von BK-Herr Kemper | 24.01.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Fragging Unicorn Games: Gangs of the Undercity Previews

Fragging Unicorn Games zeigt Previews für das „Gangs of the Undercity“ Spiel.

Fragging Unicorn Games Gangs Of The Undercity Fragging Unicorn Games Gangs Of The Undercity2 Fragging Unicorn Games Gangs Of The Undercity3 Fragging Unicorn Games Gangs Of The Undercity4 Fragging Unicorn Games Gangs Of The Undercity5 Fragging Unicorn Games Gangs Of The Undercity6 Fragging Unicorn Games Gangs Of The Undercity7 Fragging Unicorn Games Gangs Of The Undercity8 Fragging Unicorn Games Gangs Of The Undercity9

Fragging Unicorn Games – Gangs of the Undercity

Hey Unicorns and true believers! It’s me, Opti! Welcome to Fragging Unicorns Dev Journal #2 – Intro to Gangs of the Undercity. While we have RPGs and Card games on the horizon as well, our current project is Gangs of the Undercity, a minis skirmish game where you can create your gang of cyberpunk fantasy outcasts and battle your friends with gorgeous minis!

I wanted to talk about the basic goals we had when we started developing GotU, and where we are going from here. We’ll be releasing a number of dev journals for GotU over the next few months, so keep checking back and make sure to follow us on the social medias – that’s how things get done these days, I hear.

Our basic design philosophy with Gangs is essentially trying to distill what we love about the skirmish games we play, infused with the attitude of settings like Blade Runner, Shadowrun, the Matrix, or Bright (that Will Smith movie… remember? Don’t look at me like that). We were pretty influenced by Necromunda, Mordheim, Infinity, and Vanguard, just to name a few, and Star Wars: Imperial Assault influenced us in other ways as well (that’s for another Dev Journal).

Basically, we wanted to make a skirmish-style minis game, that is easy to learn, but with mechanics robust enough to allow for unlimited strategy, competition, and is fast and fun. That, and campaign play. Oh, and also amazing minis. Basically, we want to have it all. We want to see lots of amazing terrain and well painted gangs, but also we would love to see kids playing with barely-painted minis and makeshift terrain on a lunch table.

All of that sounded nice, but, along with so many others we know, have wanted a game in a setting that hasn’t been explored in minis games yet. We want to slam all of our dreams for the game into Cyberpunk, then shake in elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins, and ogres, and underpin all of that with a world of magic and wonder… Does that seem like too much to ask? We didn’t stop to ask ourselves that question. We just did it.

With that in mind, here were the design goals that were specific when we began:

  1. Make sure gangs, models, gear, and abilities are well-balanced. We want a competitive game, not just something to sell minis.
  2. About 6-7 models in a gang. Should be a game where hobbyists can spend as much as they want, but the point of entry should be low enough a kid can get it for Christmas.
  3. Honor traditional wargamers. If there is something wargaming does now, and there’s no reason to change it, let’s keep it. Example: 25mm base sizes, and 28mm Heroic scale minis, are pretty standard for D&D, unmodified humans in 40k, Reaper minis, etc., so by keeping our models in the same scale, we allow mixes and matches. Let our terrain and minis fit wherever our players want them to, let’s not be different just to be different.
  4. About an hour per game. Its ok if it takes longer while learning, but in a tournament or between friends who know the game, an hour should do.
  5. Build in the possibility of progression. Build the game in such a way that multiple game style tournaments/campaigns are common, and minis grow in power and status along the way.
  6. Work with the best sculpter(s) and manufacturers. We want to see these minis painted and winning awards. We aren’t just into getting a piece of plastic on a table. In fact, do everything-art, minis, writing, playtesting, ethics- to the best of our ability.

So that’s it. That’s how this started. We hope you’ll love the result! We are accepting playtesters now, so if you want to join, please do! We’ll make another post soon with playtesting as the big theme, but please feel free to click the link below and join us before then!

Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Quelle: Fragging Unicorn Games FB

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Danke für den Tipp.
    Da bleibe ich Mal dran. Eigentlich brauche ich keinen weiteren Skirmisher und manche Designelemente der Figuren wirkt relativ wild Durcheinandergericht. Aber trotzdem, irgendwas spricht mich da an😁

  • Ein anderes Spiel das in den Kellern einer großen Stadt spielt ist eine meiner Jugendlieben. Naturgemäß hält nicht jede Jugendliebe bis ins Erwachsenenalter.

    Aber vielleicht findet sich hier ja eine neue Unterstadt-Liebe…

  • Danke für diese News! Ich hoffe, hier das Shadowrun: Sprawl Ganger zu finden, das nie erschienen ist.

    • … Irokesen-Schnitt? Check …Elfen, Zwerge Orks? Check. beim Troll könnte man noch Hörner ankleben 🙂 Das ist schon sehr nah an Shodowrun 🙂

      • Kein Wunder. Opti bzw. O.C. Presley gehört sowohl zu den Freelance-Mitarbeitern als auch zum Shadowcaster-Network mit seinem Neo-Anarchist-Podcast. Die Fragging Unicorns sind zudem auch eine Band im Shadowrun-Universum.

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