von bkredaktion | 29.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

FW: Adeptus Titanicus Warhound Waffen

Forge World hat zwei neue Warhound Titanen Waffen für Adeptus Titanicus ins Programm aufgenommen.

Forge World Warhound Titan Ursus Claw 3

Forge World Warhound Titan Ursus Claw 1 Forge World Warhound Titan Ursus Claw 2 Forge World Warhound Titan Ursus Claw 4 Forge World Warhound Titan Ursus Claw 5

Warhound Titan Ursus Claw – 13,65 Euro

Made famous by the Legio Audax, the ursus claw is a weapon designed to level the playing field between Warhound Scout Titans and their larger brethren. It fires a projectile that penetrates the leg armour of Battle Titans, allowing them to be toppled, making them easy prey for the nimble Warhounds.

Pull enemy Titans off their feet or shock them into shutdown? With this weapon upgrade kit, the choice is yours, building one of two powerful new options for your Warhound Scout Titans.

This kit consists of nine resin components, with the choice of building either an ursus claw or a natrix shock lance. This arm-mounted weapon fits on a Warhound Scout Titan and gives your Warhounds new ways to tackle larger enemy Titans in battle. The rules for both weapons can be found in Appendix II of Adeptus Titanicus: Shadow and Iron.

Forge World Warhound Titan Natrix Shock Lance 1
Forge World Warhound Titan Natrix Shock Lance 2 Forge World Warhound Titan Natrix Shock Lance 3 Forge World Warhound Titan Natrix Shock Lance 4 Forge World Warhound Titan Natrix Shock Lance 5
Warhound Titan Natrix Shock Lance – 13,65 Euro

Further development of the ursus claw led to the natrix shock lance, designed to be more effective, more aggressive and less hazardous to the user. The shock lance delivers an electromagnetic jolt, powered by the Warhound’s reactor, which shuts down the enemy’s targeting and weapons systems, leaving them vulnerable to the Warhound and its allies.

Pull enemy Titans off their feet or shock them into shutdown? With this weapon upgrade kit, the choice is yours, building one of two powerful new options for your Warhound Scout Titans.

This kit consists of nine resin components, with the choice of building either an ursus claw or a natrix shock lance. This arm-mounted weapon fits on a Warhound Scout Titan and gives your Warhounds new ways to tackle larger enemy Titans in battle. The rules for both weapons can be found in Appendix II of Adeptus Titanicus: Shadow and Iron.

Quelle: Forge World


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  • Auf jeden Fall interessante Option, und sei es nur um wie Lotara Sarrin (wohl die einzige Person neben Kharn, die Angron die Meinung gesagt und überlebt hat) im Spiel sagen zu können: „Fire the Ursus Claws!“ 😀

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