von BK-Herr Kemper | 02.10.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Postapokalypse

Punkapocalyptic: Masters of the Wasteland Kickstarter

Master of the Wasteland ist der der neue Kickstarter um eine Erweiterung von Punkapocalyptic zu finanzieren.


So, what’s all this fuss about?

We are Bad Roll Games, a company which has been working on the Punkapocalyptic game for more than five years. During this time we have released really detailed, high-quality miniatures for the five first factions of the game: Gangers, Mutards, Junkers, Black Blood Children, V Reich and Amok. Last year we also run two KS for the Starter Set and a brand new comic book, both also successful.

In fact, they both were chosen by the people as Best Crowdfunding Campaign in 2016 and 2017 by the Spanish blog Fanhammer.

You can check our miniatures out at our webpage, where you can download our rulebook and complements, or visit our Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or Instagram.

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Basically our game is a fast-paced skirmish showdown between rival gangs, played with 5 to 10 30 mm scale miniatures in a post-apocalyptic, barren and desolate environment known as the Wasteland. If you are into skirmish games, wargames in general, apocalyptic settings or just like to paint superb minis made by some of the best sculptors in the market these days, this game is for you. Don’t hesitate to visit our website to know more about the background of this setting, read a bunch of short stories, watch some cool drawings and maps, or feast your eyes with the miniature galleries.

All the rules, factions, scenarios, etc. are free to download from our web page at https://www.badrollgames.com/descargas/reglas/.

To get an idea about the scale, here you are our miniatures compared with the new GW Necromunda ones.

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But the Punkapocalyptic world goes far beyond. You can now enjoy a roleplaying game, made by the famous author Robert J Schwalb:

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So far, the miniatures we released were developed for a single faction of Punkapocalyptic. Some of them, for their equipment, could be used for more than one faction, but design, packaging, etc… were designed for that miniature to belong to a specific faction. That’s no longer the case in this KS.

All miniatures come with a variety of equipment and heads, so you can assemble them as you like and use them for several factions. Or even use them for other games. Or just have them because they are so cool to paint and collect! But also, most of the options are compatible between different miniatures of this campaign, so the possibilities for customization are endless! Just think, for example, that one of the basic miniatures can be assembled in 64 different ways… Now think about the possibilities if we add the whole lot of them. Having the exact same miniature as you rival is OVER.

With this new miniatures we also wanted to represent a wider array of races and body builds. The area of Scrapbdrige where this game takes place is near the East coast of the United States, so it’s just logical that the wastelanders inhabiting the place are from a wide racial and cultural background.

These new miniatures will also be slightly bigger. When we started off with our game Punkapocalyptic, the usual size for wargame miniatures was about 28-30mm. Things have changed a lot since then and miniatures have increased their size, so many people find our minis a bit small. In this campaign we are making them bigger, but not so much that the current range of miniatures will be outdated. We want this Masters of the Wasteland to be just taller people. Which just fits nicely in our original idea of making the wastelanders more varied and diverse (not all the people out there are the same height).

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New campaign & optional rules book

Since we started with Punkapocalyptic, one of the things we have been asked a lot for were some campaign rules for improving and evolving your own bands. Those of you that know us better, know that we don’t like to publish printed books unless we have tested things a thousand times over. So we have been testing campaign rules for years, making changes all the time and polishing them good, so you can have this version we now can call „final“. But as filling a book with only that set of rules could be a bit boring, we also included a lot of optional rules for your games. Things you can use or not, depending on how you feel at the moment. New scenarios, weather rules, random encounters with critters of the Wasteland, especial scenery, solo games and more. Ready to make your Punka games even more spectacular and professional.

Besides, these miniatures you can customize as you like are the perfect complement for the campaign rules, where you will be able to evolve your band members as you wish each time they gain a new level.

Available in English and Spanish.

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Let’s get down to it!

The goal of this campaign is to fund the first 6 miniatures for the Masters of the Wastelandso you can play with them, and unlock as many extras for them as possible so the band ends up being as complete as possible.

You want to see the models we want to fund, and see them you shall! All those of the basic pack  The first miniature to be designed has already been 3D modelled by the GT Studioteam in such an awesome way that will get your ass spinning in circles! It’s displayed with the different options of gear and heads available.

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The rest of the miniatures of this KS are still in concept drawing stage, but GT Studio is more than ready and set to start with the rest of the 3D modelling as soon as this campaign is funded and send them to BigChild Creations for mass casting in high quality resin. So what you seen in this drawings will be exactly what the final miniatures will look like when they reach your hands, as has always been the case. Some of the heads and weapons will be unlocked during the campaign, but as you can see all miniatures have quite a number already included in the basic pack.

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Pledge Level:

3 €+ Pledge level – Rummagin‘ through trash:

You are just looking for a piece or two from our stockage, and that’s  perfectly fine. If you don’t want to get the new minis or you want to add extra miniatures to any other pledge level,  pick your choice of individual miniatures here. Through this option you  can also choose any of the new minis unlocked in this campaign, if you  don’t have a pledge level with access to extras or just want to have  more or them.

All  the miniatures are in high quality resin.

After the Kickstarter campaign ends, you will then be able to select your options via our pledge manager.

This pledge level does not include the exclusive Punk Cat miniature nor any extras unlocked during the campaign

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65 € (60 € Early bird) Pledge level – Masters of the Wasteland :

This is what we are here for! The 6 new, cool and fancy customizable miniatures for Punkapocalyptic the Game. Get them all for only 65 € (60 € as an Early Bird)!

All miniatures are made in high quality resin.

This pledge level includes the exclusive Punk Cat KS miniature and the free extras unlocked during the campaign.

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 80 € (75 € Early bird) Pledge level – Readers of the Wasteland:

Apart from the 6 new, cool and fancy customizable miniatures for Punkapocalyptic the Game, you get ONE printed book. The Printed Rulebook (English, Spanish or French) OR the Printed „Campaign and Optional Rules“ book. And for only 80 € (75 € as an Early Bird)!

All miniatures are made in high quality resin.

This pledge level includes the exclusive Punk Cat KS miniature and the free extras unlocked during the campaign.

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95 € (90 € Early bird) Pledge level – Librarians of the Wasteland:

Apart from the 6 new, cool and fancy customizable miniatures for Punkapocalyptic the Game, you get TWO printed book. The Rulebook (English or Spanish) AND the Campaign and Optional Rules (English os Spanish). And for only 95 € (90 € as an Early Bird)!

All miniatures are made in high quality resin.

This pledge level includes the exclusive Punk Cat KS miniature and the free extras unlocked during the campaign.

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Stretch Goals:

The pretty unlockable extra thingies

If we get to the funding goal of this campaign, you will start unlocking new stretch goals with which you can get a lot of extra things. So don’t be shy and spread the word, tell your friends, rob your grandma and scrap your wallet off your last one penny!

10250 € Stretch goal 1 – Two free hands with weapons

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By reaching 10250 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a hand with a crossbow and a hand with a shotgun for FREE.

10500 € Stretch goal 2 – Free head

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By reaching 10500 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a head for FREE.

10750 € Stretch goal 3 – Free hands with weapon

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By reaching 10750 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a pair of hands with a heavy mace for FREE.

11000 € Stretch goal 4 – Free Punkapocalyptic coaster

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By reaching 11000 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a Punkapocalyptic coaster for FREE. The final design may differ.

11250 € Stretch goal 5 – Two free hands with weapons

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By reaching 11250 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a hand with an attached medium blade and a hand with a small blade for FREE.

11500 € Stretch goal 6 – Free head

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By reaching 11500 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a head for FREE.

11750 € Stretch goal 7 – Free hand with shield

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By reaching 11750 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a hand with a shield for FREE.

12000 € Stretch goal 8 – Free new miniature

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By reaching 12000 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a NEW MINIATURE for FREE.

12350 € Stretch goal 9 – Two free hands with weapons

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By reaching 12350 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a hand with a gas can and a hand with a fire bomb for FREE.

12700 € Stretch goal 10 – Free extra limbs

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By reaching 12700 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive an extra limbs mutation for FREE.

13000 € Stretch goal 11 – Free alternate body (KS exclusive)

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 By reaching 13000 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a ALTERNATE BODY with a different pose for FREE (KS Exclusive).

13350 € Stretch goal 12 – Free head

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By reaching 13350 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a head for FREE.


13700 € Stretch goal 13 – Two free hands with weapons

By reaching 13700 euros all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a hand with a pistol and a hand with a walkie-talkie for FREE.

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Are you sure this is how the final product will look?

Quite sure, my dear friend! As we have previously said, last years we  ran a successful campaigns on KS where we also showed only early  sketches and concepts for the  miniatures, and the final production  items where perfect matches for  them! But you don’t have to take our  word! Just see it for yourselves!

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Stand: 11.000+ EUR (Ziel 10.000 EUR)

Ende: 13. Oktober 2020 18:00 CEST

Link: Punkapocalyptic. Masters of the Wasteland

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Nicht NSFW? Bild 24?
    Ich hab da so einen Radar für entblößte Miniaturen 😉

    Schönes Design aber irgendetwas stimmt nicht wirken die nur so schlacksig oder sind sie es auch?

  • Die Entwürfe locken micht jetzt doch. Ein bisschen freakiger dürften die „schönen“ aber auch sein – verglichen mit den versehrten daneben…

    Die paar Pixel bei der Bilderflut. 😆
    Aber müsste wohl sein – außer, es geht echt nur um klar erkennbare weibliche Brustwarzen und das Untenrum beider Geschlechter. Die restlichen Dinge runtherum unterstreichen mal schön plakativ die Absurdität…

    Ansonsten: sind halt paar dünnere dabei. Ist ja auch im Nachkollaps, ne?
    Beim Devilock fällt besonders auf, sind Jerry Only, Glen etc ja deutlich anders aufgestellt… ^^

  • Hab glaube ich noch paar ältere Minis aus der Range, als es mal verramscht wurde.
    Mich würde ja schwer der NICHT-LETZTE-V8 interessieren, von Mad Mel hab ich schon passender Minis im Fundus, aber das Auto wäre schon nice… auch nicer als das Kit von Crooked Dice.

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