle moat to escape the Garthim.

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UrAc wrote the thoughts of his comrades on unwound cloth spirals, a practice called „writing in rays of sunlight.“

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SkekUng the Garthim-Master and SkekSil the Chamberlain participate in a ‘Trial by Stone’ battle for the throne.


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Jen journeyed with Kira to the Castle of the Crystal on a pair of Landstriders.

These incredible models could not have been produced without our immensely talented sculptors. Their commitment to their craft has been invaluable in bringing these characters to life.

Alastair Reid https://www.facebook.com/WinzorChogMiniatures/

Barruz Studio https://www.facebook.com/BarruzStudio/

James W Cain https://www.artstation.com/jwcain

Joaquin Palacios https://www.facebook.com/JoaquinPalaciosStudio/

Lucas Pina Penichet https://www.facebook.com/Spira-mirabilis-713122318747704/

Add Ons:

Add ons will be revealed as they become available.

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Create your own Pledge

We want to keep this campaign as simple as possible for backers. We haven’t created dozens of confusing pledge options but have allowed you to create a pledge option specific to you.

  •  Go to ‘Create your own Pledge’ option
  •  Decide which models you would like to own
  •  Add up the total cost
  •  Go to the ‚Manage Pledge‘ section
  •  Enter the amount and Pledge!

Your pledge amount can be adjusted at any time during the campaign.

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Labyrinth Bundle

This option is for anyone who would like to own all the models relating to Labyrinth. You will receive a discount over pledging for the models individually.

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The Dark Crystal Bundle

This option is for anyone who would like to own all The Dark Crystal models. You will receive a discount over pledging for the models individually.

All in Bundle

This bundle contains one of each of the models available for both Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal. By choosing this bundle, you will receive a discount over pledging for these models individually

All of the models are supplied unassembled and unpainted

Managing your pledge

You may allocate your funds to anything you wish during our campaign. You are not required to purchase anything you don’t want to. At the end of the campaign, we will be using Pledge Manager so you can customise your pledge and let us know exactly which models you would like include. Any changes or additional purchases can also be made during this time.

Any new models that are unlocked during the campaign will also be added to the Pledge Manager. You may increase the amount of any pledge to include additional items during the Pledge Manager phase at the end of the campaign.

Shipping costs will be added to your pledge during the Pledge Manager stage of the campaign, please do not add shipping costs to your pledge during the Kickstarter.


All shipping costs will be added to your order once the Kickstarter has ended. This is because shipping costs are calculated by weight and we won’t know this until the end of the campaign, once your pledge is locked in.

Below is a chart showing current costs for Tracked and Insured shipping, via Royal Mail. A courier service may be necessary dependent on the weight of your pledge and destination.

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Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 28 Tage.

Quelle: Jim Henson’s Labyrinth & The Dark Crystal Collectible Models


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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    • Danke für diese wichtige Information. Ohne dieses Wissen hätte ich bestimmt den ganzen Tag darüber gegrübelt, was DU darüber wohl denkst. .;)

      Achtung, dieser Post kann, darf und sollte wegen überflüssigen rumgetrolle unbedingt gelöscht werden.

    • Du hast auch absolut Recht! Es wirkt halt irgendwie deplatziert so als singulärer einseitiger Einwurf (mit eher negativer Ausrichtung). Doch Kommentare sind letztlich im Kern eben genau das: weitestgehend persönliche Aussagen.

      Der Kultstatus Jim-Henson-Sachen dürfte auch noch in die Wahrnehmung reinspielen.

  • Hier geht es nicht darum, ob man für so etwas eine Verwendung hat, sondern dass man sowas einfach haben muss 😉

  • Du bist Deutschland!
    Egal was die anderen sagen, bitte lasse dich nicht von deiner heiligen Quest Sachen nicht zu brauchen abbringen!

    Hier, nimm diesen Link: https://www.youtube.com/

    Ich bin mir sicher dass diese Website ohne deine Kommentare um Welten ärmer wäre!

  • Der dunkle Kristall..
    Das muß so 1983 gewesen sein
    als ich den Film…meine erste Fantasy Berührung..
    im Kino gesehen habe.
    Angefixt kamen danach gleich die Tolkien Bücher
    und etwas später dann auch DSA..und das Unheil nahm seinen Lauf..:D
    Verdammt…ist das wirklich schon so lange her?

    Ob man es braucht?
    Keine Ahnung, nostalgisch cool ist es allemal.

    • @Bluebaer:
      Da musste ich schmunzeln, als ich das gelesen habe. Geht mir ähnlich. Bei mir kam allerdings der Herr der Ringe als Erstkontakt, danach sah ich mich nach allem um, was auch filmmäßig irgendwie Fantasy war. Den dunklen Kristall gab auf VHS, Videotheken halfen aus. Schnell folgten auch Pen & Paper RPGs als Spielleiter, Rolemaster in Mittelerde natürlich, jahrelang. Erste Figürchen zur gleichen Zeit. Die damaligen GW-Zwerge waren das erste große „all-in“-Investment, habe ich heute alle noch. Und der Sammelwahn bescherte mir weitere Rollenspiele, Armeen, Original-Filmplakakte (Star Wars, Alien, Blade Runner usw., alle möglichen Science Fiction und Fantasy-Klassiker der Erstaufführung) bis zur („Mein Schatz!!“) frühesten deluxe boxed edition der Erstauflage des Lord of the Rings… Gott, wie tief bin ich hineingeraten…
      Ja, Nostalgie. Damit ging das los. Damals in den frühen Achtzigern 🙂

  • Der ganze KS ist überhaupt nicht mein Thema, aber es freut mich, das der KS seinen verdienten Erfolg hat.

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