von BK-Herr Kemper | 08.09.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Science-Fiction

Hardware Studios: Lance Carrier

Hardware Studios veröffentlicht seine Mech-Transporter – die Lance Carrier gibt es in zwei Varianten.

Hardware Studios Demi Lance Carrier3 Hardware Studios Demi Lance Carrier1


Hardware Studios Demi Lance Carrier2

Hardware Studios – Demi-Lance Carrier – 48,00 USD

The Demi-Lance Carrier is how you bring the leftovers, or if you’re a filthy Clanner, how you bring the rest of your Star to the fight. Designed to accommodate up to 2 assault mecha on the standard hex base sizes used by both the Catalyst box sets and Reaper, this detailed ship acts as both a piece of scatter terrain and a sturdy and secure box. While we obviously can’t guarantee every weird custom pose and mecha will fit, the 2.5″ tall by 2.5″ wide interior has fit every big mecha I had around, from the new BattleMaster to the Sagittaire to the Malice to the Mad Cat Mk 2. Designed to be held closed by eight 5/16″ diameter by 1/16″ deep magnets (which can be found on Amazon), it snaps together and holds mecha snugly with a virtually undetectable seam.

Scale: 6mm

Size: 5.6″ x 3.8″ x 3.3″

Material: FDM & Resin

Designed for: Battletech

Hardware Studios Demi Lance Carrier9

Hardware Studios – Lance Carrier – 69,00 USD

The Lance Carrier is the classiest way to bring your staunchest Inner Sphere defenders to a battle. Designed to accommodate up to 4 assault mecha on the standard hex base sizes used by both the Catalyst box sets and Reaper, this detailed ship acts as both a piece of scatter terrain and a sturdy and secure box. While we obviously can’t guarantee every weird custom pose and mecha will fit, the 2.5″ tall by 2.5″ wide interior has fit every big mecha I had around, from the new BattleMaster to the Sagittaire to the Malice to the Mad Cat Mk 2. Designed to be held closed by eight 5/16″ diameter by 1/16″ deep magnets (which can be found on Amazon), it snaps together and holds mecha snugly with a virtually undetectable seam.

Scale: 6mm

Size: 9.7″ x 3.8″ x 3.3″

Material: FDM & Resin

Designed for: Battletech


Hardware Studios Demi Lance Carrier910

Hardware Studios – Demi-Lance Carrier – STL Datei – 18,00 USD

The STL version of our Demi Lance Carrier for home printing. Prints supportless on one plate in FDM.

For personal use only. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PRINTING.


Quelle: Hardware Studios FB

Link: Hardware Studio

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Jedoch etwas zu teuer, für auf und zu klappen, besonders wenn ansonsten keine weiteren Details dabei sind …

  • Puh, das sind deftige Preise.
    Dachte erst, dass da mehrere Teile in dem Preis enthalten sein müssten.
    Aber wenn selbst das einzelen 3D Modell für das kleinere Landungsschiff 18$ kosten soll, dann ist das einfach nur Wucher für mich.
    Aber ich denke dann werden viele das auch nicht kaufen.

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