von BK-Herr Kemper | 07.09.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Isolation Protocol: Terrain Kickstarter

Quadratisch, praktisch, gut? Corvus Games Terrains aktueller Kickstarter dreht sich um ein System modularer SF Gebäude und Strukturen.



Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL2Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL3 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL4

Isolation Protocol – Modular 3D Printable Sci-fi Terrain STL:

Isolation Protocol is a set of completely modular 3D printable 28mm – 32mm wargaming terrain based on the hugely popular WarLayer 4.0 system. This is the secondKickstarter campaign from Corvus Games Terrain dedicated to modular 3D printable terrain.

Isolation Protocol is a huge bundle of 3D printable wargaming terrain allowing you to create modular layouts and featuring over 400 digital STL files to download and print at home. Scaled for 28mm sci-fi games and compatible with games like Deadzone, Star Wars Legion, Warhammer 40,000, Star Breach, and Kill Team.

All of the models print without the need for supports, and are designed to print vertically for maximum quality on home desktop FDM printers, and will fit the average sized 200mm x 200mm print bed.

Modular Design:

The Isolation Protocol system is designed around a simple 3″ x 3″ construction. They are also fully compatible with the WarLayer components from our first Kickstarter, Sector Corvus Prime.

Each wall measures 76.2mm / 3 inches high, and when attached to the support poles on either side, they form a structure 3 inches wide, perfect for games such as the popular grid based Deadzone and even Dust Tactics. Simply add three more walls and a roof and you have a great building cube to fight around.

Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL5 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL6Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL7

Designed for FDM Printing:

 Isolation Protocol has been designed to be printed on FDM printers and all the components been tested extensively by an army of volunteer hobbyists worldwide. All pieces are designed to print without the need for fiddly supports and have been exported into the optimal orientation for printing.

All models can be printed without supports so no time wasted removing messy supports! Most of the pieces can also print without issue on SLA printers. The largest pieces (ground tiles) measure 152mm x 152mm x 13mm. The largest roof pieces measure 142mm x 142mm x 3mm

Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL8 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL9

Free Sample:

Try out the system for yourself today with these free sample files available on Thingiverse. Even with just the few components in the sample pack, you can construct multiple combinations allowing for a dynamic layout.

Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL10

Pledge Level:

Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL11 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL12 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL13 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL14 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL15 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL16

Isolation Protocol has just the one main pledge level filled with enough terrain to cover multiple gaming tables. If this isn’t enough and you’d like even more modular pieces, you can select the option that includes all the WarLayer 4.0 compatible components from last year’s successful Sector Corvus Prime Kickstarter campaign. See the Add-ons Section below for more info.

Stretch Goals:

Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL17 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL18 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL19 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL20 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL21

These stretch goals will come to fruition when the goals are met. Some of the goals are already designed but untested, and some are still being worked on. The stretch goals are released after the end of the campaign.


Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL22

 Did you miss the previous Sector Corvus Prime kickstarter and would like to add that to your pledge?

Not a problem! Now is a great time to grab the WarLayer 4.0 compatible pieces from Sector Corvus Prime at a limited low price. That’s over 300 extra digital STLs! It will also include the unlocked stretch goals from that set, and included the chemical tanks and pipelines. Essentially anything that isn’t OpenLOCK!

Click  to view the Sector Corvus Prime campaign page.

Free Model:

Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL23 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL24

All main pledge backers will also receive a WarLayer 2×1 compatible ‚Interface‚ wall design which allows Isolation Protocol walls to connect directly.

Painted Examples:

The painted examples below were printed on a number of home FDM printers including a Creality CR10 Mini and a Prusa Mk2S. All were simply painted by a base coat of colored Army Painter spray primer followed by drybrushing.

All models were printed using a 0.4 nozzle at a layer height of 0.2 with infill density of 10%.

Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL25 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL26 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL27 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL28 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL29 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL30 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL31 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL32 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL33 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL34 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL35 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL36 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL37 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL38 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL39 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL40 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL41 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL42 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL43 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL44 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL45 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL46 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL47


The basic pledge includes a huge variation in wall and roof designs allowing for huge thematic layouts. Quickly create a grid-like combination of support poles, walls, roofs, stairs, walkways for a truly cinematic game experience.

A selection of models are shown below.

Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL48 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL49 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL50 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL51 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL52 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL53 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL1 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL54 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL55

Cross Compatibility:

Isolation Protocol components will work brilliantly as add-ons to existing WarLayer 4.0 sets such as Sector Corvus Prime, Skrap Landz, and WarLayer 4.0. Each wall component in Isolation Protocol also comes as an extended wall, fully compatible with a regular WarLayer 2×1 wall.

Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL56 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL57 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL58

As Andrew from WarLayer puts it „The prints can be reused in several ways meaning less time printing and  more time playing. The portability and modularity make WarLayer great  for games like Necromunda, Kill Team, Space Hulk, Warhammer 40k, Fallout  Wasteland, Star Wars Legion, Doom, Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and any other games that require a quick grid of terrain to make the battlefield cinematic.


Below are sample renders using just a few Isolation Protocol components. The grid-based construction slots allow for a huge number of wall and corner combinations without the need for unseemly clips or tabs.

Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL60 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL61 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL62 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL63 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL64 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL65 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL66 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL67 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL68 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL69 Isolation Protocol Modular 3D Printable Sci Fi Terrain STL70


Stand 12.000+ EUR

Ziel: 1.000 EUR

Ende: Don, 1. Oktober 2020 16:00 CEST

Link: Isolation Protocol KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Hmm. Das ist schon eine SEHR dreiste Kopie der Mantic Geländeteile für Deadzone. Die waren nicht schlecht und das hier löst viele der Probleme der Mantic Modelle (mehr Vielfalt, Zugang zu spezifischen Teilen etc.). Und wenn man die Mantic Sachen mit anderen Modellen kombiniert ist großartiges Necromunda Gelände möglich.

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    • Stimmt. Mein erster Gedanke war auch: Das sind doch die Mantic-Platten. Aber beim genaueren Hinsehen sieht man schon genug Unterschiede. Insgesamt sieht das doch ganz gut aus und das Stecksystem scheint sogar besser zu sein als das von Mantic (war ja eher so lala…) Und wenn man das hier mit Mantic-Platten mixen/aufpeppen kann, umso besser. Bissel Abwechsluung schadet doch nie. 🙂

    • Der Mantic-Vergleich war auch mein erster Gedanke. Ich habe gar nicht so ein Problem mit dem System an sich (hatten Maki schon früher), aber einige der Plattendesigns sind im Grunde nahezu 1:1 von Mantic übernommen, was ich dann schon wieder etwas schwach finde.

  • Ich freu mich schon darauf. Endlich mal ein 3D STL KS der direkt auf das 3×3 Zoll Format geht.
    Bisher hatte Ich extra eine Matte mit 4,5 Zoll Quardern (4,5×4,5×3 Zoll) weil die meisten 3D Teile auf 4,5 Länge gehen aber dann doch nur 3 Zoll hoch sind. Geht zwar mit dem Grid auf der Matte ist aber beim Spielen doch irgendwie komisch gewesen….

  • Erinnert mich an die Teile von Warlayer.

    Ansich ganz nett aber mit den gebauten teilen mag ich mich nicht anfreunden wollen.
    KA warum.

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