von bkredaktion | 30.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Necromunda, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: Gamescom 2020 Videospiele Preview

Im Rahmen der aktuell laufenden Gamescom 2020 gab es auch drei Videospiele zu sehen, die in den Universen von Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Necromunda und Blood Bowl angesiedelt sind.

Video Game Premieres From Opening Night Live

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Gamescom, one of the biggest video games events in the world, has begun with its epic Opening Night Live celebration revealing two new Warhammer games that will be coming to PCs and consoles near you – and showing off a brand new trailer for another game too! Let’s dive in and take a look.

Blood Bowl 3

Blood Bowl has a remarkable community on PC and consoles, with matches and leagues played across the world, keeping Blood Bowl 2 popular for years. With a new iteration of the board game on the way, developers Cyanide have been hard at work in close partnership with the Warhammer Studio team on a new edition of the video game, which will be heading your way in 2021. Check out this awesome announcement trailer that debuted during the Gamescom Studio aftershow straight after Opening Night Live.

Faithfully following the rules of the new tabletop edition, it will allow you to play one-off games or participate in leagues where your team will grow and your players will gain skills and improve… unless they meet an early (and very final) end to their careers, of course. It will be packed with all of the thrilling action and nail-biting moments that Blood Bowl is known for.

At launch, Blood Bowl 3 will include 12 playable teams, including the brand-new Imperial Nobility and Black Orcs!

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Each team will have its own roster of players with a distinct playing style, its own stadium to play games in, and a themed cheerleader squad to celebrate those all-important touchdowns. Check out these incredible screenshots from the game!

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Planned for release in early 2021, Blood Bowl 3 will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and on PC through Steam.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Stormground

Prepare to conquer the Mortal Realms in the first-ever strategy video game set in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe, which had its world premiere at Opening Night Live.

In Storm Ground, you’ll command an army drawn from the factions of the Mortal Realms and wage war in this fast-paced turn-based strategy skirmish game where legions will clash, powerful magic will be unleashed and mighty monsters like celestial Stardrakes will dominate the battlefield.

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Play through a non-linear campaign where you battle across the realms. Each victory will allow you to collect new units and upgrade your existing ones, gain devastating skills, and equip your heroes with powerful items.

You can also take your army online and battle other players in epic duels that will test your generalship to the limit.

There haven’t been many games set in the Mortal Realms yet, so this is extra exciting for all Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans. You can take command of mighty armies on PC, Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in 2021.

Necromunda Underhive Wars

In the nightmare surroundings of Necromunda’s underhive, war is a fact of life – and it’s coming to PC and consoles on the 7th of September in the first-ever video game adaptation of Necromunda! Opening Night Live featured a brand-new trailer for the game.

Build a gang from your choice of House Goliath, House Escher, and House Orlock, then battle your rivals in the twisted, vertiginous depths of the underhive. Lead and grow your gangs as they take on enemies in tactical gunfights, set traps for unwary foes, and force them into bloody melee with cunning ambushes.

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As your gangers defeat foes, they’ll gain experience and skills, and can specialise in different areas. You’ll also loot powerful new weapons and gear, allowing you to customise your gang to your preferences as you play through a rich narrative campaign. For the ultimate challenge, take your gang into battle against other leaders in four-player online gang fights!

Necromunda: Underhive Wars is due for release soon on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. If you pre-order right now on Steam and the Xbox Store, you’ll get 20% off the retail price!

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Whether you want to take part in bloody gang clashes, brutal Blood Bowl matches, or strategic battles in the Mortal Realms, keep an eye out for all of these games. If you want to play some Warhammer video games now, search “Warhammer” on Steam or your console store to find the full range!

Quelle: Games Workshop


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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  • BB3:großartig, Necromunda: interessant, AoS Stormground: na da bin ich mal gespannt wie sie die auf Drogen gesponnene Hintergrundgeschichte umsetzen wollen. Wie wird es aussehen wenn die Stomcast auf Blitzen in die Schlacht reiten (werden sie auf einem Sattel sitzen) und wie die Rüstung aus “a magical living metal“ wirklich erscheint. Wahrscheinlich sind diese Angaben nur Spinnereinen um die am schlechtesten designten Space Marines der Welt zu verkaufen (warum ist der Helm halb so groß wie der Handschuh).
    Die Mortal Realms Hefte waren zu preisgünstig um sie zu ignorieren und eines meiner zufriedenstellensten Hobbyerlebnisse war, die Stomcas Helme abzutrennen und sie gegen vernünfige von Puppetwars einzutauschen. Nachdem die Insignien auf Schild und Schulterpanzer abgekratzt waren, sahen die Stormcast (und das muss ich zugeben) richtig gut aus.

  • Necromunda klingt interessant, aber nur drei Gangs? Da steht ja jetzt schon fest, dass man mit DLC’s nur so überhäuft werden wird. Hier wird man dann für jede weitere Gang, Söldner und sonstige Spielinhalte wieder extra bezahlen dürfen. Hab ich keinen Bock drauf.

    • Naja das ist aber in der heutigen Spieleindustrie nun einmal Gang und gebe das das man über die DLC‘s die Spiele doppelt und dreifach auszahlen lässt. Hoffe nur wenn sie zusätzliche Inhalte reingeben , das sie dann alle sechs großen Häuser machen und nicht das dann eins davon nachher corpsegrinder oder die enforcer sein werden und ein haus wie cadowr oder Van Saar hinten überfällt.
      Trauere den Zwergen für mortheim immer noch hinterher 😢

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