von BK-Nils | 09.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

GW: Wochenvorschau mit dem restlichen Adepta Sororitas

Kommenden Samstag wird Games Workshop die restlichen Einheiten für das Adepta Sororitas veröffentlichen, außerdem gibt es den neuen White Dwarf.

Sunday Preview: Sisters of Battle – Complete!

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Sisters Of Battle – Complete! 1

Prepare yourself for a massive final wave of releases for the Adepta Sororitas, including two more tanks, a scenery kit, more unit types, and loads of characters. We’ve also got a brief rundown of this month’s White Dwarf and some new fiction coming your way very soon. Grab a cuppa, watch this quick video for the highlights, and get comfy…

The best way to do this is to jump right in. We’ll get started with new boxes of troops.

Adepta Sororitas Repentia Squad

Repentia seek to absolve their sins by bathing in the blood of the faithless. Though fallen from grace, if they fight hard enough, they might redeem themselves just as the Living Saint herself.*

These are some of the coolest models in the new range, faithful to the original designs and wielding two-handed penitent eviscerators, but now in plastic with even more dynamic poses, running headlong to get stuck in.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Sisters Of Battle – Complete! 2

These models are replete with characterful details to represent their penance, from pain-inducing cilices, blindfolds, evidence of self-mortification, bionic limbs and the like. They’re led to battle and watched over by the Repentia Superior, who judges their deeds and fights alongside them. The Superior also bears their chaplets** on a special rack, to be returned posthumously to the worthy dead. Whereas these models are grim, yet glorious, the next are glorious, yet grim.

Adepta Sororitas Seraphim and Zephyrim Squad

Both the Seraphim and the new unit, Zephyrim, are fast-moving units that fill harassment, fire support, and melee roles – and this dual-build box gives you the choice to build either of them.

Taking flight on specialised jump packs, the Seraphim arrive spitting hot death with dual-wielded bolt pistols, hand flamers, and inferno pistols.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Sisters Of Battle – Complete! 3

You’ll get options for both helmeted and bare heads, weapon options for two each of hand flamer and inferno pistol specialists, loads of decorative accessories, and the option to build one of them as a Seraphim Superior. This squad leader has a unique chest piece, accessories, weapon options and unique head options to denote her status.

Alternatively, you can build this kit as a new unit type, the Zephyrim – divine destroyers and dedicated melee specialists.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Sisters Of Battle – Complete! 4

If the Seraphim are elite, the Zephyrim are the elite of the elite. They’re easily identified by their distinctive helmets and jump pack details, and each one carries both a bolt pistol and power sword. You may choose to build one of them as a Zephyrim Superior, bearing either a plasma pistol or a flowing pennant, complete with options for different decorative bits to indicate the Order Militant to which they belong.

There are so many options in this kit that no two (or three, or four) squads need look the same, so don’t hold back! Your enemies certainly won’t… Speaking of your enemies, perhaps you’d rather burn them to cinders? We’ve got you covered.

Adepta Sororitas Immolator

The aptly named Immolator battle tank bears cleansing flame in the form of a massive immolation flamer. A veritable shrine to the wrath of the God-Emperor, Immolators are designed to strike righteous fear into heretics, witches, and xenos alike.

Festooned with baroque and gothic details and decorations, Immolators form an impressive focal point for your army. The flaming braziers and the massive clear stained-glass window are also a treat for painters. You also have the option to exchange the flamer for a twin heavy bolter or twin multi-melta, in addition to the hull-mounted heavy bolter. There are no fewer than 4 different heads for the gunner, plus an optional hunter-killer missile. But the Immolator isn’t the only tank left to release. Don’t forget about the humble…

Adepta Sororitas Rhino

The Rhino APC is a mainstay of Imperial military organizations, and the Adepta Sororitas are no exception. While similar to the rest, the Sisters of Battle add religious icons, the symbols of their orders, and other unique embellishments.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Sisters Of Battle – Complete! 7

This kit upgrades the tried-and-true Rhino with a new frame, replacing the side doors, top hatch, front glacis plate, and an absolute treasure trove of decorative bits that will leave you with plenty more to spread around your army. These include icons for each Order Militant, relics, purity seals, candelabras, prayer books, and other flourishes. You also have top-hatch options to add a hunter-killer missile, plus a storm bolter gunner with several head options. This is an incredibly versatile kit, so don’t hesitate to pre-order enough to mobilize your entire army.

Astute readers may have noticed there are several different types of character models that have not yet been released. You don’t have much longer to wait for them! Let’s start at the top…

Adepta Sororitas Canoness

The martial and spiritual leaders of the Adepta Sororitas, each Canoness is a shining example of purity and dedication.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Sisters Of Battle – Complete! 8 Games Workshop Sunday Preview Sisters Of Battle – Complete! 9 Games Workshop Sunday Preview Sisters Of Battle – Complete! 10 Games Workshop Sunday Preview Sisters Of Battle – Complete! 11

This kit is packed with options. Start with a ranged weapon – bolt pistol, plasma pistol, inferno pistol, and Condemnor boltgun – then add a chainsword, power sword, blessed blade, null rod, or Brazier of Holy Fire. You’ve got two helmeted heads and two bare, and even your choice of two chest details and two backpacks. You know what that means? An amazingly cool canoness, no matter what you choose, and also tons of extra bits to be used across your army!

A Canoness is a veritable icon of faith. Now, if you want a literal icon of faith, here’s one.

Adepta Sororitas Imagifier

Bearing a massive statue into battle and preaching the virtues of martyrdom, Imagifiers stoke the fires of faith in nearby sisters.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Sisters Of Battle – Complete! 12

This model is dominated by the graven image of a fallen Battle Sister but includes a holstered boltgun and a choice of helmeted and bare heads. It’s a stunning model. So, too, is the Dialogus.

Adepta Sororitas Dialogus

Chanting sermons and leading hymns , the Sister Dialogus drowns out the bellowed cries of the enemy and exhorts her sisters to fight all the harder.

Like other single models in the range, the Sister Dialogus is like a tiny vignette diorama, captured in the midst of a tirade, voice raised in condemnation of the enemy. Details like the floating lectern really set the tone, and we’re sure this will be a hit with collectors and painters as well as everyone collecting Adepta Sororitas.

Of course, your army will look even cooler with a suitably impressive backdrop.

Adepta Sororitas Battle Sanctum

This scenery kit takes the existing Sector Imperialis terrain and turns it up to 11. Not only do you get an 8” statue depicting Saint Celestine, you also get enough extra walls and details to create a 12” tall octagonal shrine, or what’s left of it…

As with the rest of the Sector Imperialis kits, the contents of this box are highly modular and combine seamlessly with other kits in the range. As well as the statue, the balustrade, balcony, and diagonal walls are appearing for the first time in this box. You can even place the statue at the top of this structure for a 20” tall centrepiece terrain feature!

How do you follow up an amazing piece of bit like this? Check THESE out!

Citadel 28.5mm Base Pack

You may have noticed a new base size in the Warhammer 40,000 range of late. Howling Banshees, Incubi, and Sisters Repentia are mounted on a new base, between the 25mm base and the 32mm. This kit allows you to rebase your older models if you’d like to bring them into line, or just keep some extras to build up your own custom scenic bases.

All of these incredible models will be available to pre-order this coming Saturday. Let’s move on to some reading material.

White Dwarf 452

Continuing on with the larger format, this issue has loads of content for Warhammer 40,000 and Kill Team, Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warcry, plus loads more.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Sisters Of Battle – Complete! 15

Fans of both Orks and Space Wolves will want to pick this up, with great background, painting guides, and more. If you missed the first part of James Swallow’s serialized Adepta Sororitas novel Faith & Fire, you’ll want to grab the previous White Dwarf and then read the second part here. In the Mortal Realms, you’ll enjoy a new campaign setting in Hallost, the Land of the Dead Heroes, A Tale of Four Warlords – including a huge four-way Battle Report – and more!

Some other highlights include adding, get this, ZOATS to Kill Team, a new Warcry campaign for Spire Tyrants, Jokaero Tinkerers in Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress, and a pair of narrative scenarios for Adeptus Titanicus. As always, this issue has enough incredible material to keep you entertained all month.

Speaking of Space Wolves, the next instalment of the Psychic Awakening is almost with us. Tomorrow will see some incredible new miniatures revealed to be released later in March. In the meantime, here’s a tease of the saga that is about to unfold…

Warhammer40.000 ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasywelt erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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