von BK-Herr Kemper | 19.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: Dezember Neuheiten

Corvus Belli bringt uns Bilder der Infinity Neuerscheinungen im Monat Dezember.

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Equipe Mirage-5  – 37,95 EUR

“I can tear a guy’s leg off by its roots and use it to smack down sixteen of his buddies. It was a useful skill when I was behind bars. I suppose that’s the reason why they want me to be in the army […] Yes, they say my work is nothing but smashing and killing, but I prefer to call it something like… staff reduction or… cleaning house.”

Extract from the evaluation interview of Duroc for the Mirage Teams.

This box includes 2 miniatures: Lieutenant Margot Berthier, a tough Heavy Infantry armed with an AP Rifle, Grenade Launcher and a Light Shotgun, and Sergeant Duroc, a lethal Dog Warrior with Chain Rifle, Grenades and Smoke Grenades. This dangerous pair will spread the chaos among the enemy lines thanks to their Parachutist (Deployment Zone) Special Skill, which allows them to place themselves in the enemy’s Deployment Zone at any moment.

  • 1x Margot (AP Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Light Shotgun)
  • 1x Duroc (Chain Rifle, Grenades, Smoke Grenades)

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Haqqislam Action Pack – 79,95 EUR

Haqqislam, the New Islam, is a minor power, spread across only a single planetary system, Bourak. Haqqislam has built a culture around a humanist, scholarly version of Islam that is in constant contact with Nature and rejects all fundamentalism. Biomedical science and Terraformation are the two pillars of their development, and Haqqislam is home to the best academies of Medicine and Planetology in the Human Sphere.

Box contains:

  • 3x Ghulam (Light Shotgun, Rifle)
  • 1x Khawarij (Light Shotgun, Rifle)
  • 1x Tuareg (Sniper Rifle)
  • 1x Zhayedan (Breaker Rifle, Light Shotgun)
  • 1x Fiday (DA CC Weapon)
  • 1x Ragik (Boarding Shotgun)
  • 1x Tarik Mansuri (Spitfire)
  • 1x Fasid (Grenade Launcher, Heavy Machine Gun, Smoke Grenade Launcher)

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Combined Army Booster Pack Alpha – 39,95 EUR

With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the collection you started with the Combined Army: Shasvastii Action Pack


Box contains:

  • 1x Jayth Cutthroats (Chain Rifle)
  • 1x Noctifer (Spitfire)
  • 1x Tensho (Boarding Shotgun

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O-12 Booster Pack Alpha – 33,95 EUR

With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the collection you started with the O-12 Action Pack


Box contains:

  • 1x Lynx (MULTI Sniper Rifle)
  • 1x Razor (Boarding Shotgun)
  • 1x Psi-cop Hacker

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Fat Yuan Yuan, Limited Christmas Edition – 49,95 EUR

Brutal and devastating: we could define the Yuan Yuan pirates and mercenaries in those terms, but there is no Yuan Yuan more devastating than the Fat Yuan Yuan.

His fists are like frozen hams, his combat jumps more plummets than controlled descents that make the earth tremble as much as his deep guttural belches. Everyone knows somebody who reminds them of the Fat Yuan Yuan, but I can assure you that no one measures up to him. The Fat Yuan Yuan remains undefeated in all the arm wrestling and drinking competitions he has ever been in. He is a living legend from the confines of Human Edge to the worst dives of Castropol. If you find him in a shady bar washing down beer and eating snacks by the handful, or putting a street vendor’s noodles to the test, maybe you can hire him… but you will regret it later.

This Christmas, the Fat Yuan Yuan is prepared to give out the worst gifts at full throttle on his powerful and noisy motorcycle. An impressive miniature with a lot of details. This Limited Christmas Edition contains the miniature of the Fat Yuan Yuan and a pair of Christmas socks. And you won’t need to wash them, because Yuan Yuans firmly believe that “in the space, nobody can smell your socks.” So, this is the perfect gift, according to our favorite mercenary.

Don’t wait for Santa to leave it under the Christmas tree and don't miss out on this Limited Christmas Edition.

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Community-Link: O-12.de

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Das Dog Warrior Team ist einfach nur genial. Die Pose und der Blick sind fantastisch. Leider wird es mit den Socken nix, denn wenn ich diese anziehe, dann lässt sich meine Frau wirklich von mir scheiden.
    Weiß jemand wann die Space Cossacks erscheinen?

    • Das ist Mirage 5 das ist kein Dog Warrior Team.
      Rotkäppchen und der Wolf sind ziemlich finster und können ein spiel in der ersren Runde entscheiden.

  • Jup, Rotkäppchen und der Wolf umschreibt es cool….mit viel Steroiden (zumindest für ihn) und einer guten Portion Rule of Cool.
    Es war aber auch Zeit für einen Resculpt.e

  • Rotkäppchen und der Wolf sind wider da! Juchuu!
    Ich fand es damals schon schade als sie die Franzosen-Sectorial gekillt hatten.

  • Gibts eigentlich mittlerweile nen YuanYuan-Profil mit Bike? .. oder muss das Bountyhunter Profil dafür herhalten?

  • Ich habe ja die Luxumbra Equipe Mirage-5 (75 / 100 mm) – und konnte auch schon beides bemalen. Ich finde die SciFi Version von Rotkäppchen und der Wolf super gelungen.

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