von bkredaktion | 02.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Broken Realms Morathi und Space Marine Heroes Series 3

Kommenden Samstag wird mit dem ersten Band der Broken Realms Reihe, Morathi, ein neues Kapitel im Hintergrund der Reiche der Sterblichen aufgeschlagen, außerdem gibt es die Rückkehr eines bekannten Zwergs und sammelbare Space Marines.

Sunday Preview: The Road to Godhood

Games Workshop Sunday Preview The Road To Godhood 1

The week ahead sees the beginning of a narrative event that will change the Age of Sigmar forever. The Broken Realms are coming, alongside a new battlebox  and a familiar name with a fresh, bearded face.

The Broken Realms saga is set to encompass the entirety of the Age of Sigmar, changing the status quo for every faction. It all starts next week with the first book in the series, Broken Realms: Morathi, coming your way in hardback, eBook, and limited editions.

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The Shadow Queen has long plotted to attain true godhood, and she’s finally seizing her chance. Anyone who stands in her way will suffer… as you’ll see in the epic story that weaves together the Daughters of Khaine, Idoneth Deepkin, Slaves to Darkness, Stormcast Eternals, and Cities of Sigmar in a tale that promises to alter the balance of power in the Mortal Realms. After you’ve read it and picked your jaw up from the floor, you can replay key events with new battleplans and rules for all five factions.

To kickstart your Broken Realms gaming, you’ll also be able to choose from four themed boxed sets that will help you recreate the armies from the narrative in Broken Realms: Morathi – in fact, each contains everything you need to field a warscroll battalion from the book. These kits are a great starting point for a larger army or to reinforce your existing collection, perfect for anyone who wants a new force to take them through the Broken Realms or to tool up to stop Morathi’s devious plans. More details and contents for these can be found on the Broken Realms website.

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Another excellent way to get started is the Shadow & Pain battlebox, which is packed with models for the Daughters of Khaine and Hedonites of Slaanesh, including two brand-new miniatures.

The Melusai Ironscale is an elite warrior of the Daughters of Khaine who can ignore the effects of spells and inspire nearby Melusai to greater deeds by murdering enemies in Khaine’s name.

The Slaaneshi Lord of Pain is so inured to agony that they have a chance to disregard any wounds. They also allow nearby Hedonites to re-roll hits as they seek to cause as much pain as possible.

There’s also a 40-page book with battleplans and Realm of Battle rules, plus warscroll cards for all the units and a pair of exclusive warscroll battalions. Split it with a friend or get the basis for two new armies – whichever you choose, you’ll be well on the way to carving out your own little corner of the Mortal Realms.

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For decades, the name “Bugman” has struck a chord with Warhammer fans – it’s even immortalised in the bar at Warhammer World. Now, the legacy of the legendary Josef Bugman continues in the form of this year’s Christmas model, Jakkob Bugmansson XI. This Brewmaster-General, and (some say) descendant of the originator of many fine ales, will be available to order throughout November and December before he vanishes into legend. Who could be better to lead the approaching festive celebrations than an expert brewer?

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In the grim darkness of the far future, the servants of Nurgle are getting reinforcements in the form of Space Marine Heroes Series 3. This latest set of blind-purchase models features the sons of Mortarion, the pustulent Plague Marines. There are six models available, each distinctly armed, with a textured base, and – perhaps most importantly – its own different Nurgling. The models are push-fit and push off the frames for ease of construction. You’ll be able to order individual packs, each containing a random model, or a complete set that’s guaranteed to get you all six.*

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Also available next week is a set of playing cards featuring incredible art from throughout Warhammer 40,000 history. The 54-card set features four suits – Imperium, Space Marines, Chaos and Xenos – plus a pair of Jokers, which naturally feature Harlequins on them. These cards are perfect for whatever games you enjoy, from a friendly hand of Poker to an intense round of Solitaire (which takes us back to Harlequins again…).

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Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Warhammer40.000 ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasywelt erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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  • Ich freue mich drauf, wenn die beiden Helden aus „Shadow and Pain“ Einzeln veröffentlicht werden. Geben beide nette Bosse für Vanguard/Frostgrave ab und dürfte ein schönes Malprojekt sein.

    Bei Bugmans Nachkommen sieht man wieder sehr deutlich, dass die Kharadron perfekte Squads gewesen wären.^^

  • Eigentlich wollte ich mir die Shadow & Pain Box ja nicht holen. Aber der Inhalt gefällt mir echt gut.. Verdammt^^

  • Interessant das sie die Heroes dieses Mal nicht für Europa geändert haben. Die Gleiche Reihe wie in Japan verfügbar.

  • Das Paint Set mit den Plaquecaster kommt allerdings nicht in Europa raus… das geschwärzte Modell ist nur der Champion.

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