Khurasan Miniatures: Neuheiten und Preview
Khurasan Miniatures präsentieren Neuheiten und neue Preview Bilder auf Facebook.
Our 28mm range was sleepy for years but it’s really heated up over the last 18 months or so. So we decided to expand it by adding 28mm versions of one of our most popular ranges, the Federal Army VITROs, clone slave soldiers. Stay tuned for details soon!
Hi, we’ve just added seven new codes to our late 17th century range in 15mm, available here:They are a mixed bunch, first four codes for militia such as the Monmouth rebels and American colonial militia for the King Phillips War period, then some regular infantry with flintlocks, and finally a set of high command for the Netherlands, Brandenburg, Sweden … and Munster!The codes are:Militia marching with matchlocksMilitia with mixed polearms (mostly pikes but a rebuilt scythe and a pitchfork too)American colonial militia shootingAmerican colonial militia marchingFlintlock musketeers marchingFlintlock musketeers standingEuropean high commandTwo of the codes are shown here, flintlock musketeers standing and American colonial militia at the ready.
Quelle: Khurasan Miniatures auf Facebook
Für 15 mm sind die Details echt beeindruckend. Mir gefällt dieser Maßstab für Massenschlachten auch besser als die etablierte Größe von 28 mm, da man so realistischerer Einheitengrößen und Entfernungen aufs Spielfeld bekommt.