von BK-Herr Kemper | 09.07.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Heresy Labs: Faith & Honor Kickstarter

Heresy Labs hat mit Faith & Honor den dritten Kickstarter aus der Citizens Reihe am Start.

Citizens Faith And Honor

Citizens – Faith and Honor – HeresyLab 28mm Resin Miniaturen -Kickstarter

A set of new highly detailed miniatures to expand our current range of fantasy models. It’s time to add some warriors on your table top

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A new set of character to enhance your existing line of figurines. If you joined the first 2 Kickstarters you know how the models are, and if you missed them now you have a chance to grab them at a discounted price. Plus for the first 48 hours all pledges for 10 or more models will get Father Ted model for free. For the digital pledges, Father Ted STL file will be added for free to all the pledges of 1 Warband STL or higher. After that he will be available as add on in the pledge manager in both formats. Bear in mind that Father Ted is a Ks exclusive, a way to say thank you to the backers!

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Order of the Flaming Lys

A unique set of warriors intent to defend the purity of the Flaming Lys, a medieval like war band composed by nobles and peasants. The Kickstarter is designed to add 3 extra free models based on funding to make a 15 member deal for 59.00€

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Templars of the flame

A unique cult, a unique faith merged in a characteristic congregate of female priest warriors. The Templars of the flame will sacrifice their life to defend the purity of the flame from the villains.  The Kickstarter is designed to add 3 extra free models based on funding to make a 15 member deal for 59.00€

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Want to add more character to your war band or town? Just missed the first 2 Kickstarters? Here is a chance to get all of the models in bundle saving some „coins“

Don’t need a full set but just a few of them, don’t worry all models of this Kickstarter will be available in the pledge manager as single model add-on options. Why not add the Sacred Flame girls to your warrior nuns? She will be an amazing addition.

Stretch Goals:

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Pledge Level:

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1 model – You can choose any single human sized model available in this campaign. Bigger models will require a small surcharge. No freebies at this level. You will be able to add additional models in the pledge manager after the campaign.


5 models – You can choose a combination of any single human sized model available in this campaign. Bigger models will require a small surcharge. No freebies at this level. You will be able to add additional models in the pledge manager after the campaign.


1 Warband – You can select one of the 2 war bands, this perk includes all unlocked applicable free stretch goals for the specific band. You will be able to add additional models in the pledge manager after the campaign.


10 Models (your choice) you get 10 human sized  models of your choice (AX015, AXO16 requires +2 euro each due to animals) + any applicable stretch goal unlocked. You will be able to add additional models in the pledge manager after the campaign. Siegfried the ogre can be added in the pledge manager as add-on


2 Warbands – You can select two of the war bands, (You can select multiples) this perk includes all unlocked applicable free stretch goals for the specific band. You will be able to add additional models in the pledge manager after the campaign.


I WANT THEM ALL – This perk gives you one of each of the models shown in this Kickstarter, and one of each of the Citizens models. This level also includes one of each unlocked applicable stretch goals. Currently 52 models (includes one of each of the citizens big guys) and may go up to 58 models based on funding. Hans the Repent is not included, but can be added as an add-on later in the pledge manager.


If you want a single model STL please pledge 1.00€ and you will be able to select it in the pledge manager.


1 Warband STL – You get 1 war band STL of your choice (12 models) we have for the campaign and any additional model unlocked for the war-band of your choice.


All STL – This perk grants you all the STL files for only the 2 war bands and related stretch goals unlocked. Files will be sent after the campaign once the pledge manager is finalized.  We currently plan to release a minimum of 30 models (15 for each band)


All STL + Citizens – This perk grants you all the STL files for only the 2 war bands and related stretch goals unlocked also includes all the 28 citizens files. Files will be sent after the campaign once the pledge manager is finalized.  We are currently looking to 58 models.

Size Comparison:

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We have fully revised our production scheme, and now all models will be sized and sculpted to match the other in size. The picture below shows a GW model (center with two pistols) next to the citizens models to give you an idea of the actual size. The model shown is just for scale comparison and is in no way associated to our company.



Der Kickstarter hat sein Ziel von 3.500 EUR mit 30.000+ EUR erreicht und läuft bis zu, 29. Juli 2020 02:00 CEST.

Link: Citizens of Faith and Honor Kickstarter


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Oh, wow! Wenn sie wirklich die Probleme mit dem Massstab gelöst haben, verfliegt mein einziger Kritikpunkt. Die Figuren aus dem letzten KS waren erste Sahne…
    Vielleicht bin ich doch wieder dabei.

    • Welche Probleme mit dem Massstab waren denn das genau?

      Ich überlege gerade mir so eine Warband für Mordheim zuzulegen. Weißt du zufällig ob die da größenmäßig passen würden?

      • Ok, jetzt hab ich den letzten Teil ganz unten im Artikel bemerkt, da ist es erklärt. Alles klar, sollte passen.

  • Die Templars of the Flame gefallen mir richtig gut.
    Ich hab bisher bei zwei von deren Kickstartern mitgemacht und war beide Male sehr zufrieden.
    Vermutlich werde ich hier nicht widerstehen können.

  • Wenn die auf dem Markt sind, werde ich mich wohl nicht halten können. Sehr feine Figürchen dabei.

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