von BK-Herr Kemper | 21.05.2020 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity RPG: Combined Army Sourcebook

Modiphius veröffentlicht für das Infinity RPG das Combined Army Quellenbuch.

Infinity Combined Army Sourcebook Pdf Infinity Modiphius Entertainment 811201 Infinity Combined Army Sourcebook Pdf Infinity Modiphius Entertainment 997625 Infinity Combined Army Sourcebook Pdf Infinity Modiphius Entertainment 592744 Infinity Combined Army Sourcebook Pdf Infinity Modiphius Entertainment 212265 Infinity Combined Army Sourcebook Pdf Infinity Modiphius Entertainment 202180 Infinity Combined Army Sourcebook Pdf Infinity Modiphius Entertainment 557636 Infinity Combined Army Sourcebook Pdf Infinity Modiphius Entertainment 283269

Infinity RPG – Combined Army Sourcebook – PDF – 7,99 GBP

„We are the Combined Army, Conquest is our purpose and none will stop us.“

From the darkest reaches of the galaxy, an implacable tyrant looms slowly and inexorably, searching for intelligent races, studying them, contacting them, and ultimately absorbing them. Behold the Evolved Intelligence, an alien virtual entity bent on achieving the godlike state known as Transcendence. To reach its objective, the EI will use every tactic and strategy necessary to increase its almost infinite knowledge of the universe. This includes shrewd political alliances, peaceful unification, and where necessary, all-out war.

The Combined Army sourcebook gives players the opportunity to approach the Paradiso conflict from the other side and GMs a vast array of information to better understand the implacable enemy of the Human sphere.

This 112 page PDF features:

  • History of the Combined Army, the different races composing it, their strategies, armed divisions, and the terrible secrets of this ever growing empire.
    • Details on the true nature and origins of the Combined Army’s omnipresent leader—the feared and worshipped Evolved Intelligence. Learn about its drives, ambitions, and trepidations!
    • Rules and guidelines to play several of the Combined Army’s warrior races! From the violent Morat, to the cruel Shasvastii, vengeful Sygmaa, and traitorous humans!
    • Weapons, equipment, Voodoo Tech, and more! Enough gear to wage war on those who would dare turn their backs to the EI and the Transcendence project!

You will receive a download code with this product which offsets its cost against any future print purchase! 

Link: Modiphius

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Code One hat meine Infinity-Begeisterung wieder voll entfacht.
    Auch wenn es bei weitem nicht meine Lieblingsfraktion ist, freue ich mich daher über jede Möglichkeit neuen Fluff im Infinity Universum zu bekommen.

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