von BK-Herr Kemper | 19.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Terrain / Gelände

Knights of Dice: Neuheiten

Knights of Dice stellt Neuheiten vor.

*NEW RELEASES! SO MANY KITS! ALL THE KITS! (well 15 new kits…)*
Today we have a TON of new releases! Big updates for Neo Sentry: Easy District and Tabula Rasa lines (with some kits that actually cross that divide too!). Both Viv and Scott have been in a design frenzy since lockdown has eased a little allowing us to both be back in the studio, and as a result we have churned through a tone of new kits in a relatively short period of time.
First up we have the Hermes Class Monorail Car and all the bits that go along with it! We haven’t exactly been shy about teasing this kit, as we were just too excited to not share it early! Its a kit that we have wanted in the Easy District line since the very concept stages of Easy District, it just took us a few years to get around to it. The Car is an impressive beast of a kit, featuring working opening doors, acrylic detailing, swivelling track mounts allowing it to be placed on curved track sections, a fully playable interior and flight stand mounts in case you want to use it without the track system! Add to this several customisation options with additional kits such as the Autonomous Control Unit and the Seating Units, it makes for an impressive model.
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Knights of Dice: Monorail

We all know that Mono= One, and Rail = Rail, so guess you are going to need some rails to go with your genuine, bona fide, Electrified, six-car monorail! The straight sections are 12in long and come in a pack of four, enough track to stretch across a 4ft span of table. Curved sections are in packs of two. The Plasteel Spport Pillars are a separate kit and designed be removable to allow flexibility with your track setups, or to use the pillars for other purposes. Lay your track on the ground or raise it up with Plasteel Pilars!
We also have a THE COMMUTER BUNDLE for the Monorail pieces available. A little different from our existing bundles, this one allows you to choose the amount of pieces you will need for your setup and still get the 15% off bundle price
COMMUTER BUNDLE – from $116.45 AUD
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Knights of Dice: Airlocks, Add-Pillar, Planter Boxes, Walkways

What if you’re not big on public transport? Well we have you covered too with a mess of Tabula Rasa kits!
We have two new Airlock kits, in narrow or wide varieties. These nifty little kits are useful for so many things, not just representing airlocks or access points. Place them between buildings and you have a great looking covered walkway or corridor between facilities, place them up against a building to alter its profile and create little pockets and nooks for your miniatures to hide behind.
The Triangle Add-Pillar is a pure MDF version of the limited Holochrome Pillar we released last week (and sold out of immediately!). They look great with some printed ads scattered about the board and come in a pack of five.
These simple planter boxes feature some simply line etching that makes them a little “sci-fi’ish”. This pack of planters includes 8 planters in various
A new 10in length for our existing walkways!
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Knights of Dice: Tabula Rasa Dessert Buildings

We also have these two new MASSIVE additions to the popular TR: Desert Buildings range. This Large Compounds are exactly that … LARGE! With an impressive footprint, multiple internal rooms for clearing missions, multiple levels and fully enclosed courtyards, these models provide the ideal platform for creating a wonderful centerpiece for your table.
These upgrade packs allow you to add working doors to most of the Tabula Rasa range of kits. The first of these kits will not fit some of the older models, so be sure to check that you door opening is 22x38mm. Additionally, the Club Box range has a different door shape so the Working Club Box Doors kit is also available!
Phew we are exhausted from all the post-production chaos of all those kits, Hope there is something here to get your hobby creativity flowing! Keep an eye out as we will have many things coming soon as we ramp back up out of iso production mode! Stay safe guys, thanks!
Quelle: Knights of Dice FB
BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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      • Naja, der machts dann über den Wechselkurs.
        2 Container aus Australien kosten (in Euro) 15,30. Die selben Container in Pfund kommen dann für 21,89. Sicher muss auch der Laden seinen Schnitt machen und hat das Risiko der Bestellung.
        Ich denke Australien ist einfach zu weit, trotz der schönen Modelle.

      • Milchmädchenrechnung und auch noch falsch.

        Wenn man direkt bestellt kommt noch Einfuhrumsatzsteuer oben drauf.
        Beim Versand aus Engl ist sie im Moment schon drin. Und das Porto ist ein ganz anderes.

        Aber wenn dir das zu zu viel ist entweder von der insel oder der großen insel zu bestellen willst du es nur nicht genug.

    • Geht wenn du größere Bestellung machst. Hab Ende letzten Jahres ein Mal genug Material für einen kompletten Tisch bestellt. Ab 400 australische Dollar Versandkostenfrei. Sind umgerechnet etwa 250€.
      Kamen beim Zoll irgendwas nahe unter 70€ Einfuhrsteuer drauf.
      Am Ende also etwa 320€ für Gelände für einen kompletten Infinity Tisch. Das ist etwa derselbe Preis wie andere Komplettsets die nicht von TT-Combat kommen

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