von BK-Nils | 12.12.2020 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

FW: Mechanicum Cerastus Knights Atrapos

Es gibt Verstärkung für Adeptus Titanicus, die Mechanicum Cerastus Knights Atrapos stellen sich dem Krieg der Gottmaschinen auf den Schlachtfeldern der fernen Zukunft.

Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Mechanicum Cerastus Knights Atrapos 1 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Mechanicum Cerastus Knights Atrapos 2 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Mechanicum Cerastus Knights Atrapos 3 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Mechanicum Cerastus Knights Atrapos 4

Mechanicum Cerastus Knights Atrapos – 48,74 Euro

One of the most revered classes of Knights, the Knight-Atrapos is a unique variant type of the Cerastus pattern bearing rare and potent weaponry of annihilation. Originally created solely to destroy heretek engines and xenos war machines whose very existence was considered a blasphemy to the Omnissiah, the Knight-Atrapos would earn a dark reputation during the Horus Heresy for the threat they posed to Titans, both Loyalist and Traitor.

The Cerastus Knight-Atrapos specialises in devastating enemy Titans. Swift and agile, they can quickly close on the larger war engines before their prey can draw a bead on them. Macro-extermination Protocols make them more effective when targeting the largest of Titans, and both their graviton singularity cannons and Atrapos lascutters can break through even the heavy armour of a god-machine.

A combination of a strong hull and ionic flare shield makes the Cerastus Knight Atrapos extremely durable. Coupled with their offensive capability and speed, this makes them a great choice for a Household commander who wants to close quickly with the enemy and cause massive damage.

This resin kit includes 20 components which will build two Cerastus Knights-Atrapos armed with Atrapos lascutters and graviton singularity cannons.

This set also includes one full-colour, double-sided Command Terminal for a Cerastus Knight Atrapos Banner. This is made from heavyweight card and contains all the rules for using a Cerastus Knight Atrapos Banner in your games of of Adeptus Titanicus, including points and wargear options.

A copy of the Adeptus Titanicus rules is needed to make use of the contents of this kit.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Jo, knapp 50 Euro für zwei Mini Knights. Das ist mehr als sportlich. Vor allem wenn man bedenkt, dass die letzten zwei FW Knights, die gerade einmal vor einem Monat erschienen sind, noch schlanke 40 Euro kosteten…

    Nein, vielen dank auch.

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