von BK-Bob | 29.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: Kaldstrøm und Dire Foes Alpha

Zurzeit kann man im Webstore von Corvus Bellli die Startprodukte für Infinity CodeOne vorbestellen.

Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 1 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 2 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 3 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 4 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 5 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 6 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 7 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 8 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 9 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 10 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 11 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 12 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 13 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 14 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 15 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 16 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 17 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 18 Infinity Operation Kaldstrøm 19

Operation: Kaldstrøm – 109,95€

Operation: Kaldstrøm Battle Pack is a box containing 14 miniatures belonging to two different armies, an introductory ruleset, cardboard scenery, dice—everything you need to start collecting Infinity CodeOne or just to complete your collection!

In addition to this, Operation: Kaldstrøm is the official way to introduce yourself to the Infinity CodeOne ruleset, as it includes a full color rulebook with 5 tutorial missions to teach you how to play, making it easy to understand the Infinity CodeOne core mechanics.

In this booklet you will also find the background and troop profiles of all the troops in the Battle Pack. There is also a brief guide to the Infinity universe and advice on exploring it in more detail.

Operation: Kaldstrøm contains 2 totally new Starter Packs of two brand new factions: PanOceania the hyperpower of the Infinity universe, and Yu Jing, PanOceania’s main contender -, its perpetual opponent. A total of 14 highly detailed metal miniatures!

Y para completar la experiencia de juego, el Battle Pack incluye escenografía de cartón impresa a doble cara (4 edificios, 4 Holoanuncios, 2 Consolas y 9 barricadas), una superficie de juego, 6 dados de veinte caras (tres de PanOceanía y tres de Yu Jing), además de Marcadores, plantillas, y una regla de cartulina. ¡Todo lo que necesitas para comenzar a jugar!

Corvus Belli pone Operation Kaldstrom en preventa exclusiva desde el 16 de marzo hasta el 3 de April, durante el cual se incluirá completamente grátis una miniatura especial: “Kunai S. Mercenary Ninja”.

Box contains:

  • 3 Fusiliers
  • 1 WinterFor Orc Troop
  • 1 Nøkken, Special Intervention and Recon Team
  • 1 Infirmarers of Saint Lazarus
  • 1 Knight of Justice (KOJ) of the Order of the Hospital
  • 3 Zhanshi
  • 1 Daofei Tactical Section
  • 1 Guilang Skirmishers
  • 1 Hùndùn Ambush Unit
  • 1 Jujak Regiment, Korean Shock Infantry
  • This product is not a toy.  Not intended for use of persons 14 years of age or younger.
  • Miniatures included in our products are provided unpainted. Assembly may also be required. Actual components may vary from those shown.

Infinity Dire Foes Mission Pack Alpha Retaliation 1 Infinity Dire Foes Mission Pack Alpha Retaliation 2 Infinity Dire Foes Mission Pack Alpha Retaliation 3 Infinity Dire Foes Mission Pack Alpha Retaliation 4 Infinity Dire Foes Mission Pack Alpha Retaliation 5

Dire Foes Mission Pack Alpha: Retaliation – 33,95€

PanOceania knows that a power does not maintain its supremacy by allowing any attack against it to go unpunished. Following the events in Kaldstrøm, a representative of the Yu Jing diplomatic corps who is visiting Huangdi will be the target of a team led by Troll-hunter Gunnar Lundmark. Of course, with Imperial Agent Adil Mehmut of the Special Division as the diplomat’s bodyguard, the task will not be easy.

With this box you can not only expand your collection of Infinity CodeOne miniatures, but you will get new options for your army—giving them personality with these two heroes—and also a neutral model to play missions and scenarios.

Box contains:

  • 1x Imperial Agent Adil Mehmut
  • 1x Troll-hunter Gunnar Lundmark
  • 1x Yu Jing ambassador.
  • This product is not a toy.  Not intended for use of persons 14 years of age or younger.

  • Miniatures included in our products are provided unpainted. Assembly may also be required. Actual components may vary from those shown.

Infinity Liang Kai Wandering Shaolin Monk 1 Infinity Liang Kai Wandering Shaolin Monk 2 Infinity Liang Kai Wandering Shaolin Monk 3

Liang Kai Wandering Shaolin Monk – 19,99€

A wandering monk who offers help to all those in need that he would come across during his travels. He is always there for a good and just cause. Liang Kai puts all his skill as a master of the 72 Shaolin Techniques to the service of the helpless and of his own redemption.

A very lethal melee contender willing to serve as a mercenary martial artist.

Blister contains:

  • Liang Kai Wandering Shaolin Monk
  • This product is not a toy.  Not intended for use of persons 14 years of age or younger.
  • Miniatures included in our products are provided unpainted. Assembly may also be required. Actual components may vary from those shown.

Infinity Kaldstrom Exclusive Bundle

Kaldstrom exclusive Bundle – 143,90€

¡Get a Liang Kai for free! Buy Operation Kaldtrom and Dire Foes Retaliation y get totally free the limited edition miniature of Liang Kai.

Corvus Belli will put Operation Kaldstrom up for sale during an exclusive pre-order from 16 March to 3 April, which will include a special miniature for free: “Kunai S. Mercenary Ninja”.

Die Vorbestellung von Kaldstrøm ist noch bis zum 4. April möglich.

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Community-Link: O-12.de

Quelle: Corvus Belli


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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