von BK-Rene | 11.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Kromlech: Gore Legion Releases

Bei Kromlech gibt es neue Bits im blutigen Chaos Design, genug im ganze Modelle draus zu bauen.


Pistols Right Pistols Left

Gore Legion Thunder Pistols [right] or [left] (7,99 €)
This set contains 5 high quality resin Gore Legion Thunder Pistols fitted with right arms.
Designed to fit heavy armoured troopers in 28mm heroic scale. Great for representing bloodthirsty berzerkers rampaging in the vanguard of Chaos forces.

Power Gloves Right

Gore Legion Power Gloves [right] (7,99€)
This set contains 5 high quality resin Gore Legion Power Gloves fitted with right arms.

Chain Swords Right Chain Swords Left

Gore Legion Chain Swords [left] or [right] (7,99€)
This set contains 5 high quality resin Gore Legion Chaiin Swords fitted with left arms.

Axes Left Axes Right

Gore Legion Chain Axes[left] or [right] (7,99€)
This set contains 5 high quality resin Gore Legion Chain Axes with left arms.

Shoulder Pads

Gore Legion Shoulder Pads (7,99€)
This set contains 10 high quality resin Gore Legion Shoulder Pads, with pair of each of five designs.


Gore Legion Backpacks (7,99€)
This set contains five high quality resin Gore Legion Backpacks

Gore Heads

Gore Legion Heads (7,99€)
This set contains 10 high quality resin Gore Legion Heads, with pairs of each of 5 designs.


Gore Legion Bodies (14,99 €)
This set contains five high quality resin Gore Legion Bodies representing bloodthirsty berzerkers rampaging in the vanguard of Chaos forces. Each body has an additional blade and one has an estra cape to be added in assembly stage.

Quelle: Kromlech Website


Jungredakteur für den Brückenkopf - Spielt: Viel Warmachine (Convergence of Cyriss / Minions), fast alles andere was Privateer so vertreibt, wenn es sich ergibt auch mal Infinity (Tohaa) oder irgendwas mit meinen Skelett Horden.

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