von BK-Nils | 14.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe

GW: Mittelerde Vorschau

Games Workshop haben im Rahmen des Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Grand Tournament in der Warhammer World in Nottingham eine Vorschau auf kommende Neuheiten gegeben.

Coming Soon to Middle-earth

Last weekend, Middle-earth Strategy Battle Gamers from all across the globe descended on Warhammer World to take part in the Grand Tournament. On Saturday evening, while relaxing after a hard day’s battle, the players were treated to a special preview of what they could look forward to in the coming weeks. We thought it only fair that you should learn about it too. So without further ado, here’s what’s on its way soon…


These fleet-winged birds of Dunland served as the eyes and ears of Saruman as he tracked the progress of the Fellowship of the Ring on their quest. The White Wizard was cunning, patiently awaiting the right time to unleash his Scouting Uruk-hai to bring the Hobbits – more specifically, the Ringbearer – before him at Isengard.

Games Workshop Coming Soon To Middle Earth 1

The Crebain miniatures have been cleverly designed to avoid the need for flying stands of any kind, instead utilising dead trees and rocky outcrops to mount the bird swarms. On the battlefield, they detect the most cunningly concealed quarry in even the densest undergrowth, and are so numerous that they are all but immune to enemy bowfire. Always handy!

The Keeper of the Dungeons

Do you remember the scene in the movie when a giant Orc was threatening an imprisoned Gandalf before Galadriel’s timely intervention? Yeah, you know – THAT GUY. Well, he’s about to be represented in the game by THIS GUY!

The Keeper of the Dungeons is a powerful fighter who will get stronger in the game as more of his enemies are slain. Not only that, but he has another wonderfully thematic rule. In the scene in the movie, the Keeper was attacking Gandalf not through mindless hate, but under the orders of the Necromancer – the Dark Lord discovered that the Grey Wizard was in possession of one the Elven Rings of Power and sent his minion to retrieve it. As such, the Keeper of the Dungeons gains a bonus when fighting the bearer of an Elven Ring of Power. Neat, huh?

The Best of White Dwarf – Middle-earth style!

Ever since the Strategy Battle Game burst onto the scene way back in 2001, White Dwarf has featured regular content, from Battle Reports, to stage-by-stage modelling and painting guides. This book includes a collection of the very best articles to grace the pages of White Dwarf over the years. Whether you’re a newer player looking to catch up on some classic articles, or a veteran who’s after all the best content collated into a single publication, it’s got something for everyone!

Made to Order

The ‘War in Rohan edition’ of Made to Order is on it’s way! The miniatures available represent a selection of classic metal warriors and nuanced versions of many Good and Evil Heroes, based on very specific moments in the movies (such as the Warg Rider attack on the Rohan column making its way to Helm’s Deep). Here’s a selection of what you’ll be able to order.

Games Workshop Coming Soon To Middle Earth 7 Games Workshop Coming Soon To Middle Earth 8 Games Workshop Coming Soon To Middle Earth 10 Games Workshop Coming Soon To Middle Earth 11
As usual, these Made to Order models will be available for one week only.

Middle Earth ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Taschengelddieb erhältlich.


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • +1 megagut, den brauche ich unbedingt. Mir war das Modell bisher gar nicht bekannt. Ist das echt Gamling? Sieht irgendwie ein bisschen nach Theoden aus.

  • Schöner Kerkermeister. Finde, die unaufgeregte Pose funktioniert sehr gut.
    Aber mir gefällt das Charakterdesign sowieso. Ursprünglich sollte das ja Bolg sein. Hab nie verstanden, wieso sie das geändert haben… aber die haben ja auch so viel an der Story verbogen. ^^

  • Wenn in dem WD-Sammelband diese Aufbau-Reihe von Adrian Wood mit dabei ist, haben sie mich. Die war cool. 🙂

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