von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.12.2020 | eingestellt unter: Historisch, Science-Fiction

Khurasan Miniatures: Previews & Neuheiten

Khurasan Miniatures erweitern ihr Sortiment und zeigen Previews kommender Sci-Fi Modelle für 6mm Spiele.

Khurasan Napoleonische Russen

Khurasan – Napoleonische Russen – 15mm bzw. 18mm

We are very pleased to release the first codes of our 15mm (really 18mm) Napoleonic Russians. They are available now:
The first releases are the „meat and potatoes“ of any Russian army, line infantry for musketeers or jagers. They are in the so-called „1812 pattern“ kiwer and greatcoats, probably the most common appearance for these troops. These were made per a customer request, because the most popular range does not make this particular combination. We will be making more foot — for grenadiers, guards, and artillerists, all in the late shako and greatcoats as well, perhaps greatcoat infantry in firing line, and maybe even dragoons in greatcoats. If the range is well received, we will make men fighting in the coat as well.
The sets are:
Musketeers or Jagers, March Attack
Musketeers or Jagers, Advancing
Musketeers or Jagers, Command
Jager hornist
Khurasan Römer 15mm

Khurasan – Römer – 15mm

Heroic 15mm Trajanic Roman Legionaries, mounted on a stand 60mm across. They are mounted this way to show how they fit on typical 15mm base sizes, which are 40mm for four close order legionaries.
These legionaries are in six variations to give the massed elements a more realistic look, but care has been taken to keep the shields and weapons at the same attitude so as to create the impression that your legions are an unstoppable wall, like a steamroller. The models are one piece by the way so no assembly of individual figurines is required. Cast in pewter for strength and to give them just enough heft.
Wave 1 of the Heroic 15mm Trajanic Romans will be coming soon from Khurasan Miniatures.
Khurasan CSG Force

Khurasan – CSG Force – 6mm

The armoured component of the 6mm CSG force (Core Systems Ghulams), coming soon to Khurasan Miniatures.

Quelle: Khurasan Miniatures auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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