von BK-Nils | 14.12.2020 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Gorzag Gitstompa und weitere Previews

Games Workshop haben ein weiteres Sondermodell vorgestellt, Gorzag Gitstompa, einen Ork und seinen Grot Begleiter, außerdem gibt es Infos zum Armybuilder für Warhammer 40.000, Videospielen und einem neuen Starspieler für Blood Bowl.

A Classic Ork Model Returns for the Festive Season

n the 26th of December, a new threat to the Imperium will raise its head. Let’s check out this Orkoid menace.

The Ork in question is Gorzag Gitstompa, and his little friend is called Nikkit. Take a closer look at the gruesome twosome.

Games Workshop A Classic Ork Model Returns For The Festive Season 1

Fans of a certain vintage may notice that Gorzag has a lot in common with a miniature that was available as a Games Day exclusive model many (bad) moons ago.*

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Those who are sufficiently long in the teef may even remember that the Games Day Ork was based on this artwork from the classic Gorkamorka game.**

Games Workshop A Classic Ork Model Returns For The Festive Season 3

You won’t have to wait long to get that sweet hit of nostalgia. Gorzag Gitstompa and Nikkit will be available first in Warhammer stores from the 26th of December until the 3rd of January. They will then be available on the Games Workshop webstore from a later date to allow as many people to add them to their collections as possible. Make sure you save up your Christmas teef so that you can get your hands on these incredible models.

* Games Day was the precursor to Warhammer Fest.
** Gorkamorka was a game released in the 1990s, featuring mobs of Orks fighting each other to gain control of scrap left over from a crashed spaceship. It was great.

Battle Forge Enters Beta – Try the Ultimate Army List Creator for Free

Games Workshop Battle Forge Enters Beta – Try The Ultimate Army List Creator For Free 1
Say goodbye to pencils and paper – the way you make your Warhammer 40,000 army lists is getting a huge upgrade! Battle Forge has been unleashed in Warhammer 40,000: The App, and you can try it right now for free. And if you’re already subscribed, you’re going to get a free month as well.

Build Armies in an Instant

There’s a lot that goes into planning your perfect Warhammer 40,000 army list: flipping through codexes, cross-referencing points values, checking different weapons and wargear rules to find that perfect loadout…

It’s all about to get a lot easier!

Battle Forge is literally the easiest way to build a Warhammer 40,000 army ever. You can choose from every faction in the game and generate a legal, Battle-forged army for matched play in minutes. All you have to do is add your units and customise their kit with the intuitive (and handsome) interface.

Games Workshop Battle Forge Enters Beta – Try The Ultimate Army List Creator For Free 2

Most importantly, Battle Forge does all that pesky adding up for you, and you can export your shiny new army list to share on social media, email to your mates, or print out for your games and tournaments. Basically, it does everything you want it to do, without you having to scribble sums in the margins of your precious codexes.

It’s a fast, fun, and official way to build your Warhammer 40,000 armies.

Oh, and it’s absolutely FREE for a month.

We’re hoping as many of you as possible make use of Battle Forge because your feedback will shape the future of its development. Right now, Battle Forge is in its beta version. With over one million pieces of data going into building your army lists and interacting in all sorts of ways, there are bound to be a few wrinkles to iron out. Our crack team of Tech Adepts will be hunting any issues down and getting them fixed – and with your help, we’ll get that done even quicker.

Your Ultimate Warhammer 40,000 Companion

Games Workshop Battle Forge Enters Beta – Try The Ultimate Army List Creator For Free 3

Battle Forge is the latest in a long line of reasons to download Warhammer 40,000: The App, which places all the Core Rules for battling in the 41st Millennium in the palm of your hand. The 9th edition codexes even include unique codes to unlock all of the relevant rules and datasheets for your chosen faction in the app, and when you subscribe, you gain access to a host of additional rules resources to make your games of Warhammer 40,000 easier than ever.

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So how do you get started? It’s simple!

Games Workshop Battle Forge Enters Beta – Try The Ultimate Army List Creator For Free 5

Have Your Say

If you spot a bug to be squished or a stat that’s not quite right, let us know. There’s a handy form where you can tell us what you’ve found, and our app team will get to work on exterminating the Nurglings, sweeping away the Scarabs, and squashing the Rippers… or just making sure the issues are fixed.

What’s Next?

There are also plans afoot for new features to be added as the Battle Forge beta goes on. First on the list is implementing custom sub-factions using the rules from codexes. This will let you design your own Space Marine Chapters, Necron dynasties, and Aeldari craftworlds, and give you even more scope for crafting your perfect army. A number of Stratagem-based abilities such as Ork Kustom Jobs and Craftworlds Exarch abilities are also on the way, so watch out for those.

Download the app, claim your free month, and get started with Battle Forge now – and remember to give us your feedback. We can’t wait to hear from you.

Get Your Game On: Darktide Gameplay Premiere and Play Battle Sister!

We have big Warhammer video game news for you today, with the first look at the gameplay for Warhammer 40,000: Darktide and the release of the first VR game in the 41st Millennium that puts you in the armoured boots of a Sister of Battle! Let’s get started.

Warhammer 40.000: Darktide

Last night’s Video Game Awards saw the debut gameplay trailer for Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, a cooperative first-person shooter set in the 41st Millennium. If you missed it – or just want to experience it again – we have an incredible extended version of the trailer.

Darktide comes from developers Fatshark, who brought you the multi-million played Warhammer Vermintide series, and builds on their critically-acclaimed mix of shooting, melee, and RPG-style advancement, all set in the hive city of Tertium. Up to four players can battle together as convicts-turned-Inquisitorial agents against the heretical cult known as the Admonition.

Games Workshop Get Your Game On Darktide Gameplay Premiere And Play Battle Sister! 1 Games Workshop Get Your Game On Darktide Gameplay Premiere And Play Battle Sister! 2 Games Workshop Get Your Game On Darktide Gameplay Premiere And Play Battle Sister! 3

You’ll be able to choose your character class, then customise your skills and equipment to suit your playing style. The mix of classes in your team will prove crucial as you balance ranged and melee combat, using iconic weapons like lasguns and chainswords to battle your enemies and prove your worth to your mysterious Inquisitorial master.

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Root out heresy on PC and Xbox Series X when Warhammer 40,000: Darktide launches in 2021. Add the game to your wishlist on Steam, and keep an eye on the official website for more details. You can also get Darktide apparel from our merch store!

Warhammer 40.000: Battle Sisters

While you’re waiting for Darktide, you can immerse yourself in the Warhammer 40,000 universe like never before in the first-ever Warhammer 40,000 VR game. Battle Sister is out now for Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2, and it casts you as one of the Imperium’s most devout warriors in a narrative-driven first-person shooter. Here’s the epic launch trailer.

As Sister Ophelia of the Adepta Sororitas, you’ll embark on a mission to retrieve a powerful artefact, thwart the plans of a rogue psyker, and find out more about your long-lost twin sister. Fight alongside your fellow Battle Sisters, Black Templars Space Marines, and agents of the Inquisition using twelve iconic weapons from the grim darkness of the far future – and of course, your faith in the God-Emperor. Check out this cinematic trailer for another look at what to expect.

Developers Pixel Toys (who also made the incredible Warhammer 40,000: Freeblade) have used cutting-edge technology to put you into the heart of this dynamic, immersive shooter. This making-of video will give you an insight into some of the amazing work that went into crafting the game.

Become a Battle Sister today, and lose yourself in the Warhammer 40,000 universe in a whole new way, and don’t forget to show your loyalty to the God-Emperor with the new range of Battle Sister merchandise that’s now available!

Games Workshop Get Your Game On Darktide Gameplay Premiere And Play Battle Sister! 6

Blood Bowl: Pitchside Report – Skrull Halfheight Revealed

Jim: Welcome, sports fans, to the first official Pitchside Report. 

Bob: This month, we’re moving the spotlight downwards a little, towards a diminutive but in-demand Star Player of no small renown. See what I did there? 

Jim: If my heart could beat, it would surely be hammering in anticipation! 

Bob: Let’s pass the ball to Alyssa, our surprisingly competent Elven pitchside reporter, for more. 

Jim: How very gracious of you, Bob. Ever tactful… 

Games Workshop Blood Bowl Pitchside Report – Skrull Halfheight Revealed 1

Alyssa: Some players have a career so unusual they become stars for their story as much as their abilities. Such is the case with Skrull Halfheight. As a Dwarf gifted with an unusual prowess for throwing the ball, he was an ill fit for Dwarf teams since, well… the receiving Dwarfs struggled to catch his perfect spiral passes.

When his career was cut short prematurely, he was resurrected via foul necromancy to play once again, this time with a slightly more forgiving team dynamic. They’re still mostly just zombies and skeletons, after all.

Games Workshop Blood Bowl Pitchside Report – Skrull Halfheight Revealed 2

As you can see, he’s still short, and he’s still trying to pass that ball. If you can afford to hire him, you’ll find him a spectacular thrower with a twist, possessed of a solid Armour Value of 9+, a decent Movement Allowance of 6, and a unique special rule that all-but guarantees he’ll nail that crucial touchdown throw.

Games Workshop Blood Bowl Pitchside Report – Skrull Halfheight Revealed 3

When you combine his special rule with Accurate, Nerves of Steel, Pass, and Sure Hands, Skrull can single-handedly serve as a lynchpin to a game-winning passing strategy. Not afraid to mix it up on the Line of Scrimmage, he can reliably get the ball out despite heavy opposition breathing down what’s left of his neck. All you need to worry about is how you’re going to catch the ball once he tosses it.

Thick Skull and Regeneration will ensure he stays in the game so you don’t waste his hiring fees. Any and every Sylvanian Spotlight and Worlds Edge Superleague team would do well to save up the 150,000 GP they need to Induce him.

Now back to our illustrious announcers, Jim and Bob!

Jim: Thanks for that, Alyssa! 

Bob: Wow. I guess some Dwarfs are good for more than standing around and smashing faces. 

Jim: If it takes crossing the threshold of death to unlock his potential, I’d say the trade was worth it, wouldn’t you, Bob? 

Bob: You’re biased, Jim. I actually prefer Dwarfs when they smash faces, anyway. 

Jim: You would, Bob. It would seem there’s a chill wind on the air today… Is that an apparition I see? Maybe next month we’ll get a better look at this one! 

Games Workshop Blood Bowl Pitchside Report – Skrull Halfheight Revealed 4

Watch out for more news about when you can get your hands on Skrull Halfheight. You’ll find his full profile in Blood Bowl – The Official Rules, available on its own and in the Second Season Edition boxed set. Need a team for Skrull to play on? The Wolfenberg Crypt-Stealers would love to have him on their side.

Warhammer40.000 ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasywelt erhältlich.

Blood Bowl und Necromunda sind unter anderem bei unserem Partner Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Wooohooo, Gorkamorka coming back? Ich hoffe mal, dass das nicht nur ein Nostalgieteaser ist 🙂
    Bei dem VR Spiel bin ich mir nicht sicher ob es was taugt. Einige der Animationen sahen schon sehr glitchik aus. Kann mir gerade auch nicht vorstellen wie das Gewicht und die Trägheit von einem Kettenschwert simulieren wollen, das is ja kein Beatsaber. Und dann verstehe ich nicht was für eine Fahrgemeinschaft aus Black Templars und Schwestern da unterwegs ist. Wirkt irgendwie ein wenig chaotisch 😉

    • VR Spiel? Glitchik? Von was redest du bitte?
      Und das soll auch keine Kettenschwert Simulator 2021 werden, sondern der „Nachfolger“ von Vermintide (daher auch die Ähnlichkeit im Namen).

      Die Vermintide Serie ist übrigens sehr gut und auch bei Nicht-Warhammer- Fans beliebt. Daher wird das hier sicherlich auch ein Erfolg.

  • Gorkamorka… das wäre der Hammer .😃🤘🤘Darktide würde ich auch ziemlich cool finden.(Nette Unterhaltung für zwischendurch.)

  • Glaube erst an Gorkamorka, wenn ich’s seh.
    Modell ist leider auch längst nicht so cool wie das alte.

    BTW Nikkit vom Spannerz-Webcartoon.

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