von bkredaktion | 30.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: Direchasm und Warcry Neuheiten Preview

Kommenden Samstag erscheint mit Direchasm die neue Grundbox zur vierten Saison von Warhammer Underworlds und es gibt Nachschub für Warcry.

The Sunday Preview: Warbands of the Mortal Realms

Next weekend, all eyes turn once more to warband skirmishes in the Mortal Realms, as new releases for both Warhammer Underworlds and Warcry arrive for pre-order.

Descend into Direchasm

The new season of Warhammer Underworlds starts here. Deep in Beastgrave, new caverns have opened at the living mountain’s roots. Here, in Direchasm, ancient treasures await those bold enough to explore – and powerful enough to survive.

Your clashes will move into these depths with the Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm Core Set. This awesome new boxed game features everything you need to start playing, including two warbands with ready-to-play decks, boards, dice, and tokens.

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Myari’s Purifiers are a band of Lumineth Realm-lords who have ventured into Beastgrave to try to calm the mountain and prevent it from fully awakening.

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The Hedonites of the Dread Pageant entered Beastgrave in search of Slaanesh, but stayed when they discovered the ecstasy that came from depriving the mountain of death and feeding on its primal emotions.

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As well as a pre-built deck for each faction, the box includes a pack of universal cards you can use to take your decks to the next level, customising them to suit your playing style.

You can pick up a bunch of accessories alongside the core set, including Order- and Chaos-themed dice packs, a set of tokens that include specific designs to cover a range of future warbands, and a deck box to keep your precious objective and power cards safe between games.

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Anarchy at the Eightpoints

Far from Beastgrave, more warbands clash under the watchful eye of the Everchosen. Across the Bloodwind Spoil, warriors of Chaos, Death, Destruction, and Order hear the Warcry.

Next week, you’ll be able to order four brand-new books that delve into the Grand Alliances and their warriors. Each includes a comprehensive list of the leaders, fighters, and monsters available to the various factions that make up each Grand Alliance. The books also feature thematic background tables for each warband, and campaigns that will test your mettle as you wage your battles – and reward you with powerful artefacts to use in your games.

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You can also pick up a themed dice set for each book, with all the dice you need for Warcry in colours sympathetic to each Grand Alliance.

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Four warband boxes will each give you the perfect way to start a new Warcry force. In each box, you’ll find a selection of models, along with all the fighter cards, ability cards, and tokens you need to use them on the tabletop.

Two of these sets feature the warbands from recent Warcry: Catacombs boxed set – the Scions of the Flame and Khainite Shadowstalkers. Each of these makes a perfect starting warband, and they’re great for reinforcing an existing warband as well.

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The Legions of Nagash and Sylvaneth boxes each present a range of Warhammer Age of Sigmar models that can be used to form a Warcry warband, giving you a bunch of options for how you build and equip your fighters.

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Whichever warband you play with, you’ll want the Tome of Champions 2020. This 112-page book is packed with new rules for open, narrative, and matched play, including multiplayer pit fights, new fated quests, and challenge battles, as well as a sprawling narrative campaign set in the city of Soroth Kor. You’ll be able to fight for territory and artefacts as you seek dominion over all the inhabitants of the city.

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Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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  • Die Warcry-Vattletomes für Chaos und Tod sind gesetzt, eventuell auch die Scions of the Flame. Ich find Warcry einfach gut. 🙂

  • Diese Kopfpalmen sind einfach mehr als lächerlich. Man stelle sich mal vor wie das in echt aussehen würde. Die müssen leider alle entfernt werden.
    Ansonsten gefallen mir die Modelle für Underworlds alle recht gut. Keine Meilensteine, aber brauchbar.

    • Der Tiermensch bei der Slaanesh-Bande ist eine schöne Reminiszenz an den alten Hüter der Geheimnisse.

  • Das ging angenehm schnell mit den Einzelveröffentlichungen der Grundbox-Banden. Die Scions of the Flame finden sicherlich ihren Weg in meine Sammlung.

  • Ich finde es echt krass, wie kleine mittlerweile die Halbwertzeit der Bücher/Regeln ist. Das geht langsam < 2 Jahre, oder?

    • Ja, wenn man nur mit bemalten Minis spielen will, dann sollte man den Kauf von Minis und Regeln mittlerweile trennen… 😉

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