von bkredaktion | 27.09.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Kromlech: Orktober Neuheiten

Bei Kromlech rollt im Oktober eine ganze Welle an Neuheiten für Orks an, ganz im Sinne des Orktobers.

Kromlech Orktober Price & Set Previews 1

It′s time to unveil the prices of this year′s Orktober releases.
Most of the products will stay with us and will be available after the Orktober ends, but be aware that there are some limited or exclusive goodies!
Take a look at the prices and decide what to get for your greenskin army!
Kromlech Orktober Price & Set Previews 2
Gnawzilla – 79.99 Euro
This giant Orc beast model with unmatched detail comes with three different weapons!
Kromlech Orktober Price & Set Previews 3
Killa Gnaws Squad (set of 3) – 54.99 Euro
Killa Gnaw (single miniature) – 19.99 Euro
The Killa Gnaws Squad come with set of three different Killa Gnaw sculpts and a full set of weapons.
Buying a single Killa Gnaw miniature you will be able to choose the weapon options you want.
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Orc Krushinator Deffstomper – 89.99 Euro
Orc Krushinator Deffstomper is a titanic Orc walker with standard weaponry – the Tank Rippa close combat weapon and the Deffkannon.
Super-detailed HDF kit with resin add-ons towering 13″ high over your tabletop battlefield!
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Orc Boomkilla Deffstomper – 99.99€
Orc Boomkilla Deffstomper is a more sophisticated version armed with a massive belly cannon, a close-combat Krushin′ Klaw, a Traktor-Kollida gravity cannon plus an Eye-Poppa gun mounted on a walker′s head!
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Orc Deffstomper Weapons & Heads – 14.99 Euro  each
Orc Krushinator Deffstomper Body – 59.99 Euro
Orc Boomkilla Deffstomper Body – 69.99 Euro
If you′re not perfectly happy with the two standard Deffstomper sets, you can be a Big-Mech yourself and assemble your own Deffstomper body, head and arms combo! The Orc Deffstomper Kreator will be available on Bits of War webstore!
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Deffstomper-Construction-Yard – 49,99 Euro
Perfect background piece to display your glorious Deffstomper model and a LOS blocker terrain piece for titan class walkers!
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Orc Freak 2020 – 14.99 Euro
Brand new Orc Freak sculpt in 28mm heroic scale made for gaming – unleash the fury of an Orc Psyker with this dynamic miniature!
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Orc Freak Collectors Edition – 39.99 Euro
The supersized Orc Freak model is full of crisp detail. Measuring 13,5 cm (5.3″) it is an impressive display piece and a titbit for painters and collectors!
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Orc Tigerwagon – 99,99 Euro
The most anticipated model of last year′s Orktober is back! It will be available as the Orktober exclusive, limited to 100 copies.
The set includes 9 weapon options and a multitude of customisable bits such as removable backplate that allows you to turn the tank into the armed-to-the-teef open-topped transporter!
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Gnawzilla Limited Edition T-Shirt – 24,99 Euro
This year′s Orktober t-shirts come in three colour variations and will be available as a pre-order. They will be sent to you in November.
Remember they are only available in October!
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Halloween Special: Pumpkin Gnaw – 9,99 Euro
This special gnaw miniature is another Orktober 2020 exclusive – not limited by quantity, but will be gone from our webstore in November!
Quelle: Kromlech

Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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  • Stampfa sind nett, bieten sich aber geradezu an, sie selbst zu basteln. Sollte wunderbar funktionieren – quasi genau wie ein Ork-Mek alles aneinander tackern. Und vor allem dann genau so, wie man es selbst gern hätte.

  • Sehr schöne Sachen dabei 😀
    Gnawzilla und Killagnaws….. das wäre doch ein guter Start für eine Wildork Themenarmee 🤔
    Die Stampfa sind toll, aber ob die das GW Kunststoffmodel toppen können, da bin ich mir nicht sicher 🤷🏼‍♂️
    Schuppen und Zauberer sind sehr solide, wobei mich beim Schuppen interessieren würde, ob er wirklich so groß ist, dass ein Stampfa da rein passen würde.
    Der Tiger überzeugt mich hingegen nicht so wirklich, sieht für 100€ etwas klein und einfallslos aus ☝🏻

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