von BK-Christian | 28.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Halflings Hungry Horde: Kickstarter läuft

Es gibt nostalgische Halblinge bei Kickstarter.

Halflings Hungry Horde Kickstarter 1

Welcome to the next campaign that I run on Kickstarter. This time I would like to offer you a troop of swan cavalry and battle ram riders. If by any chance you haven’t seen or missed my previous collection, as as a bonus there is a chance to get the standard infantry from the other Kickstarter campaign.

For the last seven years we have ran a professional miniature painting studio,  specializing in Horus Heresy and Warhammer 40,000 miniatures, but first and foremost old-school 80s and 90s metal miniatures – often known as “oldhammer” or “midhammer”. Since last year we have also ventured into old school, traditional tool sculpting.

About the Project

The project has started after an annual meeting of old- and midhammer players, which took place in Katowice last year. As we returned, we have decided to start a challenge of assembling and painting a complete 5th edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle army each. I have taken up this challenge with the intent of assembling a halfling army. However, I had no miniatures for it and getting any aftermarket was impossible. That’s what made me pick up my tools and putty. The miniatures visible below are the seed of a whole halfling army, which will later include swan cavalry, a food wagon, a unit of housewives and many more, enabling you to create a complete, playable and gorgeous army. What you see here is just an appetizer!

Halflings Hungry Horde Kickstarter 1

The miniatures are sculpted by hand, we use putties like BeesPutty, Green Stuff and Magic Sculpt. We do not use modern tech in the sculpting process, as we wish for the sculpts to retain the style and soul of the 80s and 90s miniatures. As a backer of the project you will be able to choose the preferred casting material of your miniatures – either white metal or resin. All miniatures will be delivered unpainted.  You can see below how our miniature creation flow looks, from a sketch design, through sculpting, all the way to the casting process.

Halflings Hungry Horde Kickstarter 3

You can back our project by choosing the set that suits you best or by adding any number of additional miniatures to it. You may also select several sets at once. Please remember that a set price does not include bases as well as shipment. Shipment costs will vary depending on the weight of the miniatures you purchase and the area to which we need to deliver them.

Only one ( or maybe more )

If you are looking for one ( or maybe more ) mini  

  • Halfling on foot –  £4.00 
  • Halfling on battle ram – £8.00 
  • Halfling on giant swan – £8.00

Halflings Warband – White metal

  • It consists of 11 miniatures set ( cast in White Metal )

This is a set from the previous Kickstarter campaign. It consists of 11 halfling designs equipped with bows (6 pieces), small arms (4 pieces) and one wizard.

Halflings Hungry Horde Kickstarter 2

Halflings Swan Cavalry ( White Metal / High Quality Resin )

  • The squad consists of 5 riders and 5 swan models. There are 3 designs of halfling bodies with interchangeable weapons (lance) and also option of shield made in white metal.   After the campaign ends, a supporter ( who choose White Metal options ) will be asked about the requested type of material of the swan – Metal / resin / metal torso and resin wings.

The swans can be made of metal, but then it will not be possible to change the pose in which they fly or in high-quality resin that in the process of light heating it will be possible to shape their wings and neck almost any way you want. You can see examples of arranging resin swans in the campaign photos.

Halflings Hungry Horde Kickstarter 4

Halflings Battle Ram Cavalry ( Metal / High Quality Resin )

  • It consists of a set of 5 cavalrymen, 3 halfling bodies with replaceable weapons and shields, and 3 ram designs.

Another of the elite halfling troops is the battle ram cavalry, which due to their devastating charge can defeat a much stronger opponent.

Halflings Hungry Horde Kickstarter 5

Full Halflings Hungry Hungry Horde

  • Consists of the complete collection which is a atrmy of halflings ( cast in metal ) allowing you to play various game systems. By choosing this set you will receive exactly 40 regular halflings from the basic set on foot, 20 halflings on battle ram and 10 halflings on Giant Swan , commanded by the wizard Maggus Pulpo and general with wooden sword Tom Woods. Access to all Add-ons


Halflings Hungry Horde Kickstarter 6

Stretch Goals:

Halflings Hungry Horde Kickstarter 7 Halflings Hungry Horde Kickstarter 8


Halflings Hungry Horde Kickstarter 9

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 9 Tage.

Quelle: Halflings Hungry Horde


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Old Chool hin oder her, ich persönlich finde die total häßlich.

    Bei Arquworld und Alex Huxley konnte man sehen das es Halbling auch in hübsch geben kann

    • Arquworld finde ich auch cool. Aber er hat einen sehr eigenen, knorrigen Stil. Der nicht unbedingt zu Anderem passt. Alex Huxley lese ich hier zum ersten Mal. Und eine kurze Netzsuche, brachte nur Ungewolltes zutage. Könnstest du mich da bitte erhellen?

      • Alex Huntley ist der Betreiber/Kneter/Kreative von Warploque Miniatures mit der Firma hat er die ArcWorlde Reihe geschaffen. Also nur eine Nennung von Halblingen.
        Mir gefallen die von Copplestone (in der Collection versteckt) ganz gut. Und natürlich Westfalia, das sind die schönsten Halblinge die es momentan gibt, leider etwas schwerer zu bekommen da oft ausverkauft.

      • Die von Copplestone sind aber auch arg wenig. Ich habe die sogar hier. Ebenso ein paar von Westfalia. Aber, wie gesagt, kaum zu bekommen. Also hat es kaum Alternativen.

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