von BK-Nils | 02.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

FW: Space Marine Legionen Abziehbögen

Für drei Space Marine Legionen bringt Forge World neue Abziehbögen mit Symbolen raus.

Forge World Emperor's Children Legion Transfer Sheet

Emperor’s Children Legion Transfer Sheet – 25,00 Euro

The Emperor’s Children have always strived to be exemplars above all others in the arts of war – paragons of martial virtue and excellence, scorning those who did not meet their own, perhaps unattainable, standards. This led them to seek perfection in war as a fluid, lightning-quick force whose battles were all but preordained victories brought about by a combination of acute strategic planning and flawless execution.

This A4-size full colour transfer sheet features 652 decals specially designed for Emperor’s Children Legion models. It includes unit and squad markings across an array of unit types, includes various insignia and honour markings. Also included are a handful of text decals, along with numerous full colour banners and imagery for use on vehicles.

Forge World White Scars Legion Transfer Sheet

White Scars Legion Transfer Sheet – 25,00 Euro

A bolt of lightning in clear skies, a sudden gale from an unexpected quarter – the White Scars are war’s sudden and merciless onslaught. Swift action alongside a joy for the rush of combat and clash of blades are the hallmarks of their battles, tempered by a quiet, hidden wisdom that few took the time to uncover.

This A4-size full colour transfer sheet features 800 decals specially designed for White Scars Legion models. It includes unit and squad markings across an array of unit types, includes various insignia and honour markings. Also included are a handful of text decals, along with numerous full colour banners and imagery for use on vehicles.

Forge World Dark Angels Legion Transfer Sheet

Dark Angels Legion Transfer Sheet – 25,00 Euro

The Dark Angels were the first of the Emperor’s Space Marine Legions, and in their earliest incarnation they fought as the personal army of the Master of Humanity. Unyielding, technologically capable, ruthless and insular, the Dark Angels was a powerful and highly independent legion at the time of the Horus Heresy, used to operating on its own to conduct large-scale campaigns and compliance actions.

This A4-size full colour transfer sheet features 740 decals specially designed for Dark Angels Legion models. It includes unit and squad markings across an array of unit types, includes various insignia, honour markings and logos for the six Wings of the Dark Angels Legion. Also included are a handful of text decals, along with numerous full colour banners and imagery for use on vehicles.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Schlecht geschlafen?

      Der Preis ist schon recht hoch, aber man braucht für eine normale Armee auch nur einen Bogen. Somit relativiert sich das wie ich finde.

      • Für mich relativiert sich da nichts. Das ist schlicht Abzocke. Es sei denn die Auflage ist kleiner als als 100,..

        LG Ralf

        ps. Präventiv: Habe gut aber deutlich zu wenig geschlafen 🙂

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