von BK-Herr Kemper | 11.10.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Terrain / Gelände

Knights of Dice: Neuheiten

Knight of Dice veröffentlichen neues MDF Gelände aus der Reihe Terminus Australis – die Cypher Dynasty Range.

Knights Of Dice Terminus Australis Die Cypher Dynasty Range1 Knights Of Dice Terminus Australis Die Cypher Dynasty Range3 Knights Of Dice Terminus Australis Die Cypher Dynasty Range4 Knights Of Dice Terminus Australis Die Cypher Dynasty Range5 Knights Of Dice Terminus Australis Die Cypher Dynasty Range6 Knights Of Dice Terminus Australis Die Cypher Dynasty Range7 Knights Of Dice Terminus Australis Die Cypher Dynasty Range10 Knights Of Dice Terminus Australis Die Cypher Dynasty Range9 Knights Of Dice Terminus Australis Die Cypher Dynasty Range8 Knights Of Dice Terminus Australis Die Cypher Dynasty Range11 Knights Of Dice Terminus Australis Die Cypher Dynasty Range12

Knights of Dice – Terminus Australis – die Cypher Dynasty Range

Brand new sub range for the Terminus Australis line for all you fans of Ancient Immortal undead robots! 11 new kits that fit that the theme of Tomb Worlds and living metal! Much like our Terminus Australis: Invictus range, Terminus Australis: Cypher Dynasty features a great degree of modularity, with kits stacking, clipping and butting up against each other for an impressive number of combinations, allowing you to vary up your table time and time again! The core of this range is the Stasis Pyramids; standalone kits in three sizes that can also stack to form one massive pyramid! They come in three sizes, from largest to smallest; the Stasis Vault, Stasis Crypt and Stasis Tomb.
Want a way to connect two or more pyramids together? Then pick up the Immortals Hall and Immortals Chamber kits. These two kits are designed as a corridor or bridge between two stasis pyramid kits. Not only that, but they come with two end caps so they can also be used as standalone structures!
Two more add-on kits for the pyramids are also available; the Stasis Door pack and Pulpit of the Ancients. The door pack contains 4x doors that will fit on any of the pyramid kits, as well as any stray unused end-caps from the Immortals Hall and Immortals chamber to make a small standalone structure!
After some scatter? The Cypher Shield Walls will give your infantry some much needed cover! After some BIG scatter? The Stasis Sarcophagus has you covered. After some GIGANTIC scatter? The Monument to the Ancients is a not so subtle tribute to the Cypher Kings! This massive obelisk stands 292mm tall, and is definitely not compensating for anything.
Lastly we have the Arcway Portal, and impressive beast of a thing that is the perfect centrepiece or objective piece! It includes a piece of green acrylic to simulate the arcing lighting of a portal!
The massive amount of modularity makes this range perfect for those that want to endlessly create unique and interesting layouts for every game! Let us know what you think in the comments and have a great weekend!
BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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