von BK-Christian | 23.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Knights of Dice: Shattered Halls

Die Knights of Dice haben ein modulares Dungeonsystem vorgestellt.

KoD Shattered Halls (Magnetic Dungeon System) 1 KoD Shattered Halls (Magnetic Dungeon System) 2 KoD Shattered Halls (Magnetic Dungeon System) 3 KoD Shattered Halls (Magnetic Dungeon System) 4 KoD Shattered Halls (Magnetic Dungeon System) 5 KoD Shattered Halls (Magnetic Dungeon System) 6 KoD Shattered Halls (Magnetic Dungeon System) 7 KoD Shattered Halls (Magnetic Dungeon System) 8 KoD Shattered Halls (Magnetic Dungeon System) 9 KoD Shattered Halls (Magnetic Dungeon System) 10 KoD Shattered Halls (Magnetic Dungeon System) 11


Our long gestating Dungeon corridor system is finally here! We have been tinkering with this for a while, and it is finally production ready and in the webstore!

Some of you may have seen some of the prototypes at PAX in October or Cancon, and while it has taken us a little longer than we would have liked to finalise the pieces, its here now!

Viv has wanted a robust, easy to setup, and beautiful looking dungeon for a while, so we went through several prototypes before coming up with something that was super quick to assemble and put on the table! After toying around with some much more modular designs, we decided that simpler was better, and went with this corridor system! Based on a 1in grid, each corridor piece or room attaches to each other with magnets, making setting up a dungeon on the fly as your players explore super easy. Simply snap a new room on as they kick down that door and your dungeon crawls will be swinging along!

This initial release consists of 5 different lengths of corridors, 3 junctions, 3 different rooms, a dungeon entrance, free floating doors and dead end pieces that can be placed anywhere and a bunch of furniture to populate with it! Plenty of options to play around with. Note that the kits do not include magnets to keep down costs, though we have also added a pack of magnets to the store for your convenience!

A massive amount of kits have dropped for this release, way too many to list here individually, so head over to the link provided and check it out!

Das System besteht aus diversen verschiedenen Elementen, die zwischen 13,00 und 28,00 Dollar kosten.

Quelle: Knights of Dice


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Gefällt. Aber wie immer teuer wenns vom anderen Kontinent kommt. Hoffe das sind australische Dollar…

  • Ja sin Australische Dollar. Man muss nicht aus Australien ordern. Shiny Games UK haben KoD im Programm und einen tollen Service.

  • Habe eben nachgeschaut: 1 Euro sind 1,64 Euro australische Dollar. Wird also doch nicht soo teuer, wenn man sich da einen ganzen Dungeon bauen möchte. Hätte mich bei dem Material auch gewundert. Ich brauche genau so ein modulares Dungeon-System. Dass es flach ist, wie Behemoth meint, stört bei Wänden m.M.n. nicht.

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