von BK-Herr Kemper | 25.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Kimera: Liath, die Druidin

Kimera veröffentlicht eine neue Großfigur, Liath, die Druidin & das passende Bemal-Tutorial als PDF.

Kimera Liath, Die Druidin Kimera Liath, Die Druidin2 Kimera Liath, Die Druidin3 Kimera Liath, Die Druidin4 Kimera Liath, Die Druidin5 Kimera Liath, Die Druidin6

Kimera – Liath, die Druidin

LIATH, the druidess – IS AVAILABLE HERE:

SIZE AND MATERIAL: 75mm, high quality resin
COST: 45€ + VAT
SHIPPING: first 80 copies in the beginning of July, the other copies at the end of July. Shipping cost 9€ worldwide, free for orders of 95€ or more.

Concept and sculpt by Africa Mir, winner of 2 gold medals in Monte San Savino and Scale Model Challenge with this model.

Painted by Marc Masclans who also wrote a big PDF TUTORIAL with 81 pictures on how he painted her. Available in English, Italian and Spanish.

Liath Tutorial Liath Tutorial2 Liath Tutorial3

Liath Tutorial – Marc Masclans – PDF (eng, esp and ita)

20,00  + VAT

English, Spanish and Italian versions inside this product.
It’s 40 pages long and it contains 81 pictures.

This is a downloadable PDF tutorial about painting the boxart of model:https://www.pegasoworld.com/product/liath/by the award winning painter Marc Masclans.

You’ll find:
– How to sketch and refine
– Painting face
– Painting hair
– Projected shadows
– Leather, horns and other materials
– How to paint textured fabric
– How to paint the base

Free sample: https://www.pegasoworld.com/?p=63201


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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