von BK-Christian | 20.07.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Gangs of the Undercity: Kickstarter läuft

Cyberpunk auf Kickstarter.

Claim Your Turf

Gangs of the Undercity is a cyberpunk/fantasy skirmish game set in the Undercity of Neo-Babylon. The city is bright, magical, and wonderful above; below, the only sources of stability, community, and aid are the Gangs. Unstable magic, outdated Cybertech, and garbage from the overcity become invaluable commodities underneath. The species dwelling there – dwarves, goblins, humans, orcs, yetin, and elves – fight among themselves and each other: alliances formed and broken as just another day’s work.

In Gangs of the Undercity, these gangs are represented by models you choose and paint. Your play area becomes a neighborhood in the Undercity, equal parts futuristic, wondrous, and crumbling from neglect. Abandoned buildings, noodle shops, power plants, feral beasts, and jury-rigged computer interfaces exist to be exploited or overcome. Defeat rivals using your wits, your gang, and a little luck.

Whether you take control of a pre-existing gang, shape it to your own style, or make your own gang from scratch, you’ll soon be discovering the secrets of the Undercity, all while claiming and reclaiming turf.

Your gang’s reputation, influence, and future depend on you!

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The Gangs of the Undercity Two-Player Starter Set includes two of the most influential gangs in the Undercity:

  • the rag-tag Flaming Skulls, an aggressive street gang of orcs, humans, dwarves and more;
  • the militaristic Valkyrs, an-all elf gang hitting the streets of Neo-Babylon’s Undercity to rebuild their lost power base.

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The Valkyrs, led by Adelante and her enforcer, Mormeghul, are exiles from their elven homeland. Having fought for their country, they were dismissed and shunned because of their brutality. The Valkyr Company fled with their Sorcier General to the Undercity of Neo-Babylon, where they bide their time. They don’t care what or who they destroy, they have formed their own nobility, and when they are strong enough, they’ll retake their birthright.

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The Valkyrs gang includes:

  • Adelante (elf sorcerer)
  • Mormeghul (elf cyber-enforcer)
  • Mordo (elf sniper)
  • Sparrow (elf ganger)
  • Ansa (elf pistoleer)
  • Acid (elf ganger)

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The Flaming Skulls, led by Vengeance and the gutterwitch Char, are what people think of when they picture out-of-control gangs running amok in the Undercity. They don’t stay in their own turf, they set fires, destroy property, and take anything that is easy. They stay on the offensive. Using fear and explosions to dominate and intimidate, the Flaming Skulls attract the misfits and losers that don’t fit in elsewhere. If they have a plan, they don’t show it, but woe to anyone who gets in their way.

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The Flaming Skulls gang includes:

  • Vengeance (orc yojin)
  • Char (human witch)
  • Spur (dwarf breacher)
  • Domino (human cyber-junkie)
  • Snapper (ogre gunner)
  • Singe (goblin sneak thief)

Fragging Unicorns Games is Kickstarting this project to fund the launch costs of Gangs of the Undercity. Pre-production costs and development have already been covered, which will allow us to put our game into production immediately. We hope to make enough through the Kickstarter to recover these sunk costs, and to put down deposits on other amazing upcoming projects

Since the game is nearly 100% complete, we look forward to shipping to our backers as soon as possible; barring any major problems we are planning to deliver before December, 2020. We also promise to fulfill any and all pledges before any Gangs of the Undercity products are on sale – backers will get their stuff before anyone else!

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The Two-Player Starter Set gives you everything you’ll need to get into Undercity gang wars with a friend as soon as possible.


12 highly detailed gang miniatures, including 6 Valkyrs and 6 Flaming Skulls gangers. Bases for each included. Our models are cast from high quality metal (pewter) so we can get the best quality and value possible.


A pocket-sized (5.5″ x 8″) rulebook, with complete rules for the playing the game, customizing existing gangs, and creating your own gang. Covers the two-player head-to-head game mode, the campaign play, and solo gameplay!

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Over 35 tokens to aid in gameplay are in every box. Tokens representing Valkyr Grit, Flaming Skulls Grit, and generic 3-Grit tokens, as well as tokens representing cyberlinks, and various status tokens are all included.

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The Two-Player Enhanced Starter Set gives you everything that comes in the Two-Player Starter Set above, plus the following:

  • 12 Flaming Skulls dice
  • 12 Valkyrs dice
  •  Gangs of the Undercity tape measure
  • 30 deluxe Grit Tokens in the form of poker chips

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All Tiers of Enforcer or above feature our hardcover, fancy 8.5″ x 11″ rulebook. This is all the rules included in the pocket-sized book, as well as tons of setting info, more pictures, painting guides, and extra gang info.

Bei den Add-ons gibt es auch Gelände:

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Und das sind einige der Pledges:

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Das sind die Stretch Goals:

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Targets & Stretch Goals

Once we hit our initial funding goal, we have some fun stuff in mind! We’ve made a plan for Stretch Goals which include a variety of different types of boons for our supporters:

  •  Financial Stretch Goals, which unlock add-ons and new gameplay options,
  •  Social Media Based Goals, which unlock Fiction and Swag rewards,
  •  Backer Number Goals, which unlock add-ons and alternate poses/weapons.

Social Media Goals

  •  700 Followers on Facebook – if we reach this goal, all of our backers will get an PDF anthology of fiction stories for free. These will be set in the Universe of Gangs, and will feature stories by Russell Zimmerman, O.C. Presley, and more. https://www.facebook.com/FraggingUnicornsGames
  •  4,500 Twitter followers – if we reach this goal, we hire Russell Zimmerman to write a Novel for us! All backers will get free previews of this novel, but since Rusty likes to eat, everyone will have to buy this one.  https://twitter.com/FragginUnicorns
  •  600 on the Mailing List – if we reach this goal, we will produce a Gangs of the Undercity cookbook, and give it away free to all backers! https://1.shortstack.com/7j2SJ9

Die Kampagne läuft noch 27 Tage und ist finanziert.

Quelle: Gangs of the Undercity – a cyberpunk/fantasy skirmish game


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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